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Great Britain is proud of her macadamised roads. One needs no long term of residence in any of her counties to appreciate how...
NVe pointed out several weeks ago that it had been alleged, at a meeting of the Leith Town Council, that motor-wagon traffic...
A few Continental towns have been testing the merits of petrol tramcars recently; particulars of these will occupy our...
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The traffic receipts of the Bath Electric Tramways for the year loos show an increase of nearly J.:3,000, and a not...
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By Henry Sturmey. We have been hearing a good deal about motor omnibuses lately, and we are likely to hear more of them....
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This journal has a certified circulation and is the only authority on commercial motor subjects. Manchester and districl is to...
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The necessity for a more efficient means of forming road sarfaces has become more urgent during the past few years, owing to...
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Notice to Proprietors as to Conditions for Obtaining Certificates. We published the draft motor omnibus regulations for the...
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At the last meeting of Paddington 1:1-oroukh Council the works-committee presented the following report :— "The borough...
Mr. S. F. Edge has given yet another evidence of his versatility by his appearance on the 9th instant at Reigate as a supporter...
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First Article : The Block Chain. In order to supplement the articles on " The Evolution of Modern Driving Chains " which...
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Our engineering department undertakes the inspection and trial of new or second.hand motors on behalf of readers of "THE...
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The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR " Sir :—Taking into consideration the vigilance and attention required from steam-wagon...
The Editor," THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—I strongly uphold you in your article on Motor Omnibus Management. There is no...
Sir :—Having been asked by several of your readers to give some of my experiences in respect to the upkeep for repairs to my...