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Rigids make the pace on UK roads

14th April 1994, Page 8
14th April 1994
Page 8
Page 8, 14th April 1994 — Rigids make the pace on UK roads
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The number of rigid CVs registered in the UK has risen by more than 30% since 1981, says a new report from the Department of Transport. The tractor and semi-trailer fleets have grown by 6% and 7% respectively.

However the total number of trucks running on our roads rose by 47% in the same period, helped by an increase in the number of foreign operators.

Some other European countries are reporting much larger rises in their CV fleets, says the DOT: the number of rigids in the Irish Republic has doubled.

• Diesel consumption rose by 93% in the decade to 1991, compared with a 28% rise in the use of petrol.