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- ow and In the Future T O hundreds of thousands of people of strictly limited means the motor coach is proving an inestimable...
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lan EING a reasonably sane and thoughtful JO/people, most of us are convinced that conscription to the Armed Forces,...
Tram Drivers Being A T Dunlop's Speke factory, Trained to Drive Buses " work of a somewhat unusual nature for the company is...
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That "waste and see" is a bad slogan. That the A.E.C. concern seems, accidentally, almost to have set, the Thames on fire. ;...
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T HE interpretation of Section 58 (5) of the Transport Act by some of the Licensing Authorities has caused a storm of...
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• MR. HORACE V. PAYNE, London manager of Fisher Renwick, Ltd., has been elected an independent member of Herts County...
WE regret to announce the death of VV SIR J. FREDERICK HEATON, who was chairman and managing director of Thomas Tilling, Ltd....
A S the result of the visit of Mr. H. 1 - 1.• Spurrier, managing director. of Leyland Motors, Ltd., to South Africa, plans for...
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NXIETY over recent statements by ilSir Cyril Huicornb, Chairman of the British Transport Cominissicin, and Mr., Alfred Barnes,....
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Made Easy By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. T HERE are many details in the Q forward-control 1-tonner which show that ease of...
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R EPLACEMENT of horses by ‘tractors may no longer be news, but Id. off the rates is, and when Skipton Urban District Council...
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T HERE were two main themes at the annual conference of the Public-Transport Association, held this week at Harrogate. One was...
of public service vehicle design and construction on traffic flow, Mr. Sinclair pointed to the small increase in average...
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ri recognition, backed by adequate financial support from the Government, will fail to develop the [tourist] industry so as to...
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of Transport _towards the 8-ft. wide vehicle, which was causing illogical discrimination in favour of the stagecarriage...
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O N April 28 the new proving ground of the Motor Industry Research Association, at Lindley aerodrome, near Nuneaton, was opened...
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by coach U NDER the &gis of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, a coach load of its members, including the president...
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in "The Island"? 12 T HE Isle of Man is about 331 miles long and 12 miles wide at its maximum, with an, area of 227 sq, miles,...
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T HERE must be many operators who I have to dupticate their tractive units because they need both tippers and semi-trailer...
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V ISITORS to the engineering and hardware section of the British Industries Fair which opened at • astle Bromwich on Monday...
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N the previous article I touched on only the fringe of the subject of insurance of goods in transit. There are many other...
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injection pump has to be made to close tolerances, and on this account it is an 'expensive item. Patent No. 615,478 shows a...