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saves you time, trouble and money-500 ways.

12th June 1970, Page 30
12th June 1970
Page 30
Page 31
Page 30, 12th June 1970 — saves you time, trouble and money-500 ways.
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A smack in the eye for the downtime bogey One of the biggest worries Management faces in truck operation is lost profits through excessive downtime.

So Bedford have done their best to beat it for you. Two ways. By building Britain's toughest trucks. And by operating a 500-unit Exchange Service.

In simple terms the service means you (or your Bedford Dealer) take out the old unit and put in the reconditioned one. And by doing so save all the labour that would otherwise be wasted on repairs. And get a complete factoryfresh unit.

So in next to no time your vehicle's back on the road earning money.

Cutting costs without cutting corners You save hours of skilled men's time that would be lost stripping down and re-assembling. The job is reduced to simple removal and replacement of the unit as a whole. And, of course, Bedford Exchange Units are built with the same

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care and precision as the original unit so they're covered by an 'as new' warranty. They cost less too. Many units exchanged this way cost 45% less than new. 500 ways to stop vehicles lying idle Need a gearbox? A clutch? A windscreen wiper motor? Bedford dealers stock some 500 different exchange units, some for vehicles dating way back. Computerised stock control and modern Warehousing methods means we get them to our dealers faster than.some makers could ship a single replacement part.

Bedford,the professionals Factory-Exchange Unit Service is only one way Bedford helps keep you in the black. Fixed-cost Guardian Maintenance, a Bedford exclusive, is another. It offers complete vehicle inspection and maintenance at an agreed fixed cost.

Then there's Bedford's 100 Test Centres, equipped to test your vehicles in accordance with the M.o.T. inspection card. And to correct faults at a time that suits your schedule. Not the Ministry's.

Bedford Cares Talk to your Bedford Dealer soon. Ask him about Factory Exchange Units, particularly. He's there to help you.