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Neil James Hunts of Redditch Removals firm boss Neil James

15th December 2005
Page 38
Page 38, 15th December 2005 — Neil James Hunts of Redditch Removals firm boss Neil James
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has been running his Redditch, Worcs-based business for 15 years, specialising in international and domestic removals.

He is in favour of training, but is convinced that today's drivers would benefit from the kind of basic coaching that leaves them with a better understanding of mechanics.

"I would find it much more of an advantage if they knew how trucks worked, or learned the basic principles of how an engine works. Years ago I went on a young drivers' training scheme, which involved a two-week college course that was mostly based on mechanics.

"I've just had two lads go through the scheme and mechanics didn't even come into it. They're not even learning what makes an engine go."