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9th April 1983
9th April 1983
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Page 1, 9th April 1983

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The not so great experiments

URBAN TRANSPORT developments which have attracted the interest of the Department of Transport in recent weeks carry no great...

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Thrown out

HAULIERS have rejected the Transport and General Workers Union's demand for a two-tier wage bargaining structure. The Road...

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Tests: fee up 12pc?

ANOTHER 12 per cent increase in heavy goods vehicle test fees is looming this summer, before the test stations are sold to...

DTp rigid on downplating

OPERATORS will get no reprieve from the Department of Transport if they cannot have their 38-tonne tractive units downplated to...

Norfolk Line in the clear

HEAVY GOODS vehicles registered abroad will not be required to have sideguards as a condition of operating in Britain....

Ground room

A RESTRICTION is to be im posed on the minimum grounc clearance of lorries to avoid thc risk of grounding at level-cross ings,...

BRS Rental

BRITISH ROAD Services opener another truck rental location at Bridgwater, Somerset — las week. Eight vehicles, rangint from...

Howe 'wrong', says MP

A WARNING that hauliers' profits could be slashed by the new rates of tax on heavy lorries has come from an MP. Selly Oak Tory...

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Tachos for bakers

EAD VAN owners could be faced with the need to fit tachographs heir vehicles, following a High Court ruling before Easter....

Merc launches its sixes

The new 2421 range, which places the 2419, will get its St British airing at the Tipcon hibition in Harrogate next onth. The...

Brigg the gap

A FURTHER 9.2km (5.75 miles) dual carriageway section of the A180 trunk road in South Humberside has been opened, linking Brigg...

Permit peering

THE SHORTAGE of international road haulage permits has not caused any frustration of British exports. The House of Lords Select...

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lench trouble over new UK weights?

R FROM BEING a step lords harmonisation, the new tish weight limits coming o force next month are likely cause French...

M54 repairs

FURTHER REPAIRS to the M54 Telford-Wellington motorway are due to start after Easter and will last well into the summer. The...

Diesel costs

THE AVERAGE price of diesel oil in the UK is 37p per litre at the pumps, about 0.5p dearer than petrol. This compares with a...

13 per cent Dover rise

FREIGHT VEHICLES using the port of Dover increased by 13 per cent during the first two months of 1983 compared with 1982. A...

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EEC sees growt

DESPITE signs of an economic recovery, the EEC Commission forecasts for the fourth year running another drop in the volume of...

Date-to-date ruled out

HOPES of introducing date-t date licensing on vehicles f excise duty have been dashr by the Government. Transport Under...

Case delayed

MORE THAN 50 allegatior involving drivers' hours and censing offences against Sufic, haulier Barry Norman and fin of his...

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Bailey to Suttons

SUTFONS Truck Rental of St Helens, has taken on Alan Bailey as fleet maintenance manager with full responsibility for the...

Gasman cometh

BARRY JENNINGS has become fleet motor transport engineer at British Gas headquarters in London. He will be responsible for the...

Volvo's man

MATS OLA PALM has become vice-president of marketing at Volvo Truck Corporation in Gothenburg, Sweden. He succeeds Bertil...

FTA Lincolnshire elections

ALL THE officers of the Lincolnshire divisional committee of the Freight Transport Association have been re-elected for a...

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oodbye gearboxe!

Inaen i ous si LEYLAND is developing a continuously variable transmission which the company claims may replace manual or...

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Road-speed limiter

A VARIABLE road-speed limiter for commercial vehicles has been introduced by Romatic of Derwent Street trading estate,...

Automatic weighbridge

A STATIC weighbridge control system, which will weigh vehicles Into and out of a plant without the need for a weighbridge...

Tank goes gas

AFTER securing a £375,000 contract with Unigas, Tankfreight part of National Freight, has extended its range of services into...

'Disc brakes too small'

MOST of the development pro lems encountered by di: brakes in a commercial vehi4 application are caused by ti inadequate size...

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Leyland flywheel to cut fuel bills

EYLAND VEHICLES is investisting the use of a high-speed ywheel,for the storing of iergy as part of a regenerative raking...

Fiat third axle converts

EUROAXLES of Tunstall, Lancashire, has carried out a third axle conversion to a Fiat 170 belonging to Red and Son of...

Army Bedfords

THE MINISTRY of Defence has ordered 200 Bedford TM 4-4 allwheel-drive lorries at a cost of £6m. The vehicles come in two...

Cargo sleeper cabs

:ORD is developing a sleeper cab for all models in the Cargo range lown to nine tonnes gross. Six Cargos so equipped will go...

Cartransport's Scanias

CARTRANSPORT has bought seven Scania P82M 5.4m (17ft 6in) wheelbase, 4x2 chassis cab-based transporters, at a total cost of...

