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5th January 1968
5th January 1968
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Page 1, 5th January 1968

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here's why

ERF vehicles are designed and handbuilt to work day in day out with the complete reliability and maximum economy that reduces...

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Silver lining

F EW road transport operators will feel that this particular New Year is likely to be happy and prosperous. Transport follows...

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TO TRANSPORT BILL by E FIRST STEPS to amend the Transport Bill have come from the r Liberals. Scarcely had the Second Reading...

Keep F licence farmers

FARMERS in Scotland have protested to the Government about the proposals on carriers' licensing and drivers' hours in the...

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'1 0 per cent working tolerance

vital' pleads TRTA D o L i . j A p N F D O T R I r v r E E D R A STRONG PLEA for a reasonable tolerance in the enforcement of...

Tramping disastrous warning

STRONG CRITICISMS of the effects of some Transport Bill proposals were voiced at a joint meeting of the East and West Midland...

A TIPPER group for co-operative working is being formed by

120 hauliers in the West Midlands. Known as West Midlands Tipper Movements Ltd., the group is awaiting the completion of...

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IN SWEDEN FOR ALL M1 moves FOLLOWING Sweden's change from leftto right-hand drive, new maximum train lengths and speed...


BDF, the German road haulage association, has announced that the circulation of goods vehicles (lorries and trailers) of 7.5...

New Polish taxes on foreign vehicles

THE Polish Government on January 1 introduced a new range of taxes applicable to foreign vehicles entering Poland. These taxes...

France increases border tax

BRITISH carriers taking traffic into France now have to pay 161 per cent tax on the transport price over the French portion of...

Italy gets tough

THE ITALIAN authorities in recent weeks have adopted a noticeable change of attitude in the granting of permits to British...

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New Year Honours for the industry

LEADING personalities in the transport industry are among the 702 figures LEADING in the New Year Honours List. in the New Year...

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A L THE SIGNS point to serious labour troubles in the bus industry following the Prices and Incomes Board's rejection of the...

0.m.o bill

NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE Traffic, Highways and Transport Committee have accepted a recommendation by the transport general manager...

East Kent criticizes Minister's statement

MR. R. P. BEDDOW, chairman, in his address to the 51st a.g.m. of the East Kent Road Car Co. Ltd. last week, criticized a...

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Plaxton examines new technique

AT the annual general meeting of Plaxtons (Scarborough) Ltd. in Scarborough last Friday it was announced that when in Canada...

Moving ads on bus sides

A DOUBLE-DECK bus-side advertisement that moves, the first of its kind in the world, has been developed by the Yorkshire...

Tories point to US losses

THE Conservatives have studied the failure of American policies—similar to Mrs. Castle's PTA plans—and are to use the...

''< 8ft Roadliners

completed for Canadian market T HREE 8ft-wide, Plaxton-bodied Daimler Roadliner coaches were delivered to McNab Bus Sales,...

Drivers' boycott

DRIVERS on the Sunningdale to Bracknell service of the Thames Valley Traction Co. Ltd. are cutting out part of the route...

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- pp IBBLE MOTOR SERVICES Ltd., applied to the North Western 171h. Traffic Commisioners in Manchester on Tuesday for an...

Deputy LA's farewell

SIX B licence applications were granted to Hall and Ham River Ltd. by Metropolitan deputy LA, Mr. C. J. Macdonald, when he held...

'Wishful thinking' fails

"AN honest belief is not the basis for granting a licence," said North Western LA, Mr. J. Else, at Birmingham on Tuesday, when...

10 short-terms in four years

DESCRIBED as "a man who has gone through his probation on short-term licences". Mr. P. Kearney was granted a full-term B...

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Labour objections to alma overruled by commissioners

SOUTHPORT CORPORATION applied to the North Western Traffic Commissioners in Manchester on Tuesday to alter all its regular...

Vehicles repossessed—no grant

BECAUSE the vehicles had been repossessed, two applications by E. G. Gillum, of Leominster, were refused by the West Midland...

