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30th January 1959
30th January 1959
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Page 1, 30th January 1959

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Stunned Silence

O PERATORS are beginning to give serious consideration to the problems that will arise when the LondonBirmingham motorway is...

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Train the Trader

T HE "kerb space is precious" campaign, to be introduced nationally by the Traders' Road Transport Association on March 2, is...

Passing Comments

A Worthwhile Association IT has for long been the impression amongst many tech nicians that the Diesel Engineers and Users...

Page 30

Ownership Tangle Results in A-licence Revocation

A FTER hearing of a complicated business arrangement involving two 4-k A-licence vehicles, Mr. W. P. James, West Midland...

Reading Discussions on Inter-working

XPLORAFORY discussions on some degree of integration are being held between Reading Transport Department anti the Thames Valley...


T WO new versions of the Mastiff have been,produced by Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd. Particularly recommended for...

TOWN ROAD EXHIBITION TRAFFIC congestion in large towns I can

be overcome, without wholesale demolition or the banning of cars. That' is the theme of an exhibition opened by the Minister of...

OLYMPICS FOR JAMAICA FIFTEEN Leyland M.C.W. Olympic underfloor-engined chassisless buses

are to be built for Jamaica Omnibus Services, Ltd. The 44-seat vehicles will be 35 ft. long and will. have two entrance doors....

Page 31

Tribunal Reject " Artie " Plea

A HAULIER who wanted to surrender a special A-licence rigid vehicle in preference to an articulated outfit on A licence had...

R.H.A. Policy and Leadership Reviewed

A DRAFT policy statement and reports I – I from the areas on the question of the appointment of a president—paid or...

Pig Traffic Appeal is Successful

T HE appeal by Mr. R. Goodfellow, Bishop's Waltham, Hants, against a decision by the South Eastern Licensing Authority, has...


T HE report in The Commercial Motor last week that Massey-Ferguson Holdings, Ltd., were making a bid for the capital of F....

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Men in the News

LORD MANCROFT has been appointed chairman of Global Tours, Ltd. MR. F. A. DADGE has replaced MR. T. R. HAWKES as a director of...

Excursion Operator's Application Fails

A STRONG group of objectors successI – I fully opposed a coach excursion operator at Bristol, last week, when he asked the...

1,000 YORK SEMI-TRAILERS A LTHOUGH full-scale production of semi-trailers began

only in 1957, the York Trailer Co., Ltd.. Corby. Northants. have already built their thousandth model. It was a tandem-axle...

Page 33

Air Suspensipn for Dutch Leylands

A N air-suspension system which has been developed by Leyland Motors, Ltd„ for test by the Netherlands Railways is to be...


S ECRET work on a vehicle with a military potential is being undertaken by David Brown Industries, Ltd„ it was revealed last...

Overnight LiverpoolBelfast Link

1- 1. A NEW vehicle and container service connecting Liverpool and Belfast was inaugurated last week by Link Line, Ltd. The...


S EVEN Bedfords will be exhibited by the makers at the Amsterdam Show opening next Friday. All will be shown in chassis-cab...


coach passenger reception station on land at the rear of James Street and William Street have been given by Scarborough Finance...

Rate-cutting Charge Dismissed

A SUGGESTION that accepted haul age rates in the Northwich area might be undercut if an application by Mr. R. E. Nixon, Lower...


to be the scene of a sales experiment in which a dry-cleaning establishment comes to the customer. An automatic garment "...


C OMPULSORY fare increases for excursions, which were proposed by the West Midland Traffic Commissioners, have been...

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C and D Lorries for Fish Loads Sought

A N application by. Charles Alexander and Partners (Transport), Ltd., Aberdeen, to extend the conditions of four B-licence...


T HE following eight-day tours will be run this year by Salopia Saloon Coaches, Ltd., Whitchurch, Salop: English Lakes and...


A SITE for a newtons station and depot has been agreed on by West Hartlepool Transport Committee. The new building will occupy...

Another Warning on Rest Periods

T HE importance of strict adherence to the regulations about lorry-drivers' rest periods was emphasized by Mr. M. P. Pugh when...

"Weight Changes Harm Other Hauliers"

A HAULIER who operates a lorry. heavier than the weight stipulated on his licence is not doing justice to other people in the...


