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Fit those fog lights today!

14th September 1979
Page 6
Page 6, 14th September 1979 — Fit those fog lights today!
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IN JUST OVER two week time the new regulatioi governing the fitting of re fog lamps come into force.

As from October 1, no vehicles, including trailei manufactured after that do must be fitted with one or ti rear fog lamps.

Where only one lamp used, it must be on the offsi of the vehicle. The lamps mt be at least 250mm but n more than 1 metre from t ground. An important poi and one on which sor vehicles may be failing, is tt the rear fog lamps must not less than 100mm (about 4 away from the vehicle's bra lights. So any operators w have fitted these fog lam themselves should check ti they are not too near the bra lights.

Finally, the regulations also make it illegal to have n fog lamps wired into t brake-light circuit so that tt act as another pair of St lights.

Although the regulatic only make the fog lamp compulsory on vehicles a trailers manufactured af October 1, the Department Transport urges that own and operators of vehicles E trailers should also fit lamps (complying with I same fitting .regulations) existing vehicles to ME driving in fog and bad visibi that much safer.

COINCIDING with the f thcoming introduction of new rear fog-light regulatit the Society of Mo Manufacturers and Trad has brought out a set recommendations as a re; of discussions with vett] makers and operators. recommendations are signed to help operators N may have problems w existing tractor-to-trailer e trical connectors if rear lamps are fitted.

The recommendations to appear on an illustrated formation sheet later in year, but CM will be giving basic instructions next wet