Amended application refused

AT a resumed hearing at Kettering, Northants, on Friday of last week the East Midland LA, Mr. C. M. Sheridan, rejected an...


"THERE are some features of this case which are not entirely satisfactory," said Metropolitan LA, Mr. D.I.R. Muir, when...


AT a resumed hearing in Birmingham on Tuesday, West Midland LA, Mr. J. Else, granted one of three B licences applied for by W....

Tipper for CC work

THE West Midland LA, Mr. J. Else, last week granted ah application by W.P. Gwillim, of Ross-on-Wye, to add a 3-1-ton vehicle to...

Two coach operators appeal

TWO firms, Margo's of Croydon Ltd. and Queens Park Coaches Ltd. are appealing against the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioners...

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We have the best quality licences

A EVERYBODY at the Ministry of Transport is so busy churning out White Papers and mouthing platitudes about the integration of...

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Roadranger for UK production

A NEW TYPE of Fuller Roadranger twinlayshaft 10-speed gearbox is to be produced by Eaton Yale and Towne (UK) Ltd. at the...

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-VOLVO CLAIMS By P. A. C. Brockington E NGINEERS of the Volvo company of Gothenburg, Sweden, have given their views on the V...

Bigger engine option for Ford Transit

F ORD Transit short-wheelbase 12, 17 and 22cwt vans are now available optionally powered by the company's 2-litre V4 petrol...

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and publications Quick tyre inflator LATEST products from Pneumatic Components are the Portair Meter and a portable test...

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Safety measures : Blind spot dangers

'T'HE BUSY ENGINEER can find his job -1 made even busier by the number of accidents in which, although little damage is caused...

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First of a series of interviews by P. A. C. Brockington AMIMechE

with top personalities in vehicle design and application Dr. A. Fogg, deputy managing director and director of engineering...

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to the editor Small voice in support SO MUCH OPPOSITION has there been to the proposals in the Transport Bill—and informed...

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There is a growing feeling in some quarters that the double-decker bus is on the way out in Great Britain. This view is not...

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"Your measurements, sir."

ISO or Freightliner: 20ft, 30ft or 27ft—it doesn't matter which. The latest model in the CF Con-Leader containercarrying...

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Heathfield dump truck

By R. D. Cater, AMInstBE PICTURES BY DICK ROSS N the next 10 years development programmes for roads, power stations, factory...

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B REATH TESTS for drivers appear to have been vindicated beyond question by the road accident figures for the Christmas...

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Q We have a 3-ton Ford Thames—we use it in

connection with the erection of small farm sheds—with a simple hoist mounted on it. We want a replacement vehicle with, say, a...

• Can you give details of organizations concerned with mechanical handling in the UK?

A The National Joint Council on Materials Handling, c/o S. J. Noel Brown and Co. Ltd., 3 Dean Trench Street, London, SW1,...

Q What are the leading countries to which goods vehicles are exported from the UK?

A For the eight months ended August 1 967 the feeding countries to which commercial vehicles were exported from the United...

a Can we road test brake efficiency with a Tapley meter

in the unladen or partladen state, or must the vehicle be fully laden to its plated gross operating weight? If so can you...

Ct 1 own an Austin F.JK 160 8-ton tipper

which is fitted with a CAV rotary injector pump. The cold start device is not an excess fuel type, but is one which fully...

Q What qualities should be looked for in selecting trainee managers and can these qualities be taught?

A The following five factors are considered important: integrity, intelligence, ability to control people, job knowledge and...

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Costing—right or wrong

Despite all the changes forecast for road transport in 1968 the need fora knowledge of costing principles will remain A...

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Bill Hannah Coachbuilders Led. Cap.: £1,090. Dirs.: W. I. Hannah, Mrs. A. Hannab, 16 Fulwood Park, Liverpool 17. J. Hannah, 152...


CHARNWOOD Charnwood Trucks Ltd. has opened a new truck depot at Shepshed on A512 Ashby/Loughborough Road, half a mile to the...