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13th April 1989, Page 7
13th April 1989
Page 7
Page 7, 13th April 1989

Industry Prepares Ti Beat Dockers

• As Commercial Motor went to press on Tuesday, hauliers were bracing themselves for a national dock strike. Most hauliers we spoke to seem to favour the Government's line on......

Cardiff's Tender Clear-up

• Cardiff council workers have won a 215.5-million contract from the council to clear up the city's litter — but at the cost of 75 jobs. The tender still needs approval from the......

Vos Toter Tes

• Volvo is to test trucks and buses fitted with particulate filters designed to reduce emissions. Laboratory tests using filters with integrated catalysts have reduced......

Rakes Regs Scare

• Operators running tractive units registered after 1 April should ensure that their trailers have been modified to avoid brake failure. These tractive units must be built to......

Truck Sales Surge Iveco Ford Slips

• CV registrations rose by over 13.5% in March to 36,186 — the highest level for the month since 1973. With a 0.28% fall in registrations compared with March 1988, Iveco Ford's......