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12th February 1954, Page 37
12th February 1954
Page 37
Page 37, 12th February 1954

O Pposing Views Seem To Be Held By Licensing Authorities As

to the possibility of replacing rigid vehicles by articulated outfits, and vice versa, under special A licences. The Yorkshire Licensing Authority says that it is legal to do so......

B.r.s. Unit "redundant"

COME amplification of the report b..) that Crook and Willington Carriers, Ltd., Bishop Auckland, have purchased a transport unit (see opposite page) emerged in a case heard by......

Airmen Prefer Road Travel

F HE airman at St. Athan who lives in Birmingham cannot catch the 5.43 p.m. train home on Friday evenings because he cannot finish duty before 5 p.m. In any case, he prefers to......

By-passing France

VV HEN Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., applied for the renewal of a licence to operate to Ringway Airport, Manchester, on Monday, a representative said: " People on this tour [to......

High Prices For B.r.s. Units

H iGHprices were being paid for some of the vehicles bought from British Road Services, said Mr. 3, S. Wright at the annual dinner of the Wolverhampton branch of the Industrial......