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4th December 1959
4th December 1959
Page 1
Page 1, 4th December 1959

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Pink Pills

W ITH the approach of Christmas, traffic congestion in big towns threatens to become worse than ever before. Already about 5...

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Trying It On

A T a time when thousands of man-days are being lost through irresponsible strikes, it was surely audacious of the Conference...

In the Pink

A T the Press conference at which his "Pink Zone" proposals tt for dealing with London's Christmas traffic problem were...

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;ydney Henman

B UT for a severe attack of rheumatic fever during early youth, Mr. Philip Sydney Henman's career . might well have been...

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Appeal Decisions Cut Tax on Compensation

A NOTHER tax battle was won by the Road Haulage Association last week, this time on behalf of hauliers whose businesses were...

Nearly 2,000 Special A Vehicles Supplied

W AKEFIELD motor dealers, Comberhill Motors, Ltd., were recognized as one of the principal sources of supply for special A...

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Manchester Imposes Ban on Standing Passengers

A N off-peak ban on standing passengers comes into operation on buses of Manchester Transport Department on January 3. This...

Tribunal Reject Attempt to Restrict Haulier to Work from Named Base

A HAULIER need not carry goods from and to the place which he names as his permanent base, the Transport Tribunal have ruled...

New Highway Code Published

A N enlarged and more colourful Highway Code, the fifth Eince 1931, was introduced by the Minister of - Transport on Monday. It...

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Men in the News

MR. R. HAMILTON, rolling stock superintendent of West Hartlepool Transport Department, is to 'retire next year. MR, JOHN...

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Road Surface to Carry Electricity

B Y mixing g raphite powder with surfacin g material, the " crust " of a road can be made to carry an electric current, and...

Haulier Changed to Heavier:Vehicle

4 - 1. A BRADFORD-hanlier who wanted a vehicle to carry ' wool . between factory arid mills purchased .a special A licence...

Page 46

More Rest, Fewer , Buses, Says Mr. Fitzpayne

1I/TORE vehicles would have to be [VI taken out of service if bus and tram crews in Glasgow had more frequent Saturday rest...

Rushden Company Taken Over

THE ordinary share capital of Town sends Carriers, Ltd., Rushden, Northants. has been acquired by another haulage company, E...

Evidence Not Enough for Grant

A PPEARING before the Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday, Mr. T. H. Campbell Wardlaw, for Border Engineering Contractors,...

Mr. Hanlon Taken to Task by Tribunal

A N observation by Mr. I. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, that he was not satisfied that a haulier had operated...

Customs Procedure Made Easier for Goods

A SIMPLIFIED form of Customs pro At for British goods vehicles operating to certain European countries will come into force on...

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New Tile-making Technique Creates Lorry Demand : Low Rates Quoted

A NEW technique for making tiles of powdered slate gave rise to two I -1 applications before Mr. L. H. Shelton, acting North...

"Fantastic" Surplus of Transport in Eire

E 1RE had far more transport capacity than its population warranted, and the surplus was "fantastic." This was stated by Mr....

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Last " Extra-weight 9 Cases Heard

by Mr. Hanlon: Suspensions Imposed THE last of the current "extra-weight" cases in the Northern Area was heard by Mr. J. A. T....

B.R.S. .Delays Alleged: "Great Pressure" Excuse

I N the House of Commons, last week. Mr. Cyril Osborne (Cons., Louth) raised on the adjournment the alleged inefficiency in...

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Legality of C-hire in Doubt

A LTHOUGH he said that he was not convinced that C-hiring operations had been entirely legal, Mr. L, H. Shelton, acting North...

T.R.T.A. Help W ith Loading Bans

F ROM their headquarters at Roadway House, Bond Street, London, W.1, officials of the London and Home Counties Division of the...

Micrograms . . .

New Depot: A haulage depot is to be constructed on the Newtown trading estate, Carlisle, by Robinson Transport (Carlisle),...

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Increased Benefits for B.M.C. Drivers

4EM BEM of the B.M.C. Drivers' Club VI are to enjoy greatly increased benefits . under their free personal-accident policies:...

60-m.p.h. Coach for Less than £100

OR less than £100 a standard I A.E.C. Reliance coach may be modified for economical operation on motorways at average speeds of...

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Routemasters With Air Suspension an Service

A IR suspension is being fitted to the rear axles of 50 of London Transport's new Routemaster doubledeck buses. Thirty modified...

£3,233 Damages for Injured Driver

D AMAGES of 0,233, for "shocking and grievous injuries," were awarded against a Sheffield• haulage concern and one of their...

Dennis Developments : New Models Coming ?

I - A• A CRYPTIC reference to future developments which will require capital is made by Mr. David J. Grimes, chairman of...

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Bulk Materials In Small Lots

• D ELIVERIES to farmers who can take only small quantities The unit does not tip to discharge its contents, but nevertheless...

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Expensi and Proud of It, Too!

D ESPITE the increasing number of low-priced 5-tonners emanating from factories ink, various parts of the world, many of which...

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Railways Oppose Blackpool Customers

A BLACKPOOL tours company which had paid British Railways more than £4,000 during 1958 for passengers' boat reservations was...

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Big London Salvage-paper Merchants Boost Transportivity by Rationalizing Routes, ,Paying Incentive Bonuses and Employing...

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Motorways in London Would Save £200,000 a Mile

.IF motorways were built to radiate outward from the centre of London, they would save £120,000-£200,000 a mile a year. This...

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Hauliers Condone Licence Irregularities by Farmers

H AULIERS are largely responsible for abuses of the concessions allowed by law to farmers. That, at least, was the opinion...

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Municipalities Woo the Customer

T HE falling traffic which for the past two or three years has bedevilled the bus industry has by no means excluded the...

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Second Bite

G LREADY some hauliers are beginning to urge that what the last Government left of British Road Services should be completely...

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HILST substantial increase's in terminal delays since the war are widely acknowledged, the causes are more numerous and complex...

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American-type Refuse Bodywork

W/ITHIN the next two or three weeks, VI' W. W. Drinkwater (Willesden), Ltd., will take delivery of the first of a range of...

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A Meat-carrying Body

P ATENT No. 821,156 shows a body for transporting carcases or any Other load that can be' suspended from overhead rails. - The...

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If your drivers drain their radiators every winter night, all you save is the few shillings that Shell Anti-Freeze costs. And a...