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Keep trucks in their place

17th March 1994, Page 7
17th March 1994
Page 7
Page 7, 17th March 1994 — Keep trucks in their place
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

MI Local authorities should encourage the relocation of distribution and operating centres so they use the most suitable freight routes, say the Departments of Transport and Environment.

A joint planning guidance document published this week says that developments attracting large amounts of freight movements should be sited away from congested and residential areas. Local authorities should use their powers under the Road Traffic Act to ban unsuitable types of traffic from certain roads, it says.

Plans should aim to reduce the need for trunk roads and should identify routes reserved as corridors for movement where development will be resisted. Environment Secretary John Gummer says policies such

as fuel taxation and road prlcing can be more effective with positive planning.

CI The British Roads Federation says figures from the Department of Transport's Transport Report 1994 reveal that the DOT will be spending £35m less on road maintenance, £245m less for road construction and 1127m less on local roads. The DOT now plans to spend £46m less on national roads during 1994/95 than it had predicted last year.