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Eastleigh road-rail complex

12th October 1979
Page 6
Page 6, 12th October 1979 — Eastleigh road-rail complex
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A NEW E600,000 freight co plex including a private I siding was opened by Young Transport Ltd, at ER leigh, Hampshire, on Tuesd An award of £100,000 N made by the Secretary of St for Transport and the Sec tary of State for Scotia under section eight of 1 Transport Act, towards t cost. This included £25,000 the improvement of rail fa ities at the company's ot rail complex at Glengarnc Scotland, which is also ser by British Rail Speed L. freight service.

The Eastleigh site v jointly declared open by Peter Parker, chairman of I and John Silbermann, ch man of the RHA.

Sir Peter said the new cc plex showed that road and are coming together in " commonwealth of transpo He added: "Co-operation 1 ween rail, hauliers and tributorS is the outstand development today," um Section eight, he said 13 gra worth £3.5m had b( awarded so far this year.

John Silbermann said RHA welcomed road/rail operation; the years of conf had long gone and 0: remained in the minds of media and vested inter groups.