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According to Whether One is a Manufacturer or Operator of Commercial Vehicles F OR vario us reasons, pleasant and unpleasant,...
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Gear Which Has A NYONE who sees the new Caused a Revolution r - Ibooklet published by the in Transport . .•, Self-Changing Gear...
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"What a bore! "—from the six to the four. Suggestions for a television version of the Highway Code. That the slow "middle of...
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THE Metropolitan Licensing Autho rity's decision to grant an A licence to Charles Chapman, Ltd., for three vehicles and three...
A NOTHER export record was set up by the British commercial-vehicle industry in November, the Society of Motor Manufacturers...
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I NQUIRIE,S made by "The Cornmercial Motor" indicate that the draft principles on which the British Transport Commission is to...
QLOGANS reading "Don't let nationalization take you for a ride— you would find it very .expensiW," appeared last week, on buses...
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A T the annual general meeting of 1-14Dennis Bros., Ltd., on December 20, the new chairman of the company, Sir Geoffrey Burton,...
l't iIR. STEVE EASTMEAD has al decided not to renew his term of employment with the Road Haulage to-morrow to act an Executive,...
Grays (Hatfield). Ltd., has opened a service depot for Dod g e trucks. Two new British Standards have been published dealin g...
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HE Appeal Tribunal objects to the growing practice of counsel and solicitors of asking witnesses compendious forms of...
N the future, this country's oil 'engines would be operating exclusively on Middle East crudes, which were of relatively high...
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C HASS1S member's of 5/16-in , mild-steel sheet may be pressed ‘ , ...cold up to 25 ft in length M a new 3,000-ton British...
A NEW device intended to reduce petrol consumption has recently been introduced in the form of the km automatic air inlet, a...
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on the question whether the second half of the century begins on January 1, 1950, or January 1, 1951. Popular opinion favours...
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F.R.S.A. F OR the British commercial-vehicle industry, 1949 has been a year of unparalleled achievement, and the efforts of...
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Canada's Buses C ANADA, like the U.S.A., has an extensive road passenger transport system; the methods used in both countries...
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says P. A. C. Brockington, AM .1.14 ech.E. A T the 1948 Commercial Motor Show it was evident that designers had responded to...
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T HIS week "The Commercial Motor" is able to give a complete description of a new range of Scammell four-wheel-drive chassis,...
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The Atkinson Eight wheeler By Assembled With Well-proved Proprietory-made L. J. COTTON, Components, the Atkinson Eight-wheeler...
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Cotter Replacement T HE removal and replace.ment of the split type of valve cotter should be simplified by the use of the...
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a fold of the Welsh mountains, alongside a swift-flowing brook. I suddenly came across a factory, its entrance being flanked by...
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E MPLOYING a 14-ft. 9 - in , frame and the components arranged as in the 7-8-tonner, Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd., Shreigsbury,...
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WE would like you to publish this letter to show your " readers how the small operator is being treated. A little while ago we...
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T HE absence of - a suitable vehicle to accommodate a number of sitting patients comfortably, , led the health committee of...
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R ECENTLY I visited a smallholder in the country, an ex-Serviceman, who ran a 3-ton lorry on a B licence doing a small amount...
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machine out of these savings, you will have to pat aside twice as much, on account of depreciation, as is suggested in the...
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TMPROVEMENTS in the design of battery-electric vehicles . form the subject of patent No. 626,820 (delayed in publication),...