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19th January 1973
19th January 1973
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Page 1, 19th January 1973

Page 19

Whither the GTAs?

The RTITB's ready agreement to the sensible proposal of the Department of Employment that companies already engaged on a...

Page 20

Training Board wants more

money. .. But fears Government direction and CBI domination • More money from the Government to offset the reduction in...

BLMC's gas turbine lead is secure Dr Fogg

Allegations that Leyland's gas turbo project was falling behind because of ti loss of key men and the difficulty recruiting top...

Maintenance committeeman fined for brakes defect

• Mr William McQueen, chairman of RHA North of Scotland sub-area a tnember of the Vehicle Maintena Advisory Committee for...

Page 21

Briton is tipped as EEC transport director

• The Common Market Commission has agreed that a Briton should be given the top civil servant post as director-general with...

tholish vehicle licences Ind raise petrol tax

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr bony Barber, was urged yesterday to lish vehicle licences and recover lost :nue through...

Page 22

Get lorries out of towns AA chief

• Heavy lorries should be compelled to go round London and other "afflicted communities" using specially designated and...

£1500 distribution scholarship

• A new scholarship for employees in distribution has been established by the Distributive Industry Training Board. Called the...

Acid tanker leak inquiry

• An investigation by Home Off police and fire service experts is being m into how a road tanker containing 250( of...

MCS drops complaint

• After eight months' picketing dockers the East London-based Midi; Cold Storage company has applied withdraw its complaint...

En courag g 9

Leyland report • British Leyland's tax-paid profits the year ended September 30 1972 rose £21.1m (1971: £18.4m). But unit...

VAT discount

In t he specimen invoice which appeared in the article about Value Added Tax on page 39 of CM last week, the 2+ per cent...

Page 23

rehicle test armonization not rgent, says FTA

armonization of vehicle testing within EEC is not a matter requiring the st degree of priority, the FTA has the DoE. e...

orriesnot guilty '

'Over the past three years the number ;avy lorries over 3 tons unladen — lecreased. During the same period more one million...

Waste disposal records for 10 years?

• Contractors hauling hazardous waste materials may soon be required by law to keep accurate records of the exact location of...

Page 24

EEC hours proposals 'nonsensical' says union

by John Darker • The TGWU is taking a strong line about certain of the Common Market Commission's ideas on road transport. In...

Transposed captions

• Charles Roberts and Co Ltd, of Wake advise us that they transposed the Gulf Oil cal and the Oil Recovery Company caption ii...

Page 25

,DoY goes European

The vehicles to be used at the final -off for the LDoY title at Bramcote on )tember 9 will be supplied by rcedes-Benz (GB) Ltd....

lex buys

'ownsends Dr £680,000 Lex Services Group Ltd stated this :k that its subsidiary company,Wilkinson insport Group Ltd, has...

Engineers accused of blacking

• A complaint by Mr John Stewart, of Riverside Station, Dalinuir, Glasgow, to the Industrial Court in Scotland which alleges...

Page 26

Red faces over tartan bus

• The top brass in Glasgow Corporation Transport were gathered with directors at the Carrick Furniture company in the city....

Cut cars by 40 pc LT chief

• A cut of 40 per cent in the numbers of cars in use in central London would allow a really efficient bus service to operate....

Only one coach firm at Olympia

• Hounslow Coaches Ltd, the 15-vehicle Middlesex operator, is the only coach operatot showing at International Holiday...

Good start to guaranteed-seat service

• An experimental guaranteed-s coach service got off to an encourag start in London this week. It ser Stanwell, Ashford and the...

Complaints at Kettering

• Kettering town council is to compile a dossier of complaints from residents about "totally inadequate local bus services"...

Bradford train bus

• The first stage in Bradford's £8 bus-train interchange was completed week and the first two platforms will cc into use on...

Page 27

th English coach firm whose vehicle, I with a bar,

was stopped in Scotland, found not guilty this week of one charge ;ontravening Scottish licensing regulai. But the firm was...

Mountain Goat Minibus Service

• Windermere Council unanimously decided this week to back the application of a local firm, Mountain Goat Minibus Service, to...

• A permanent appointment to the post of managing director,

World Wide Coaches Ltd, is expected to be made "very soon". This was said on Tuesday by a spokesman for American Express Ltd,...

Change around at NBC

• The National Bus Company has made four new appointments to its Central Activities Group. Mr John A. Birks, traffic manager of...

ad Deakin new PPTO president

Edward Deakin, 63, the general manager of Bradford City Transport for the past 10 years, has been elected president of the...

Page 28

Trouble galore for Shetlands

• A stern warning to all Shetland fleet operators was given by Mr A. B. Birnie, the Scottish LA, at a public hearing in...

Operator did not know meaning of GV9

• An Aldershot site clearance contractor, engaged in transport for more than 20 years, told the deputy South Eastern LA, Mr G....

