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4th April 1981
4th April 1981
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Page 1, 4th April 1981

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Don't expect too much, warns RHA

iVEN PER CENT of employers expect to increase staff in the next Ile months and 50 per cent predict more work within the next 12...

Grant for PC study

E CM TDT (Esher) Ltd selfdy course, in preparation for CPC, has been approved for irant by the Road Transport ustry Training...

Salaries at the top

A TYPICAL senior distrbution . manager is 42.6 years old, and earns a basic salary of £9,250 a year, according to a recently...

Quota: sill no move

INTERNATIONAL transport firms must face the possibility of no increase this year in EEC permits after the failure last week...

Good old days gone

BOTH of the major trade associations are working on plans to make their 1981 conferences as cost-effective as possible. The...

Page 6

Civic unTnisting

THE HAULAGE industry's ability to pass on many of its operating costs is "simply a nonsense in a society which likes to...

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• Fruehauf combines

IANE FRUEHAUF is to close its dham factory and is to cornle the manufacture of the divim's products into other group :ations....

Roads cash hits roof

THE £118m which the Transport Department plans to spend on maintaining trunk roads and motorways next year is the largest sum...

Midlands port in storm

AN OUTLINE planning application has been lodged with Solihull Council for a £20m 85-acre inland freight port alongside the M42...

A tale of two cities

MANCHESTER-based Aliens Transport Services and Paris operator Calberson International start a new express delivery service...

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A little training is a dangerous thin

OLUNTARY TRAINING will mean no training, according to the ssociation of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs. As part...


iE ROAD Haulage Associaon's air freight functional .oup has drawn up a seven)int programme for 1981/82. The group wants a list...

Hp fall by over 1 pc

THE GENERAL heavy goods vehicle population in Great Britain fell by over one per cent last year, against a rise of over three...

Lorry bans 'selfish'

THERE IS NO justification for a "selfish" lorry ban which costs everybody money and leads to no net environmental gain, Road...

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Lorry ban: too low, too soon says FTA THE PROPOSED 7.5-tonne weight limit on lorries using roads in the Enfield and Barnet...

New regs for skips

NEW REGULATIONS on the marking and siting of skips in Northern Ireland took effect on April 1. The Northern Ireland Department...

Educating the EEC

OPERATORS must continue press for derogations of drivel hours regulations, European N Winifred Ewing (Scottil Nationalist,...

Page 19

LA's house arrest

N OBJECTION from Stratford-upon-Avon District Council to an liplication to increase the number of vehicles operated by haulier...

Olau ro/ro

THE OLAU Line put its latest ro/ro ferry into service last week on the Sheerness/Vlissingen (Holland )crossing. The new ship,...


Rising frustration ARGUMENTS that United Yeast Co Ltd had not dismissed lorry driver N. G. Chekki but that his contract of...

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Volvo weigh anchor

VOLVO IS soon to make seat belt anchorage points standard in all models. Already the fitment is made in Sweden, and should be...

Direct Upstart

ADC starter for diesel engin' the Upstart — has been d veloped by W. G. Industrial Co trols Ltd. (Aberdeen). From AC power...

Page 21

Scissors cut above

IE SCISSOR-LIFT vehicles Edo Ltd (the Bolton-based manucturer of hydraulic-powered Ihicle bodies) supplies to airies, now use...

View-anywhere aerial

AN AERIAL recently marketed by Maxview Aerials of Kings Lynn, caters for the needs of the itinerant TV addict. Known as the...

Delta's sleeper

A REQUEST for a sleeper cab extension for the Delta 1600 led to Hestair Dennis' collaboration with Locomotors Limited. In 12...

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Negative Budget

THERE IS nothing in the Budget to help operators to start or extend bus services, and problems of local council financing and...

Spanish armada heads for Britain

SPANISH coachbuilder Irizar is stepping up its UK sales drive with the introduction of a new body here later this year....

Rural survey

TRANSPORT SECRETARY Norman Fowler is to consider a survey of transport facilities for rural areas, although he is generally...

Death crasi

A FAMILY awarded over £51,01 damages after their tour bt driver father died in a crash at beauty spot in the Trossacl have...

Page 23

Student service is self-seeking: GMT

PROPOSED stage-carriage service in the centre of Manchester to ter for the needs of the city's university students has been...

One out, one in

A LICENCE to run a stage carriage service between Orpington and East Croydon station has been granted to Tillingbourne Bus...

