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Adam Purshall TM Logistics ;Manley, Worcestershire

15th December 2005
Page 37
Page 37, 15th December 2005 — Adam Purshall TM Logistics ;Manley, Worcestershire
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Adam Purshall is contract manager in a company that employs 400 people and runs 200 vehicles.

Like many in the industry, he fully agrees with the principle of improving road safety but in an industry where profit margins are squeezed to the bone, the question of who pays is crucial. If employers have to pay for existing drivers to undergo regular training, the cost of the course is just one factor, he points out.

"There's the downtime from a vehicle that's sitting in the yard doing nothing," he says. "In principle, the Directive should be commended. We've got to become more professional and have a better image if we want to get people coming into the industry.

"But it's becoming increasingly difficult to do that and the cost of achieving an HGV licence is already fairly extortionate. This is just an added cost." Adam Purshall