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Cold war

12th November 1992
Page 7
Page 7, 12th November 1992 — Cold war
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The receiver at Clarke Foods issued an injunction against Exel Logistics last week to force the NFC subsidiary into releasing almost £700,000 worth of goods being held until the ice cream manufacturer settles an outstanding distribution bill.

Failure notes

• Candidates who fail the LGVIPCV driving test are to be given a written report detailing their faults under new procedures from the Driving Standards Agency.

Water wheels

• The DOT is compiling a report on identifying ways to encourage the possible switch of freight traffic from road to water.

Severn more

• Severn Bridge tolls will increase from £8.40 to £9.30 for HGVs and from £5.60 to £6.20 for vans next January. Operators will be able to buy 1992 tickets until 11 December and will be refunded until 31 March for any that are unused.

Bottleneck alert

• The Freight Transport Association warns only 10 trucks an hour are clearing the Irun crossing on the Spanish/French border, where forwarding agents look set to work to rule until Christmas. It says officials are also working to rule on the Italian/Austrian border at Brenner.

No incentive

• The Government has rejected calls by the Royal Commission for tax incentives to be offered to truck and bus operators who specify low-emission engines before they become mandatory. It says emission standards are sufficient.