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5th June 1964
5th June 1964
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Page 1, 5th June 1964

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Valuable Minutes

D ECAUSE of the high cost of manpower in any fleet it is, perhaps, ptoo easy to think in terms of absorbing rises in.this...

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T HE South Western Metropolitan magistrate, Mr. H. C. Beaumont, finding a Folkestone car transport operator guilty last week of...

1\4 R. K. C. TURNER, president of the T.R.T.A., will be

the first ever British president of the International Road Transport • Union when he takes office on January 1, 1965. The...

New E.E.C. Proposals

I N an effort to reach a compromise on the problem of weights and dimensions, the E.E.C. Commission has submitted fresh...

Page 41

Railways Explain Their M2 - 4 - m. Road Vehicle Orders FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT .

nUATE undeterred by the liner train rumpus, which must be throwing out his experts' calculations of the amount of freight....

Export Loads Cause Liverpool Thefts

C 0 . 114lVIENTI/NIG on thefts from ‘.--• parked Motor lorries, a •Liverpool police officer stated ' that the main...

Rumours on Trailer Marker Lamps uMOURS of confusion caused among

motorists as a result of the use of trailer marker lamps are being investigated by the Traders Road Transport Association. One...

Page 42

Potteries Operator Heavily Fined

H EAVY penalties were imposed on a Longport (Stoke-on-Trent) haulier and seven of his drivers when they appeared last week...

LEP EXPAND IN BIRMINGHAM THE new Lep . Transport Ltd. 15,000

sq.-ft. warehouse at Dennis Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham 12, opened on Monday and will become Lep's main collection and...

Geordie Wins Perkins Prize

B y E. J. MILLEN XC1TEMENT came to Crowland last Saturday. Rally driver Bill Banks' farm (up in Northamptonshire) for one...

E.C.M.T. TRAFFIC REPORT NOW OUT A N increase in traffic carried

by a forms of transport by 1970, with distinctly greater relative share accruin to road transport, is forecast in a traffi...

Page 43

Tipper Groups To Discuss Liaison

QPEAKING at the annual g eneral meet in g of North Western Tippers Ltd. at Chorley last week, chairman Mr. John Gilbraith...

Operators Seek Better Maintenance

G OODS vehicle operators in South Wales have set up a maintenance advisory committee, with the object of improvin g the...

Mr. William Foden WE re g ret to announce the death of

IN Mr. William Foden, mana g in g director of Fodens Ltd., of Sandbach, Cheshire. Mr. Foden, who was in his 96th year, died on...

Drivers' Protests Succeed

IT has been decided by Marks and 1 Spencer Ltd. to stop keepin g reports on the cleanliness of the hands and clothin g of...

Tories Attack Labour Policy T HE Conservatives are still probin g restlessly

into Labour's plans for road haula g e. " There is no field :n which the Labour Party's plans are more divorced from reality ",...

No Night Bans

A SUGGESTION that lorry traffic should be discoura g ed on main roads out of lar g e towns at ni g ht was made in the Commons...

£105m. For Scottish Roads A SUM of £105 m. will be

spent on the Scottish roads pro g ramme durin g the five-year period up to 1969, reported Mr. Michael Noble. Secretary of State...

Drop in Revenue For L.T.B.

I N spite of hi g her fares London's bus services brou g ht in £100,000 less in revenue last year than they did in 1962. This,...

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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A FTER a lot of heart-searching and almost interminable argument the London busmen decided,...

One-man Panther For Glasgow

G LASG OW CORP ORATION has 1 .- 1 approved the purchase of a 36-ft. Leyland Panther, rear underftoor-engined, single-decker...

Bus For Handicapped People A N Austin FKG40 petrol-engined chassis is

the basis of a bus built by J. H. Jennings and Son Ltd., of Sandbach, and recently presented to the Nottinghamshire County...

Cost of Public Transport " W HAT in your opinion is

the percentage increase since 1961 in the cost of getting to work in your town by public transport?" This was one of the...

Page 45

Yorkshire Traction's Traffic Decline Slowing

H 0PES that the annual drop in traffic was now steadily declining were expressed by Mr. Raymond W. Birch, chairman of the...

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B ULWARK UNITED TRANSPORT Li LTD. has had six vehicles on shortterm licences since October 1961, and now thought it justifiable...

Britain's First Mini-bus Stage Service?

W HAT was said to be Britain's first mini-bus stage carriage service was authorized at Northampton on Monday when the East...

East Coast Link For Northants Independent

A NEW bus 'link between Northamptonshire towns and the East Coast was forged when the East Midlands Traffic Commissioners...

Employer Opposes Ex-Driver's Bid

A TIPPER driver told the new Western Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon, at Bristol on Wednesday that shortly...

Contract Applicant Brought To Court

A ONE-VEHICLE Contract A licence rA to carry solid fuel for Keith Jenkins, fuel distributors, of Coventry, to run for one year,...

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Contract Switch Bid Adjourned

A JOINT application by A One Transport (Leeds) Ltd. and C.N.C. Transport Ltd. for 28 vehicles to be switched from Contract A to...

