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8th May 1964
8th May 1964
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Page 1, 8th May 1964

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Bespattered Panorama

O o Monday evening 81 million viewers saw black sheep in road transport highlighted on B.B.C.'s Panorama programme. For the...

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T HE executive committee of the Road Haulage Association has, under powers delegated by the national council, agreed to the...

Govt. Grant Aids Sunderland-London Service

A GOVERNMENT grant worth £6,250 1-1 has enabled Cawthorn and Sinclair Ltd. to start building a £25,000 combined workshop and...

T.D.G. to Clinch Australian Deal

H AVING received acceptances from the holders of more than 75 per cent of the 3,478,000 Ordinary stock units of Cargo...

Latest Smoke Check A N increase in the proportion of smoking

vehicles is reported by the Ministry of Transport in its account of a country-wide smoke check on April 8. Of 25,600...

Brake Tests T HE first series of brake tests on goods

vehicles, undertaken by the Road Research Laboratory at its Crowthorne test track for the Ministry of Transport, has now been...

Another 2-tonner Body

C LOSELY following the announcement of the Junior Pantechnicon body by J. H. Sparshatt and Sons, of Portsmouth (The Commercial...

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Reorganization Plans for Fish Traffic

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT B RITISH RAILWAYS want to reduce the number of fish trains that leave the four main...

R.H.A. Dinner Speakers T HE president of the National Association of

British Manufacturers, Mr. L. A. W. Jenkins, will propose the toast of the Road Haulage Association, at the R.H.A.'s annual...

WAGES ORDER T HE new Road Haulage Wages ()MeiR.H. (78) - became

effective from Monday, May 4. It is obtainable as Statutory Instrument 1964 No, 537 from H.M. Stationery Office, price 2s.

Still 'In Transit A SUCCESSFUL claim was made last week in

the High Court by A. Tomlinson (Hauliers) Ltd., of Nottingham, for payment under an insurance policy following the theft of 7...

Advice on Packing A SMALL booklet entitled "Safe transit" was

issued on Monday by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, State House, High Holborn, London, W.C.1, from where...

New Wages Calculator

A REVISED edition of the Headlight PA Wages Calculator was published on Monday, price 2s. 6d., or 3s. postage paid from 46...

COMPROMISE ON MOBILE SHOPS BAN T HE Northern division of the

Traders Road Transport Association has negotiated a six-month pilot scheme with the WItitehaven Borough Council for a limited...

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High Flying at Morris Show

THE release of 3,50 pigeons at LongI bridge on Tuesday to mark the opening of the Morris Show symbolized the basic purpose of...

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P OLICE authorities in the areas through which motorways pass have

agreed at the request of the Road Haulage Association to allow drivers whose vehicles break down on motorways to telephone...

Ind Coope Drivers Compete

A VERY successful Lorry Driver of r -1 . the Year contest was staged at the Romford brewery last Sunday for drivers of the...

Budleigh Depot Open A T a luncheon in Exeter following the

opening last week of Budleigh Transport Ltd.'s new depot on Marsh Barton trading estate, the R.H.A. chairman, Mr. D. 0. Good,...

A FTER a meeting yesterday morning between representatives of the Road

Haulage Association and Traders Road Transport Association to discuss their reactions to the latest vehicle weights and...

French Tipping Gear for U.K.

A S well as the Benes Marrell skip loading equipment featured by Aero Maintenance Equipment Ltd. at the Mechanical Handling...

W. E. and H. J. Holmes Leave Board THE resignation

of Mr. W. E. Holmes J. and Mr. IL J. Holmes from the board of Cravens Homalloy Ltd. and its associated companies, including...


IF a driver begins to feel sleepy on a JI motorway he should open a window, let in some fresh air and either go to the next...

Odds on Being Caught T HE chances of the driver of

in offending goods vehicle being caught in a check were a good deal shorter than one in every 6,000 vehicle journeys. These...

Propane Prospects

TT was too early to say whether the use of propane gas as bus fuel should be encouraged, said Admiral Hughes-Hallett in the...

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No Long-term Study T HE Prime Minister this week refused to

set under way a study of the longterm technological possibilities and requirements of land transport. He did not believe that a...

0-licence Prosecutions IN the year ending September 30 last I

the Licensing Authorities reported 757 prosecutions for breach of conditions of C licences. Reporting this to the Commons this...

Maidstone Trolleys To Go

O NE of the few remaining trolleybus strongholds is to lose its trolleybuses within four years, following the decision reached...

Glasgow Settlement? D iSCUSSIONS between Glasgow Corporation and representatives of the

6,500 bus workers who have been on strike have resulted in a decision to spend £90,000 on improving spread-over shift payments....

Second Thoughts on Smoking

L AST week Manchester City Council had second thoughts and decided to allow Cllr. A. Logan, chairman of the transport...

