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Hardship Caused by Rail Fares

18th September 1953
Page 39
Page 39, 18th September 1953 — Hardship Caused by Rail Fares
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

kRDSHIP suffered by people who could not afford the rail fare from Midlands to,,Scogand was referred y a Ministry of Transport inspector, E. C. P. Lascelles, in his observa; on an appeal by the Railway :utive.

ie appeal was against the East MidLicensing Authority's decision to t permission to Thistle Services iefield), Ltd., to pick up and set n passengers at Leicester and iingham on their express service Ten Corby and Glasgow. It was iissed with costs.

le appellants claimed that abstracof traffic from the railways would erious. The railways had to operate ( throughout the year, and many of services were uneconomic. It Id, they said, be wasteful to allow :w operator to take the week-end ic away from the railways.

rent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., and th Western Road Car Co., Ltd., subed that in granting the variation of litions the Licensing Authority had Igly ignored the services they pro d via Manchester at a fare from tingham equal to that of Thistle, ie respondents replied that the it and North Western services hed Manchester five minutes after the Ribble service was due to .leave. No connection was advertised and there were no proper facilities for prebooking.

In dismissing the appeal the Minister did not endorse Mr. Lascelles' opinion on hardship caused by rail fares.