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Scottish Show has p EVIEWING the results of ,• Proved a Considerable " the Scottish Motor Show, Success the president of the...
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That Leatherhead, Surrey, is asking for a better bus service That the retail price of petrol in Eire is now 2s. 91d. per...
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WHAT amounts to a guarantee of the freedom of the independent " haulier to carry . On his business witliout fear of undue...
I N a case heard before the Appeal Tribunal, last week, the Railway Executive appealed against a decision of the Yorkshire...
THE long-awaited debate on the 1 nationalization of transport was due to open in the House of Commons yesterday. Mr. Alfred...
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A CCORDING to the "South Wales Pl. Echo," Cardiff City Council has decided to withdraw from the scheme of representation which...
R °CITES to be used by coaches passing into or through London on express services or excursions and tours have now been given...
rOMPREHENSIVE recommendations made in a . report by a committee on Insular Transport were adopted by the Isle of Man Tynwald...
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MR. L. G. HIND has been made a director of the Car Collection Co., Ltd. MR. R. W. HANSON has succeeded M.I. J. E. HANSON as a...
rICTOBER'S shipments of cars and commercial vehicles set up an ailtime record, said Mr. R. Gresham Cooke. director of the...
During 1948 more than 38 per cent. of tyre replacements for Government vehicles were retreads. Leeds Corporation's former tram...
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1 LLEGAL operation was admitted, on Monday, before the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, by the United British Caravan Co....
ber 20-26:- S Dunk Transport, Ltd. (Unit A.259), Barking: Mcliard Bros. (Unit A.260). London. 14.21; British Road Services...
I T is understood that the Road Haul a g e Executive has apolo g ized for openin g letters addressed to an ac q uired...
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N o applications for space at the British Motor Show, to be held in New • York from April 15-23 next year. have been received...
A N application by the Scottish Motor PA Traction Co., Ltd., for a licence to run a seven-day tour from Edinburgh to...
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T HE question whether the responsibility for conveying children to school in outlying districts of North Wales rested with the...
Holland now has exceeded the pre-war level. In May, 1940, 4,700 buses were running in the Netherlands, but in May, l945, only...
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cultural Machinery Exhibition, which will be opened by the Rt. Hon. Tom Williams, M.P., Minister of Agriculture, at Earls Court...
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spirit, concentrated chemical, and Water to helicopters engaged in the spraying of crops, will, he shown by A.E.C., Ltd.,...
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DURING the past few years miniatur.: L./tractors, mostly of the two-wheeled type, have become exceedingly popular, and there is...
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clutch as used on Ferguson and . David Brown tractors. self-adjusting Thompson tie rods, and Purolator micronic oil filters,...
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fourwheel-drive vehicles is now available for the home market. One of the range is a 12-cwt. van. Developed by Metamet, 100,...
E FFORTS arc being made by the Lai Passenger Vehicle Operators Association to secure the amendmentof that part of the Highway...
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By C. S. DUNBAR, M.Inst.T. O WNERSHIP by the British Transport Commission of the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., Eastern...
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the oilfields is the Bedford utility pick-up. I saw this model running over the desert and in the mountains of Iran, carrying a...
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Iran is by road, instead of by pipe line, which is normal procedure in all other parts of the country. Leyland tankers have...
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and Greater Economy. Independent Front Suspension System Affords Smooth Riding By L. J. COTTON, M.1.R.T.E. A New Commer 8-cwt....
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Election Fever The Coming General Election Leads Many to Look For Hidden Motives in the Actions of Others. Speculations,...
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T "problem of discharging refuse, coke, sand, coal and many other commodities from a body, has been tackled in several...
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W HAT position is the road transport engineer occupy ing in the scheme of things as they concern acquired undertakings? Where,...
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S IMILAR to a vehicle described in "The Commercial Motor" on September 16, a refrigerated semitrailer outfit for milk storage...
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Rough Work Methods of Calculating Charges for the Jobbing Haulier Have to be Varied in Abnormal Circumstances : This Week a...
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A STEERING gear in which the ratio is high in the mid-position, and lowers towards extreme" locks, is shown in patent No....