Wigan Companies Bought

B Y taking over Smith's Tours (Wigan) Ltd. and Webster Bros. of Wigan last week. Mr. W. Blundell, who started in business with...


FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A GREEMENT between the London I -1 Transport Board and its busmen appeared to be in sight at...

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Men in the News

Mr. Brian G. Stacey, chief engineer of Dennis Bros. Ltd., has been appointed to the board. He joined the company in 1959. At...

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R. Walker Bid Adjourned A N application for 14 vehicles of

53 tons on A licence by Robert Walker (Haulage) Ltd., of Woodford, Cheshire, was adjourned for a future hearing M early June by...

Application for 12

A N allegation that a haulage firm was prepared to undercut local hauliers was made, and denied, during a resumed hearing...

Unopposed B Grant

N unopposed B-licence application 1?y Frank Obank Ltd., of Bradford, for 10 tippers of 52+ tons was granted by the Yorkshire...


E XPERT evidence, called by Baker's Transport (Southampton) Ltd. to show that a trailer licensed by the South Eastern...

Four Vehicles Dele ted from A Licence

cOUR vehicles were removed from the A licence held by Stourbridge Freight Services of Bilston by the West Midland Licensing...

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Minister Rules on Northern Appeals

A PPEALS by Middlesbrough Corporation and Stockton-on-Tees Corporation against decisions of the Northern Traffic Commissioners...

Crosville Appeals Dismissed

A PPEALS on three counts by Crosville Motor Services Ltd., of Chester, have been dismissed by the Minister of Transport....


A N appeal by Kings and Co. Ltd. against refusal by the Scottish Licensing Authority of an application for two low-loaders with...

Inch Gets Two Vehicles on Appeal

A LEITH haulier, George Inch, was successful in his appeal—also before the Tribunal on Tuesday—against the Scottish Licensing...

No Decision on Scottish Fares

W HEN the Scottish Omnibuses group applied for increased fares at Perth last week, objectors included 40 town councils and nine...

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Trailer Weights Specified in Licences

YET ANOTHER ROUND IS LOST W ITH the dismissal by the Queen's 'Bench Divisional Court of the "trailer weight" appeal of Arthur...


BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY B-licensed vehicles were conveniently at hand at any given time when a building contractor became so...

Contract A Licence Earnings

L.A.'s Form Not Acceptable to Customer A N attempt by the Metropolitan PA Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, to ensure...

Not a Mere Technical Point

Result of this test case will affect gravel pit operators with C fleets AST week, at Feitham (Middlesex) magistrates court a...

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JAPANESE CONGRESS EADING British technicians are 1 -4 leaving for Japan

this week-end to attend the 10th International Automobile Technical Congress in Tokyo from May H to 16. Several will be...

Institute Papers A T the Institute of Transport Congress

in Harrogate on June 2-5 the papers will be presented by Sir Reginald Wilson, deputy chairman and managing director of the...

Fork Truck Contest T HE 1964 Fork Truck Driver of the

Year competition will be held at Bingley Hall, Birmingham, on June 24 and 25. As at Brighton last year, the competition will be...

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Arc Welding Hints—Fillet Welding, Downhand VILLET welding refers to the joining 1 of plates at angles to each other, where the...

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and Publications General-purpose Lantern A N inexpensive lantern, the "9006 ", designed to serve many purposes, has now been...

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By The Hawk VIEW 4itilatui Red's Holly'wood-bound D.7, (See 'Midland Red to U.S.A.') qernarkable, Tester Percy "Gad" Hugh,...

Our man expanded the conversation by talking politics. What did

the driver think of the possibility of a new Government nationalizing long-distance road transport? "It would be the worst...

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O N Tuesday the Mechanical Handling Exhibition opened its doors once again at Earls Court, London. The continually increasing...

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H AVING a really handsome advantage in his own category, J. Lawley (Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd.) last Saturday became overall...

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[infield Day at Brighton

HAD never travelled to Brighton on the back of a fire-engine before—but lid it last Sunday. I . went on a 1914 !anis N-type...

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I DON'T know whether it is that Gardner 6LX engines I have gradually been getting better over the years, or whether users of...

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British Units Dominate Dutch Bus Market

By F. K. MOSES distance buses, the town services operating from a running depot near the centre of Haarlem. Maintenance and...

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How to Employ 250 People on the Salaries of Five

[ HAVE already discussed the representation of U.S. operators through the set-up of the American Trucking Associations,...

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The unions wish to have their cake and eat it

ISLIKE and distrust of employers inroad transport can both be seen in two resolutions carried unanimously by the Scottish...

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B.E.T. Omnibus Raises Profits and Dividend N "profit of B.E.T. OMNIBUS SERVICES for the year ending March 31 last jumped to...

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Have Women Taken Over? W ITH regard to "The Hawk's" question (April 3) "When will the fair sex take over, on the buses," this...