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We drew attention, on our Editorial page of January itth, to the intention of the War Office to enter seriously into the...
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Proceedings of the Society of Motor Omnibus Engineers. The second council meeting, for the second year, of the Society of...
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Particulars of "L'Auto Mixte" Vehicles Constructed by Messrs. Pieper of Liege.] Members of the Press were on Friday, the 23rd...
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(Continued from page 485.) I will now take a few of the minor paints connected with the engines of both systems. In the...
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Again us the co-tangent of the angle included between the axis and the tangent to the curve of section at the point whose...
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The Motor for Farm Work. Sir :—Seeing the good work you do in trying to bring the motor into farm work by publishing...
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The Institution of Civil Engineers Recognises the Importance of this Subject. At the ordinary meeting on Tuesday, the eoth...
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Stopping a Leak. G. G. (York) sends the following on the 16th inst. in answer to a query from N. A. T. (Hartlepool) :• " I...
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BODY.—Windham.—No. lo,388, dated May 17th, 1905.---The vehicle showp is a pleasure vehicle, but this invention may be applied...