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Appeal Court's Ruhng - CASEBOOK

on Revocation 'Notice' IT NEED NOT TAKE ANY PARTICULAR FORM THE Geddes Committee should have been in attendance in Appeal...


—and a moral for Contract A Operators LIGURES entered in support of an application for additional facilities, or for the...

Page 52

Contract Judgment late in the day

TNECONOMIC contract carrying "‘. 1 rates were the main bone of contention in last month's important Fast Freights (Road...

Guidance for Evidence Required to Meet Future Needs

G UIDANCE on how to present applications for facilities that are required to meet a future demand was given by the Transport...

Special Reasons for Co-op's Grant

There were special reasons behind the granting (or perhaps "regranting " would be a more correct term) of an excursions and...

Page 53

Mr. Ron Sharpies has resigned as traffic superintendent of Lloyd's

Transport and Warehousing Co. (Manchester) Ltd., to take over as managing director of Europa Express Ltd., a company with...


Reorganization . T HE Tilling Group is to sort its companies into six regional groups, so that although the operating...

Page 54

Driving Licence Application Changes?

'THE Minister of Transport has • " proposed changes in driving-licence application procedure, and has circulated his...

C.I.E. Buys Leylands

THE bulk of orders worth £900,000 placed with Leyland Motors Ltd., by Coras Iompair Eireann is for passenger vehicles with...

Improved Exhaust C LAIMS made for an American accessory now being

marketed by Lectra Merchandising Ltd., 633 Old Kent Road, London, S.E.15, include increased power, improved fuel consumption...

Bantams and Bedfords Ordered By Railways in A2+ m Deal

IT was announced on Monday by the 1 British Railways Board that it is to spend £2.5m. on replacements for its road haulage...

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IMPROVED forward visibility through La deeper and higher windscreen, the 'ming of a new front grille and a - estyled instrument...

More Daimler-Benz Direct-injection Diesels

TWO additional versions of the I Daimler-Benz OM 352 5.675-litre, lirect-injection diesel engine, which was Itroduced in...

Better 10W/30 Oil from Mobil

A NEW engine oil has been introduced by the Mobil Oil Co. Ltd. Called Improved Mobiloil Special, it is an S.A.E. 10W/30 oil but...

Dempster Developments

D EvELOpmENTs to the range of Dempster containerized equipment under consideration by Powell Duffryn Engineering Co. Ltd....

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Arc Welding Hints—Positional Welding "Vertical-up" L'OR quick and easy repairs on the I vehicle, it is necessary to master...

SURREY READE R WINS A PRIZE T HIS week's prizewinner

is Mr. M. C. L McGrath, of Fennhurst, nr. Hastemere, Surrey. His idea concerns the assembly of Girling 5 in. and 6 in. brake...

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and Publications Four Tyre Maintenance Machines A T demonstrations held recently by the Grantham Rubber Machinery Co.' Ltd. a...

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By The Hawk Lnother Good One The job of speakers secretary a club is never enviable, yet the Transport Managers :lub in...

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Removers in Conferen(

wige Far and Wide By S. BUCKLEY ASSOO.INST.T. R EMOVALS in Australia, U.S.A. and Europe, domestic problems of licensing, area...

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More Power to Their Elbow

DUTCH R.A.I. EQUIPMENT EXHIBITION A WELL-DESERVED SUCCESS I By A. J. P.WIlding I F proof were needed of the practicability of...

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By JOHN F. MOON A.M.I.R.T.E. ROAD TEST: SD Pakamatic 20 Refuse Collector E VER since the horse started to disappear from the...

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High Hopes for Alternators ?

W HEN an ambulance is standing at the. scene of an accident at night, the continuous current drain on the battery will probably...

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New Trend; Sweeping Suction

D URING the past decade consistent advances in mechanization have been apparent at each of the successive vehicle...

Page 90

. . a Labour Government would be free to do whatever it wanted'

A SKED to expound his party's plans for nationalization, the leader of the opposition, Mr. Harold Wilson, referred the Prime...

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Centralized Maintenance of Publicly-owned Vehicles Promotes Efficiency

By P. A. C. BROCKINGTON, A.M.I.MECH.E. A FTER visiting or corresponding with seven authorities who practise and preach...

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New Forward-control Thames-based Vehicles for London Salvage Corps

R EPLACEMENT of four Thames 4-tonners, which have attended 10,000 fires in the past 10 years with great reliability, by four...

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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E., Assoc. Inst. T. C HANGE is constant, a fact well illustrated by the history of public...

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INSTANT ACTION on the motorways


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Corporal Readman Outclassed at Coventry

L AST year Cpl. D. M. Headman won Class S at the Coventry eliminator with a loss of 127 penalty. points and in the run off for...

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A COMMON complaint regarding mass-production commercial.velticle manufacturers has been with regard to their inability to...

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T EN years ago the country was divided into two camps of coordination in transport, said Sir Reginald Wilson, deputy chairman...

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Getting Down to Terms

I N past weeks in this series conditions under which the provision of commercial vehicles on contract hire could be...

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Dangers in Oversimplifying

Power-to-weight By John F. Moon, IT WOULD appear that Britain is fast reaching the point where its Ministry of Transport will...