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Malcolm Millard MGM Haulage Flexiord, Southampton Road haulage veteran Millard,

15th December 2005
Page 39
Page 39, 15th December 2005 — Malcolm Millard MGM Haulage Flexiord, Southampton Road haulage veteran Millard,
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has been in the business for more than 50 years and is staunchly in favour of the new dryer training measures.

But like many others, he wants to see training extend from behind the wheel to other duties, such as learning about load stability or checking the condition of the vehicle as a matter of routine.

Malcolm Millard

-There should be more training after a

driver passes the test," he says. "They should have to go out for a week or so and learn all types of things, like loading and sheeting, carrying steel, or doing daily vehicle checks."

Millard's port is that irrespective of how rarely drivers need to perform these tasks, they only need to get it wrong once for it to result in terrible consequences.

"A lot of drivers these days have a don't care' attitude." says this specialist mover of classic trucks and coaches.