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7th March 1975
7th March 1975
Page 1
Page 1, 7th March 1975

Page 21

Lorry routeing:

Signs more hopeful by CM reporter DoE seminar told of cost increases which could result — and SIGNS that the implementation...

Mulley wants only 'feasible' restrictions

THE main problem will lorry routes was restrietirq vehicles "where feasible" sc that they had a minima effect on the...

Page 22

Ron Ellis explains the bus shortage

by CM reporter AN EXPLANATION of the reasons for the continuing shortfall in British Leyland's bus supply position was made at...

'Irresponsible' to spurn heavier lorries

PEOPLE who spurned heavier lorries with the possibilities they offered for cutting costs and saving fuel were "utterly...

Post buses

ENGLAND and Wales now have 24 postal bus services, Mr Neil Carmichael, UnderSecretary DoE, said in the Commons.

Duple's air conditioned coach

AN air-conditioned coach is being developed at the Blackpool works of Duple Coachbuilders. Stone-Platt refrigeration units are...

Savings would hit industry

WITH commercial vehicle production at its lowest since 1967, further energy savings in road transport would cause damage to the...

Page 23

'remise in the docks lack Jones repudiates

• • :herry blossom list' OMISING MOVES e been made this week to the dispute which has n crippling London's ks and has led to...

Dur axles for Scania _LOWING in the foots of other

Continental mfacturers, Scania at Britain) has anneed an eight-wheeler gned specifically for the ish market. Based on the...

Double bottom trials allowed

TRIALS of double bottoms under operating conditions will be possible as the result of Regulations coming into force on April 1....

Page 24

Tipping convention postponed

FOLLOWING a meeting on Wednesday between the management of the Norbreck Hotel, Blackpool, the Blackpool Corporation and the...

Fewer hurt on roads

THE NUMBER of persons hurt in goods vehicle accidents fell by eight per cent to 4,916 during July to September last year...

Fox knows transport

MARCUS FOX, chosen by Mrs Thatcher to shadow Transport Minister Fred Mulley in the Opposition environment team lead by Mr Tim...

FTA wants 50 limit

THE Freight Transport Association has told the DoE that the speed limit for goods vehicles on dual-carriageway roads should be...


Brian March. a BRS Parcels driver at Canterbury, has been granted a travelling fellowship by the Winston Churchill Memorial...

Page 25

"ransport chiefs count outeing costs...

LA Civic Trust says forget them ' seminar reported by CM staff EN representatives from Department of the ironment, local...

Page 27

k question of responsibility

WLIERS must take all ssible steps to avoid overading and other wictions and it was no use lending upon luck, it was d by the...

TA assesses est of shorter riving hours

4N attempt to assess the 'a cost of adopting the 8-hour driving day and )ciated rules, the Freight nsport Association is ng 200...

Transport subsidy

THE cost of domestic solid fuel transport by rail is to be increased by 32 per cent from April 1. This follows a Government...

Marketing transport studies

AWARENESS of physical distribution management had to be brought into management education generally, Mr J. Wilson-Smith, a...

Page 28

Distribution performance and costs analysed

John Darker reports the PDM conference in London THE COST BREAKDOWN figures of product distribution with various types of...

Page 29

@ugh Court rules in lemountable case

REE former employees Pengco Transport tems Ltd agreed in the h Court on Friday to de by restrictions osed on them by their...

3dio-active code

DoE has this week lished The Code of tsce for the Carriage of oactive Materials by 1 (HMSO 80p). It suppleits the Radioactive...

amount congress

first-ever congress ted to demountable 31es is being organ ized by lurce Planning Connts at the London Hilton lay 7. It will...

Page 30

LT may make buses for other operators

THE FIRST STEP towards allowing London Transport to make and sell buses to any customers was taken Iasi week when the Commons...

Hours law ‘unworkabil Quin

EUROPEAN rules govern drivers' hours wl unworkable in their pres form, the Northants A Coach Operators dinner'. told last week....

Sounding a note of alarm

REGULATIONS permitt the use of a horn at any ti to call assistance for driver or conductor of a I were laid before Parliam on...

Coach chassis frc Chrysler

BRITISH coachbuilders now studying plans foi front-engined Chrys coach chassis, derived fr the Cornmer Commando ' series truck....

Page 31

loliday tours operated outside ;cope of licences

HE OPERATION of ritish holiday tours outside Le scope of the licences . anted to Sheffield United ours was admitted before Le...

Jew coach irm for .ondon

NEW coach company will operating in London by mid wit. The directors of Barry's )aches of Moreton-inarsh and Meon Valley )aches...

1radford ispute

IS CREWS in Bradford held Bir second one-day strike Monday in support of their ipute over pay differentials tween drivers and...

Transport supplementary

grant to drop 521 - ri THE AMOUNT of local government help for bus services which central government will accept for transport...

Page 32

Dates for your diary

MONDAY March 10. CIT (Metropolitan) Overseas Lecture by J. W. L. Akol (E. African Railways & Harbours). Commonwealth Hall,...

Page 33

"ransport must 'go electric'

le inter-city coach is a fuel efficiency pace-setter medium/ long-dist: inter-urban coach is an tandingly efficient user lel...

Switch on to EEC

A DEVICE enabling vehicles -carrying, hazardous toads to comply with new ADR and draft Home Office requirements has been...

Page 34

Mack trucks are coming

to Britain By Trevor Longeroft A DISTRIBUTOR network is to be set up in the UK by Mack Truck Inc, the American heavy truck...

