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Previously jailed haulier awaits TC's decision on fresh licence application

15th December 2005
Page 34
Page 34, 15th December 2005 — Previously jailed haulier awaits TC's decision on fresh licence application
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A SOUTHAMPTON HA I. LIER who was jailed for eight years in 1999 for conspiracy involving money laundering and the importation of cannabis must wait to see if his bid for a fresh 0-licence is successful.

Locks Heath-based Kenneth Roy Simmonds was seeking a licence for one vehicle and one trailer before Western Traffic Commissioner Philip Brown at a Bristol public inquiry.

Simmonds, who is currently operating under interim authority, said his previous licence had expired in The TC must decide if the six years that have elapsed since the 2002. He did general conviction are sufficient for Simmonds' repute to be restored. haulage work at the time. He had trans ferred money on three occasions and had known it was wrong, but had not asked questions. He had also brought parcels into the UK.

• Simmonds, who was released from prison in 2003, said he wanted to forget the past. He had a good contract and was handling express dispatches and shunting work to Nottingham and back.

Nominated transport manager Dale Gray said he had known Simmonds for more than 10 years and would not be before the TC if he had any doubts about him. He had everything in place and if a licence was granted he would take it seriously and make the business work.

Defending, Ralph Cropper said Simmonds had got in with a had crowd in the transport game as a driver. He was now a reformed character.