Sideguard regulations

THE SIDEGUARD regulations due to come into force on May 1 have been amended to cover the difficulties encountered by trombone...

DTp ruling

INTERNAL partitions within a trailer or trailer van must count as part of the load space, according to the Department of...

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Free guides

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Cou Council hopes to build on an crease in demand for bus vices in Kettering by circulat free redesigned...

Wight way

SOUTHERN VECTIS, the Is1( Wight National Bus subsidii has started the first regular change National Express co services to...

Could Leylani lose out?

A HINT that the National Company's pro-Leyland bu) policy may be ended in fir was given last week by chairman Lord Shepherd....

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Van Rooijen hits Britain

UTCH coachbuilder Van Rooin has now delivered the first ritish specification Odyssee )och body to its UK distributor, .K.S....


CROSS-SUBSIDY has an important role in keeping many bus services running. By taking money from a profitable service and...

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Multi-purpose washer

LATEST VERSION of the Trimline pressure washer from G. C. Ogle & Sons is the TLE 1450 petrol-driven model, which , operates at...

Mintex brake discs

WITH MORE and more light vehicles using front-wheel disc brakes, Mintex has decided to add brake discs themselves to its...

Single-handed tyre changes

THE RISK OF INJURY when removing or refitting heavy commercial vehicle wheels is likely to be substantially reduced if...

Portable brazing tool

ALGIN AIR is now the sole distributor to the motor trade • a portable brazing tool that cal be operated from an ordinary amp...

Ring of confidence

NORMA PRODUCTS has a new hose clamp, the "T" bolt heavy duty. It's reckoned to be particularly useful in areas where high...

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A flawed beauty.

Visibility problems and a voracious appetite make Diana a demanding mistress, but there's reward in the easeful comfort. Noel...

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Juggernauts and crosses

OUR INDUSTRY's image in the public eye grows daily more important, and it therefore becomes essential that the impression given...

Who's a cowboy?

IN YOUR MARCH 12 issue Andy Robertson is on his cowboy horse again. The farmers on the F licence, the clearing houses and the...

Put cheapo brakes on the skids

THANK YOU Tim Blakemore for your article in the March 19 issue bringing readers' attention to the problems of reconditioned air...

Do we need a new institute?

I SEE from Commercial Motor of March 5 that a new institute — the Institute of Road Transport Management — has been set up with...

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Oh! What a lovely bodge-up

HOW CULPABLE were the road planners who failed to foresee that drains and gulleys on motorways might become blocked by debris...

Rail commuters go over the wall

BY DEFECTING to coaches, particularly in north Kent, London rail commuters have destroyed the illusion that they are a captive...

Now he draws pints instead of trailers

I HAD A pleasant surprise when I chanced to spend a night at the charming South Lawn Hotel at Milford-on-Sea, Hants. There...

It all began in Huddersfield

MUNICIPAL passenger transport in Great Britain is 100 years old. It began in 1883 with a steam tramway in Huddersfield, ..a...

Thieves give rental firm a boost

AS reliability in transport is No 1 priority for smash-and-grab raiders, Peter Butler, managing director of U Drive Rental, of...

Bus that is steered by a committee

A 20-MINUTE video tape on the Sharrington community bus, which since 1976 has provided a life line for six remote Norfolk...

Dogs demand equal rights on buses

SOUTHERN VECTIS has caused dismay and anger throughout the canine world by a condition attached to the issue of dog rover...

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Our updated list includes 476 tachograph calibration and checking _centres

in England, Scotland and Wales. Besides all the centres meeting the full requirements of the Department of Transport, our guide...

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• Exciting promises in experimental tankers

A small Swedish design firm has come up with a range of lightweight tankers that can carry dangerous goods. The payload...

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Controlling engine temperature, 6

FITTED BY SOME and approved by most UK heavy vehicle manufacturers, the Dynair Thermo Fan Clutch System provides positive...

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Breaking into London

ir an independent bus )erator to compete ith London Transport kes a lot of application Culture Bus, which is been trying since...

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Rules of the road

EVERY WEEK the Continental Freight Drivers' Club offices receive numerous requests from drivers for information ranging from...

*** Stop Press ***

We have just been informed by Routiers France of the recent extensions to the current road restrictions mentioned in the...

International Road Drivers' Union (UICR) 10th General Assembly — Action Report

Those of you who read this page last month will remember the reference to the recent General Assembly in Switzerland. Such...

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Finding Les Routiers

RELAIS ROUTIERS, originally created for heavy transport drivers, have been carefully selected since 1934, and on the Continent,...

Hospitable hostelries

STAY at an Inn (British Tourist Authority; £1.25 postage included) lists 400 country establishments offering good value for...

Heavy haulage in pictures

MOVING MOUNTAINS (Patrick Stephens; £5.95), it is claimed, is the first pictorial book to chart the history and development of...