F OR picking up passengers at unauthorized points and cutting the time of their journeys between Lancashire and Devon,...

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New Rules for Drivers' Contest : Dates of Rounds Fixed

N EW regulations for the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition were approved by the executive committee in Coventry on Tuesday....

Fleet Normal User Change Granted

rr E application by James Paterson and Co (Motor Hirers), Ltd., Aberdeen, for a change in the normal user of their 24-vehicle...

"30-40% of Records are False"

A N appeal to C-licensees to help to stamp out "the cancer of falsification of records" was made on Monday by Mr. R. A....

A.C.V. HOPE FOR BETTER YEAR " IN recent months there

has been an 1. improvement in our trading prospects, and the benefits of our rationalization and reorganization of the group...


T "E "Day Anywhere" tickets which were introduced experimentally last May by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co.,...


A PLAN for a flyover at Hammersmith is to be considered by London County Council next Tuesday. About half a mile of road will...

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Haulier Pin-points Fault in Forms

1- % A FAULT in the application forms which are issued to hauliers seeking additional vehicles was shown up by an operator who...


nRIVERS delivering open chassis in Birmingham and Liverpool have threatened to withdraw their labour unless employers pay...

Normal User Cannot Be " Universal"

QTATEMENTS of normal user contain ing every possible commodity a haulier had carried or hoped to carry, and every conceivable...

The id. Comes Back in Plymouth Fares

A FARE of 51d. is to be introduced by Plymouth Joint Transport Committee —the first time since 1953 that an odd halfpenny has...

Tractor Substitution Appeal Fails

A DECISION by the Northern Licensfling Authority to allow Sunter Bros., Northallertort, to operate an 18-ton tractor on A...

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Mr. Hanlon Advises Hauliers on Keeping their Yearly Accounts

A DVICE to hauliers on keeping accounts was given last week by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, when he heard...

Not a Newcomer, Tribunal Decide

T "question of whether a person who seeks a licence for a motor vehicle in substitution for horse drawn transport can fairly be...


D URAL M.P.s are hoping that Govern' ment help for country bus services will be announced in the Budget. Mr. Heatheoat Amory,...

C-licensees' Freedom in Danger

IF there were renationalization, the I British Transport Commission would be unlikely to allow C-licensees to continue to...

ONE-MAN BUS ORDER 'TEN single-deck bus bodies, built to I

their own specification for one-man operation, are to be ordered by Portsmouth Transport Committee. The chassis have already...

Page 38

Chassis Tax Likely to be Retained

THERE seems to be little likelihood that purchase tax will be removed from commercial-vehicle chassis before the Budget in...


A RADIO set made to measure for the Bedford CA 10-12-cwt. van is available from Vauxhall-Bedford dealers and is priced at £18...

Good Haulage Service— But Law was Broken

T O give their South Wales customers a good haulage service, Jesse Smith and Sons, Blackheath, Staffs, kept one of their...

B Licence Grant for Hauling Tractor

A LIME-SPREADING contractor and 1 - 1 hay and straw merchant told the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, last...

Central Control for Roads and Cleansing in London Proposed

P ROPOSALS for centralizing the administration of highways and the organization of refuse collection and disposal in London...


S INTERED-BRONZE outer clutch plates for the top-gear operation of the fully automatic four-speed and semiautomatic five-speed...

Page 39

Pri vate-party Operator Seeks to Run Tour : Strongly Opposed A PROPOSED

seven-day tour from Leeds to Rams g ate, to be operated by Tetley's Motor Services, Leeds, was stron g ly opposed when it came...


demonstration of PA vehicles and earth:movin g e q uipment, and a paper on dustless refuse collection by Mr. R. F. Millard,...

Corner Cab Doors on New Parcels Vans

A NEW fleet of Albion Claymore underfloor-en g ined parcels vans is bein g delivered to Cusick Transport (Southern). Ltd.,...

LEAGUE OF SAFE DRIVERS F OURTEEN drivers of heavy vehicles operated

by Gallaher, Ltd., London, S.W.6, will take the preliminary and advanced tests for membership of the Finchley Lea g ue of Safe...

BY-PASS DAMAGE INQUIRY A N ur g ent detailed investi g ation into dama g e to

Preston by-pass is being made on the instructions of Mr. Harold Watkinson, Minister of Transport. The road has been closed...

