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HE average worker's Few Men Are Capable of conception of business • chiefs as • a class is of Real Leadership and They fat,"...
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Triplex Lead Against A N interesting new use for Smash and Grab . 4 - 1 safety glass, which may Raiders interest those of our...
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That a motor vehicle is finished before it starts. That the Labour Government works by rule of thump. Of electrical strain...
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in the price of I - 1Q electric vehicles is to be made, announces Steels Engineering Products, Ltd., Scotia Works, Sunderland....
om Hauliers' Compensation Cairns for Better4t-ent Value on Vehicles • Being Reduced TT is understood that the Road• Haulage...
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SIR LEONARD BROWETT has succeeded SIR ARIHUR ROBINSON as a director of Super Oil Seals and Gaskets, Ltd. MR. G. H. F. PARKES,...
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W HiLsr the provisions of the world road transport convention would facilitate the movement of private tourist traffic both in...
The North-western Road Car CO., Ltd., is to spend £696,000 on the purchase ot 214 new buses. The David Brown service manual,...
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Next Moth I T is expected that the first annual report - of the British Transport Commission will be published early nein...
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O NE of the best ways of studying Argentina is to ' visit Buenos Aires and stay there for some time, . if only to watch the...
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IN an effort to meet coach competition, 1 British Railways have put into service n attractive mobile booking office, which will...
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"ravel KEE1 )OWN BUS FARES? A s will already, nave been observed from the columns of "The Commercial Motor," substantial...
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in finishing I N the preceding article method and layout for lettering and decorative work when painting a vehicle were...
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T HE Institute of Road Transport Engineers was an important organization for manufacturers, said Mr. Henry Spurrier, managing...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. T HERE was so much reserve power in the Thornycroft SA7 six-wheeled chassis which I tested that I...
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Circumstances S OME time ago I was consulted by an operator in connection with a contract for the haulage of beer. After...
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TilE answer to the anti-social operator is undoubtedly I enforcement, but this would mean the creation of an army of snoopers...
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an article by 1 Mr. C. S. Dunbar entitled "Five Transport Systems for Two Seaside Resorts," and concerned those for Llandudno...
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A VEHICLE fitted with built-in hydraulic jacks usually loads one of the set more than the rest, owing to inequalities of the...