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Iceland drivers win

15th December 2005
Page 12
Page 12, 15th December 2005 — Iceland drivers win
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new 4% pay deal

Iceland thaws its pay freeze for almost 100 drivers in the face of strike threats. Guy Sheppard reports.

NEARLY 100 DRIVERS who deliver for Iceland have won a substantial pay increase despite the food retailer operating a nationwide pay 1 IeCZe.

The Transport & General Workers Union says the drivers, and 200 warehouse staff at Iceland's Enfield depot in North London. are the firm's only workers to win a pay rise this year.

Although the deal is with logistics contractor Wincanton, the union claims Iceland had a veto on any pay rise.

A T&G spokesman says: "We've taken the view very clearly that the employer here is Wincanton and it's up to it to say how they are financing it."

Following a threat of strike action, the drivers will receive a £540 lump sum for the seven months to March 2006: the union says it is worth 4%.

The basic hourly rate remains at £10, but Wincanton has agreed to start paying the employees overtime for weekends and introduce a new productivity bonus.

Wincanton has declined to comment on the deal but the union says that it only applies to the Enfield depot.

-Wincanton works on the basis of local bargaining — while they may have a number of contracts within a particular company, they won't negotiate with the recognised union on a national basis," says the T&G spokesman.