Leopard to Tiger

ZF GEARS (Great Britain) Ltd is supplying the only manual transmission option for Leyland's new Tiger coach (see page 42)....

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Tubes pipe up with • a cold alternative

AFTER trials with one of the UK's leading distributors of frozen food, TransFrig Ltd of Gosport, Hampshire, has developed an...

Hi-Ace diesels

TWO diesel-engined models have been added to the range of Hi-Ace light commercials marketed by Toyota (GB) Ltd. The Hi-Ace...


A NEW company, SAB Auton tive Co Ltd, has been form and will be responsible for I automotive operations in I UK of the SAB...

Eaten up with anti-freez

A SUB-STANDARD anti-freeze or an inaccurate coolant mixture I causes of liner corrosion and pitting on wet liner engines,...

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Budget whips up a storm NEN before I had finished eading your editorial on the 3udget (CM, March 21) I was nwardly (and...

Who's happy with UK mt...

I REFER to the article (CM March 7) "Do you get what you deserve at 16-tons?", We operate a fleet of some 140 delivery vehicles...

Someone obviously is

WE WOULD LIKE to record via your publication the results we have obtained from our Transit 190 pickup, HHA903V, first...

Youngsters must be trained

I WOULD like to reply to Albert Wall's (Walls Motor Tours) letter published in CM February 21 regarding the training of...

Too young to drive at 23?

I SHOULD LIKE to hear from anyone who can tell me if it is genuinely possible for a Class I driver under 25 years of age, or...

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Leyland calls the tune .YLAND VEHICLES brass nd's two-week concert tour of pan last "summer" may have no little for the sale...

Buy double and end the slump

A CORRESPONDENT in The Daily Telegraph suggested that we might cure the recession by buying two of everything. Now why didn't I...

Silent pictures

HOW MANY readers know that the Scammell mechanical horse was sired by Napier out of Diversification? At that time Napier •...

Swiss role to please tourists

THE NEW 17km Gotthard tunnel, the longest and costliest in the world, burrowing under the 77,100ft Gotthard Massif in...

Page 31

Back to back: the T45 file

Introduction 'HEN GM Road-tested five 40 • nne tractive units last year :M, October 25, 1980) we iticised some British...

CMRoadtest No 6, 1981

THE TREND in the British tractive unit market in recent years has been for operators to overspecify, choosing 36, 38, 40 or...

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Cruiser and Road

class of vehicle will be unaccustomed to. Also the 34-tonne model is competitively priced — its retail price is about £500...

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Better at 38 than 32?

ESIGNED to operate at 40 nnes, if the Armitage Report is ieded by the Government, the to-axle tractive unit will be rescted to...

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The cat's out of the baE

ALTHOUGH revealed at the Motor Show in October, Leyland kept many of the details of its long-awaited B43 coach chassis secret...

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The cat's out of the bag

Leyland's confidence in its new cat, and with it the oncepopular tiger's head badge has resurfaced. My initial impression is...

New-look tribunals

by Douglas Ainley NEW REGULATIONS for tribunal proceedings began after 1 October 1980, and were introduced in response to...

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rTIFIE NEW Seddon Atkinson 1 401 is based on one of the most successful British trucks ever produced. But in developing our...

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T HE NEW Seddon Atkinson 401 is based on one of the most successful British trucks ever produced. But in developing our new...

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Are you sitting comfortably?

VlANUFACTURER who in:ed a vehicle now without r attention to driver cornvould be on a disaster Should manufacturers lore...

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Are you sitting comfortably?

enthusiastically for its non-reflective instruments which "stand out clearly when lit at night, yet don't irritate the eyes."...

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One for designers THIS BOOK gives insight int how vehicles are made, bL basic engineering knowledge i needed to follow the...

Stay healthy at work

THE Health and Safety Commi: sion's recently published boo let Guide to the Health ar Safety at Work Act relates to if Act as...

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Designers set their eyes on distant horizont

TRADITIONALLY, European commercial vehicle cabs have been made from steel. True there have been the glass fibre/wood exceptions...

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How to tilt a fixed cab

EYLAND'S design for its nowosolete Ergomatic cab, used on uffalo, Bison, Octopus and /nx models, went only halfway providing an...

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1/4NKFREIGHT has appointed ur senior executives as direcrs. Head of operations David 'own becomes operations rector, head of...