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9th October 1959
9th October 1959
Page 1
Page 1, 9th October 1959

Page 27

A Supreme Asset

E VEN the vast expenditure envisaged in the current reappraisal of the railways' modernization scheme can become superficially...

Page 28

Playing at Politics

E VENTS connected with last week's opening of the flyover on the Great West Road in West London were both unfortunate and...

Electronic Pointer

I F ever an organization reflected the character of the man at the top it is the Pointer group, of Norwich, whose latest...

Page 29

Sir William Black

S I crossed Berkeley Square to that sedate house where Sir William Black guides the destinies of some of the most significant...

"Our Willie Built That!"

He likes to tell a story which he describes as "accurate enough." During the launching of a ship there comes a brief moment of...

Page 30

Lorry Thefts Soar: London the Country's Black Spot

TWO-THIRDS of the total number of lorry thefts occur in the London I area. Nearly all the thefts of vehicles or loads in the...

To Moscow in 34 Hours Running Time

FROM JOHN MOON MOSCOW, Monday. A FTER covering 1,713 road miles in a Thames-Duple . 20-seat coach in 44 hours 57 minutes, I...

Wages Council Give Holiday Concession

O NLY one of the four demands by the workers' side for improved conditions was conceded immediately by the Road Haulage Wages...


'T'HE Transport Tribunal on Tuesday their decision on an appeal which concerned breach of normal-user conditions. A. and E....


'THE presidential address entitled, " The A Engineer, Life and Diesel Engines," will be delivered by Mr. H. Desmond Carter to...

Page 31

Weights of Light Eight-wheelers

Not Accepted by Mr. Hanlon FROM G. DUNCAN JEWELL—NEWCASTLE, Monday ("LA1MS that an engineer employed by K. and B. Motors...

Yorkshire Excursion Fight Reopens

E XCURSIONS of Heaps Tours, Ltd., 1 -4 Leeds, had been suffering falls in receipts and passengers for several years, and the...

Tribunal Hear Echo of Extra-axle Case

Y ET another case involving the addition of an axle and an increase in unladen weight came before the Transport Tribunal in...

Page 32

Men in the News

MR. IAN A. Ross, secretary of Kerry's (Gt. Britain), Ltd., has been appointed to the board. MR. ROGER PERROT has been...


A N entirely new transport post, that of road safety officer, has been created by Schweppes, Ltd., with the appointment of Mr....


WE regret to announce the deaths of MR. EDMOND W. CROMBIE and MR. CLIFFORD J. DODSON. Mr. Crombie was formerly with the...

Micrograms. . .

New Bus Garage: Sheffield Corporation are spending £13,000 on converting their Shoreham Street tram depot into a bus garage....


A COMPLETE railway station, at Ilkeston, Derbys, has been bought by the Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd., who propose to use...


A BOUT 50 members of the French 1 -1 Society of Welding Engineers will take part in a joint autumn meeting with the Institute...

Page 33

Papers For Two Lo. T. Sections

A REGULAR programme of talks will 1-1 be held during the winter session by the Midland Section of the Institute of Transport at...


T HE automatic' centrifugal clutches fitted to Leyland passenger vehicles are proving to be more economical in the use of fuel...

Page 34

"Cities Must Have Modern • Public Transport"

solution [of the traffic problem] is likely to be found unless full use is made of a modernized public transport system for...

RAG EXTENSION REFUSED VOU have been operating illegally 1 and

1 am not satisfied that there is need for an additional vehicle," said Mr. J. H. Randolph, Yorkshire Deputy Licensing...

Improving Service Sheffield

L EYLAND Atlantean 78-seat buses I— , would provide a better public service and improve the standards of employees in...


T HE profit and loss account for Gloucester Transport Department's buses showed a surplus on last year's working of £17,937....


F OLLOWING quickly upon criticism of the national wages agreement in municipal . passenger transport at the annual conference...

• •

in Works Bus Decision to M.P.T.A. A DECISION by the Western Traffic Commisioners, which prevented Swindon Borough Council...

RIBBLE BREAKDOWN FIGURE nPERATING figures published by 1 .-0 1 Ribble Motor

Services, Ltd., show that the company's coach and bus fleets averaged only one breakdown for every 300,000 miles covered in the...

COACH-A1R LICENCE GRANTED A LICENCE for a coach-air tour to

rA Scotland was granted at Chesterfield last week to Sheffield United Tours, Ltd. Passengers from Sheffield will be taken by...


Minister of Transport's proposal to authorize an increase in the weight of tankers with more than six wheels has been expressed...

Page 35

Standard Reorganized to Sell More Effectively

70 other subsidiaries have been put operation. They are Standardnph Group Services, Ltd., and lard-Triumph Sales, Ltd. Beans...

CONCESSION FARES BILL PRIVATE Member's Bill to deal, imong other

things. with concession may be promoted by Newcastle Tyne City Council. The Parliamen:ommittee are recommending it. The :il...

M AT TONAL policy, in terwork ing,

/ I clearing houses, taxation, insurance and licensing are some of the subjects covered in 17 resolutions to be placed before...

Page 36

Grocers Band Together: Support Applicant

THE secretary of a wholesale grocery concern said at Leeds on Monday that 83 Bradford grocers had banded together to try to...

