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5th April 1968, Page 93
5th April 1968
Page 93
Page 93, 5th April 1968

Boxing Clever

kccording to boxing promoter Mike Barratt here is little difference between the "noble trt" and haulage—and who should know )etter? Mike, who was at one time managing lirector......

* Fighting Shy

One thing Barbara's Bill could do is cut out half-hearted licence applications and trivial objections. A Northern colleague tells me of a Yorkshire area case where a C-licensee......

*encouraging Tinkle

There is a rather crude old phrase about putting your money where your mouth is. According to the RHA's director general, George Newman, that is exactly what trade and industry......

* Olympian Signature

Northern editor Ashley Taylor was puzzled by a familiar signature on a definitely nontransport letter in his post recently: "John Hanlon". Yes, it was the Northern LA all right,......

* Those Damned Dots . . .

I am amused to see that the Birmingham branch of NALGO has put forward a resolution about decimal currency for discussion at the union's annual conference in June. The branch......

*red Letter Day

John Backhouse, the well-known advocate of the North Western traffic courts has two reasons to remember June 22 1967. Last week he learned that the Minister had upheld his......