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T.M.C. Offic

19th February 1965
Page 43
Page 43, 19th February 1965 — T.M.C. Offic
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ers, 1965-66 TRANSPORT Managers' Club officers elected for 1965-66 include the allowing:—

London Area President, Mr. C. Clark; hairman, Mr. C. Massey, Cypricn-Fox 'ransport Ltd.; secretary, Mr. F. A. Vornell, Pinchin, Johnson and Associates. Midland Area: President, Mr. W. French, ransport manager, Vono Ltd.; chairman, .1r. W. Fisher, managing director, Fishers Ad.; secretary, Mr. C. H. Gay, Raillery )wen and Co. Ltd.

Liverpool Area : President, Mr. J. G. "ariffiths. Miller and Gordon Ltd.; chairman, 4r. P. Bridge. James Bridge (St. Helens)

ad.: secretary, Mr. J. Mullineaux. Manchester Area: President, Mr. A. B. 1Tarson, Frederick Carson Ltd.; chairman, +tr. K. M. C. Stoneham, Sheffield Haulage aid Storage Ltd.; secretary. Mr. .1. B. Wild, N.M.U. (1953) Ltd.

East Lancashire Area : President, Mr. G. Glover, Harrington and Dewhurst Ltd.; chairman, Mr. W. Holgate, Wm. Holgate Ltd.; secretary, Mr. C. Bolton, Ribblesdale Coachways Ltd.

Northampton Area : President, Mr. J. A. Sheldon, B.R.S. Ltd.; chairman, Mr. R. A. Smith, C. H. Smith and Son Ltd.; secretary. Mr. G. Starr, C. Butt Ltd.

Newcastle Area President, Mr. T. Brooke-Davison; chairman. Mr. D. Macdougall, Pickfords Removal and Storage Service: secretary, Mr. J. T. Sharkey, Park Row Transport Ltd.

Tees-side Area : President, M. W. V. Golding, Dorman Long (Steel) Ltd.; chairman, Mr. A. Darley, 11, L. Walker Ltd.; secretary, Mr. J. Eason, R. Durham and Sons.