1960 I.B.C.A.M. COMPETITIONS B US, coach and tractor-cab designs are sought

in the 1960 drawing and handicraft competitions of the Institute of British - Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers, 50 Pall...

BULK CORNFLOUR MOVEMENT WHAT was claimed to be the first

road VI' movement of cornflour in bulk has been made by Brown and Poison, Ltd.. from their new factory at Trafford Park,...


A NEW service and assembly plant, costing £250,000. is being erected in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, for the Rootes Group....

Big Increase in Chemicals Traffic F OLLOWING a large increase in

the carriage of chemicals at the beginning of the year, Mr. E. Walker, Salford, applied before Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, North...

Fire Officers See Latest Unimog

A NEW heavy-duty tender, the Unimog-S, was demonstrated by John Kerr and Co. (Manchester), Ltd., Kirkby, Liverpool,...

Page 41

Objectors Demand More Details

IPERATIONAL figures presented by Bulk Liquid Transport, Ltd., did not 'fain all the information required by objectors; the...

1.U.R. Plan Restriction on Roads

ESTR1CTION of Aand B-licence • holders to certain areas and strict ltrol of C-licence transport are proJed by the National...

Vehicles Left on Road Must Be Taxed A S a result

of certain provisions in the Finance Act, 1959, all vehicles left standing on public roads for any period must, from now...


THE Northern Ireland Road Haulage Wages Council state that the Ministry of Labour have set out a new statutory minimum scale...


1 - 1 A PLAN to experiment with a one man-operated bus on some routes has been put off by West Bridgfor0 Urban District...


D EGISTRATIONS of new commercial vehicles in July were the highest for the year at 24,299, the previous best being in January,...

Page 42

Random Accidents Seldom Occur : Police Opinion Contested

A CCIDENTS seldom occurred completely at random and without apparent cause, said Mr. J. T. Duff, senior traffic engineer of the...

Lorry Suspended for Change of' Base

T HE unauthorized change of base of five lorries from Penrith to Dundee, more than two e years ago, resulted in a penalty being...


'THE A licence of Messrs. G. Plant, 1 Macclesfield, was suspended for three months by Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, North Western Deputy...


IT was decided last week by Norfolk 1 County Council to proceed with' a scheme to bay stretches of the old 180mile-long Midland...

PAINT MAKERS UNITE HE two subsidiaries of Blundell Spence and

Co., Ltd., paint manufacturers— Vulcan Products, Ltd., and John J. Bowater, Ltd.—will cease to trade on November 1. They will...

Page 43

ayroll Protection tends to Midlands

Armoured Car Co., Ltd., Slough, ho operate five vehicles in the politan area and specialize in the ion and delivery of...


in previous years, a restricted nount of waitin g in certain streets allowed for visitors to the Motor at Earls Court, London,...


T HE pro g ramme of the Yorkshire section of the Institute of Transport for 1959-60 will include " Some economic problems of...


A PLAN for the hire purchase of vehicles introduced last week by Broadwalk Investments, Ltd., 11 Victoria Parade, London. N.10,...

.8,600 Earnings Not Exceptional

EARNINGS of £8,600 made by a 7 tonner over two years were not exceptional, Mr. W. E. S q uire, Bloxwich, the owner, told Mr....


A BALANCE of transport facilities had to be taken into consideration besides customers' wishes, remarked Mr. G. W. Duncan,...

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Dgie Conversion By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. I NCREASING popularity of thirdaxle conversions has led to the evolution of a...

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By JANUS W HILSrmost of the Election literature is now being consigned to the bonfire, some of the comments that have been...

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Gas-powered Stacker

tOPANE gas is the fuel used for a new hand3ropelled Brimpex stacker manufactured by the astrial Machine and Equipment Co....

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By the Technical Editor Public Service Vehicle Annual Inspection—Large Operator A S any operator of a public service vehicle...

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Lack of Uniformity with Normal Users

By G. Duncan Jewell D IFFERING views held by Licensing Authorities on normal users continue to cause concern. Complaints of...

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Conditions to Consent

H AVE Traffic Commissioners the power to attach conditions to a consent? This question arose in a case in the Northern Area...

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Mobile Dynamometer for M.I.R.A.

T O augment a conventional trailer-type vehicle dynamometer in use since 1949, the Motor Industry Research Association,...

New Car Designs Point the Way

D ESIGN trends that may have an application to commercial vehicles are represented by two new private cart; writes P. A. C....

Page 61

Underground Deliveries in London?

_THOUGH London Transport never fail to miss an opportunity to complain about the effect of traffic ;estion upon their buses,...

New Guy Bus Almost Complete

IE first Guy Wulfrunian low-height louble-decker is nearing completion ic bodyworks of Charles H. Roe, Leeds. This interesting...

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Those Ten

Items of Expense Costs of Operating Vehicles May Be Grouped Into Standing and Running Charges .• Past Results and Future...

Page 65

Canadian Product to be Shown at Olympia

TRACTOR made by Bombardier Snowmobile, Ltd., Quebec, Canada, be shown at the Building Exhibition, lyrnpia. London, from...

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• Coritintiotisspray' injection

A CCORD1NG to patent No. 817,677, .rt the advantages, of petrol injection are offset by the cost of injection pumps and the...