AIR-SPRUNG IICARUS A PROTOTYPE rear-en g ined 37-seat rA Ikarus coach will

be exhibited at the 1959 Budapest Industrial Fair. Desi g nated the Ikarus 303, it has air-suspension and is claimed to cruise...

Black Outlook for Hull Transport WITHan estimated deficit of £13,117

VY for the year endin g March 31, Hull Corporation's transport undertakin g faced a black outlook unless there was a complete...

LEYLAND ENGINE IN T.V.W. CHASSIS A S1X-WHEELED 20-ton- g ross chassis powered by

a Leyland 0.375 oil en g ine, drivin g throu g h a Leyland-Albion six-speed overdrive-top g earbox has been completed by...

BROWN BROTHERS EXPAND N EW premises have been opened by Brown

Brothers, Ltd., at Horseley Fields. Wolverhampton. Comprising three floors and a basement, with a floor area of about 33,000 s...

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Door-to-door is Essential Service in Steel

133 G. Duncan Jewell D AY and night a continuous stream of heavy vehicles leaves the 75-acre plant of John Summers and Sons,...

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Two New Bulk-load Albions

Body Length of 21 ft. 6 in. Available on Wheelbase of 15 ft. 6 in. : Unladen Weights Well Under 3 Tons TWO new chassis...

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£25,500 Economies to Meet Bus Pay Award

H IGHER wages have added £30,000 to the costs of the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd„ but they intend to gain...

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Vehicle Stability• Essential on Motorways

Three-wheel Braking of Light Vehicles Advocated to Prevent Sliding O NLY one speaker disagreed with the forecast made by Mr....

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Quick Testing

A LTHOUGH wheel balancing is not widely practised by operators of heavy vehicles in this country, it is commonly done in...

Three Batteries T HREE 6-volt batteries are newly obtainable from Smiths

, Motor Accessories, Ltd., 50 Oxgate Lane, London, N.W.2. The smallest has 17 plates and a capacity at the 10-hr. rate of 10i...

Thicker Hardboard H ARDBOARD is now being made in panels *-in.

thick by the Bowater Organization, and is obtainable through the usual channels. The greater struc

Surform Plane

THE Craftsman is a plane incorporat ing a Surform blade which has been introduced by Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd., Treforest,...

Sandwich Door A GARAGE door, of the up-and-over type, has been

produced by Westland Engineers, Ltd., Yeovil, Somerset, with a 2-in, layer of Polyzote expanded polystyrene sandwiched between...

Pins and Bearings T HE latest British Standards concern split cotter

pins and the dimensions of ball and parallel-roller bearings. That concerning pins aligns with American and Continental...

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Pioneers of the Municipal Bus, Eastbourne Corporation Continue to Provide a Profitable Service for Residents and Visitors with...

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New Compact, Light G.M.C. Oil Engines

A NEW line of industrial and automotive two-stroke oil engines has been introduced by General Motors Corporation, of America....

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Costing and Maintenance for 2,000 Vehicles

By Tom Walkerley The composition and tasks of the transport fleet of more than 2,000 vehicles operated by the Navy, Army and...

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Sales and Transport Go Hand in Hand

O NLY too often sales representatives make totally unrealistic promises to customers and then leave it to the transport manager...

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For Whose Benefit?

Political Commentary By JANUS 11Z USSIAN diplomacy seems often to consist in making an extreme demand, thus forcing other...

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More Lessons from Licensing

Opinions and Queries T HE contributions on haulage licensing problems from G. Duncan Jewell in The Commercial Motor dated...

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Buckmaster Scottish Excursions Refused

A SUBMISSION by Mr. J. R. C. rx Samuel-Gibbon, for British Railways and United Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., that no evidence had...

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How Much Overhang Is Permissible?

Readers' Inquiries Include a Question about Vehicle Width and Side Lamps : When a 16-year-old May Drive a Reversible Three...

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Bulk-sugar Tanker Used in Holland

A STAINLESS STEEL tank, insulated and enclosed within an aluminium rAskin, is being used for the bulk transport of refined...

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Automatic Trailer Steering

I T is well known that the wheels on trailers do not follow the turning circle of the tractor vehicle and patent No. 805,317...