Roof cooling for new ICI system

A NEW system of vehicle refrigeration for transporting frozen food to shops, hotels, restaurants and catering centres is being...

Tankers for Middle Easi

AN ORDER worth million has been •wor Dennis Motors Ltd of G ford, part of the Iiestair gi to export petrol and v tankers with...

Page 40

Continental contenders compared

by the Technical Editor Where the heavy imported tractive units fit into the UK market and how they perform over here IN 1974...

Page 43

Nv they performed

)st of the present Continental 'weights have in recent years been over the CM operational trial to Scotland and back, with a...

Page 46

The benefit and the pitfall of foreign pani

by lain SI THE HONEY MOON period between foreign vehicle manufacturers and British operators is over, and imported vehicles...

Page 48

Do-it-yourself cob from America

from our American correspondent A LOW COST, "do-ityourself" cab system was on display last week at the annual American Society...

Page 51

reign tippers

IOW true grit by Johnny Johnson ger initial capital outlay for the comparatively short life of per has not discouraged...

Page 56

36,000-mile service, Volkswagen van

by Trevor Longcroft Pictures by Dick Ross AFTER the first 965 km (600-mile) inspection, the service programme for the...

Page 60

Why Alan Oldroyd of Besco Bodies recommend Henderson Mobile Doors

"Trouble-free is how I'd sum it up." 'If a customer of mine asks me what doors I would recommend for his vehicles I suggest...

Page 61

lothballed fleet _ady for action

ep them dry, clean and rust free Trevor Longcroft otographs by Dick Ross PUTTING VEHICLES into mothballs is a process which,...

Page 64

A foggy view

A colleague who made a longjourney up M6 in thick fog last week made some interesting comments about the proposed regulations...

Crying wolf

My colleague reports that, in foggy conditions at least, police views are often out of touch with patchy fog. On the M6 last...


Did you know that a single candle burning in the cab will keep frost at bay if you're stranded in a truck in midwinter with the...

Numbers game

A computer has put the brakes on a Northamptonshire coach and truck operator's 25-year old tradition and I'm told he's not very...

Constructive carmei

"Keeping up a tradition is all well, but what do they dor colleagues ask whenever I mei the Worshipful Company of Car In the...

Army connection?

I was interested to learn tha Carmen are progressing in their with the Royal Corps of Trar about some form of affiliatior hope...

Page 84

How to get into the CIT and gain TML qualificatior

George Wilmot continues his series on solving problen professional competence, with the EEC directive makini matter one of...

Page 85

Never on Thursday

RUMOURS of alien infiltration.into the Civil Service, coupled with evidence of the release of confidential documents to the...

Page 86

featured a letter from Driver Webster of the RCT, BFPO

106, outlining his difficulty in obtaining a positive response to his applications for employment because of his "lack of...

Tyre safety and the use of cages

I am prompted to write to you with regard to the letter (CM February 14) referring to tyre safety. While these cages are in...

Chance needed

I am aged 28 and hold a psv licence (all types) as I have driven public service vehicles for the past six years. For some time...

Middle-class protest

Like the millions of peopl country who Probably slip th into the "middle-class bradl very deeply disturbed by a grE the...

Page 87

It tightening by festern Transport Ltd it an energetic response

p roblems by John Darker ■ ITLY had the pleasure of Mr M. J. (Mike) Timms, director of Western I Ltd, at Avonmouth. Mr !arned...

Page 91

=00 fines for selling bad parts

by Les Oldridge TEng (CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE LAST WEEK 1 discussed the new law which makes it an offence to sell or fit defective...

Page 92

I am considering buying an electrically propelled vehicle fo local

delivery work and I am informed that it will not nee, plating and testing despite the unladen veight being over 30 cwt. Is this...

Q If 1 am driving a ychicle with a load of

absorbent material — such as sand — how can 1 be sure that I will not he breaking the law about maximum weight if I am caught...

Q Does an electrically propelled mobile crane have to he

plated and tested and does the driver need a heavy goods vehicle driving licence? Paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 of A the Goods...

Q Part of my duties is to give driving instruction

to learner drivers preparing for their heavy goods vehicle driving test. /am not registered as a driving instructor with the...

Q While bringing bac workshop a used cl; our driver was

stopped by who pointed out that the ve being driven under our Ira and the police agreed that h a new vehicle, then it need...

Page 93

'pact rench

er Yutani 25.4mm ( I in) )act wrenches, the 32WBbeen added to Pneumatic isting range. They have a ity of 32mm (1.25in) at TB is...

the up

jacks with lifting capacities from 20.3 tonnes (20 tons) to 203 tonnes (200 tons) have been introduced by Spencer Franklin....

Diesel washer

The Modern Devices diesel-driven coldwater power washer Modern Devices have added a dieseldriven unit to their range of...

Adwick lift for tilts

A lever-lift pillar for TIR tilts has been designed by Lawrence David to ease tilt superstructure assembly and strip-down. The...

Page 94

Sun visor

A sun visor to fit most sizes of cab has been introduced by Hatcher Components. Made from reinforced polyester, with chrome...

Loctite breaks out

A range of engineering adhesives and sealants developed by Loctite primarily for workshop use includes a gasket eliminator...

Brazing torch

An ergonomically designed torch for soldering and bra been added to BOC's Handig of products. A variety of sh burner...

Stop thief

Any attempt to force o through vehicle doors, wit panels will, it is claimed, be by the Simba Inertialarn which will set off an...


TO HELP drivers who f culty in adding awkward h Hour Check has produced calculator. It comprises two carboat one superimposed...