One vehicle had 15 defects

• Because the three vehicles, owned b: Blackburn, Lancs, scrap metal merch covered such a low yearly mileage, he did feel that...

Bradford haulier's 1150 fines cut to £5

• At Bradford Crown Court last Fri( Mr Alwyn Davison, haulage contractoi Wyke, Bradford, who had been fine total of £150 by...

Page 29

astern LA reserves ecision on case with !ommon Market vertones

Nhen Mr H. E. Robson, the Eastern 'eserved his decision at a public inquiry id that the case was an important one, licated and...

!st case driver loses appeal

k 42-year-old driver, Mr William ie, who failed in an appeal to Tort magistrates last week, against Slorth Western Licensing...

wo-vehicle licence revoked no anned maintenance

[he licence specifying two vehicles ging to Mr E. Murphy of Woolston, lampton, was revoked by the South rn deputy LA last week...

Wet weather blamed for overload

• A tipper operator had paid little attention to the mileage of his vehicles and his preventive maintenance inspections were...

Page 30

Weighing by portable plates

• Two transportable commercial vehicle weighing systems, designed first used in Sweden, are now being marketed in the UK by Oxy...

Ford in Spain

• Ford has finally, officially definitely, writes our Spanish corm dent, presented its petition to the Sp Ministry of Industry...

US firm will lease trucks in France

• With the intention of leasing truck special purposes, and for the transpc chemicals in particular, a US comi North American...

Curtain-sided superstructure for pallet loading

• "We go out to get the driver's advice before we build a tilt body and we adopted the same philosophy in the design stage of...

Page 31

ITORS to the 52nd Brussels Show, z:h opens today and

will be open every including Sundays between 10 am and n until January 28, will see a first-class lay with truck and bus...

Page 34

Car-lorry rear rams cause most severe road injuries

MAKING LORRIES more conspicuous and eliminating rear overhang could reduce the deaths caused by collisions between cars and...

Page 37

,ird's eye

new by the Hawk 'lever comes? ?rrow's World was last week's con. An viewer of this BBC television prome, I had my enthusiasm...

Community two-step

re were some cross people at Leeds versity's Common Market transport posium (CM last week) when it was dis;red that Mr A....

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by Brian H. Fish, managing director of Joseph Fish & Sons Ltd. Bristol. TO THOSE who supported the principle of the Transport...

Page 39

Working towards

fair shares el free trade I The European Community is much lore than an economic mutual-benefit Kiety. Politically, its...


Don Grimster • Smiles come, I suggest, in three wrappings: cynical, patronizing and contented. Don Grimster's smile which,...

Page 40

Confidence in Mr Wilmot

George Wilmot is perfectly capable of replying to suggestions that he is "ignorant - , "ill informed and ''has a short memory...

Remoulds and speed

The article - Speed limit on remoulds astounds operators" (CM December 15) seems to be a typical example of a sensation seeking...

Service in Sussex

Recently I had a mishap when a crane struck my lorry on site, smashing the window and top of the cab. In view of the fact that...

Monitoring engine oil conditi

My attention has been drawn to your is December 1, and in particular to the from a reader on the usefulness of mon the...

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VAT IN RELATION TO HIRE PURCHASE OR LEASING OF VEHICLES latever method of vehicle replacement the operator adopts the finance...

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Leasing and maintenanc by the kilometr

by Johnny Johr MANY.OPERATORS lease their vehicles, probably many more maintain their vehicles by one of the contract...

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Showing up the mini-juggemaut GOODS VEHICLE OPERATORS have suspected for a long time that the motorist is the main menace on...

Page 49

Building a self drive Eleet for the building industry

ly lain Sherriff NLEY PLANT LTD, a plant hire firm le building industry since 195S, began hiring out self-drive vehicles to...

Page 51

road and

workshop by Handyman Details that save down-time (5) WITH today's sophisticated tractive units, a gearbox or clutch repair...

Page 53


PEAY by lain Sherriff r the surface contract hire appears easy, secure d lucrative. According to BRSL this opinion is en to...

Page 54


easily disposed of and is consequently a high security risk. In addition to these aspects, he had to take into account the...

Page 57

If a canvas tilt is fitted to a IOcwt pick-up

can the vehicle then be classed WI-purpose and therefore be driven at higher speed limits which apply to such 71es? Regulation...

To obtain my operator's licence I had to satisfy the

DoE inspectors that I adequate workshop facilities. Does this , ection also swish , the requirements of Factories Act, if...

Q In a recent issue (CM, December 29) the dates for

the introduction of tachographs were mentioned. I operate a large fleet of municipal refuse collection vehicles. Will these be...

Q I have been reading the Safe Loading Code issued by

the Department of the Environment last October; could you tell whether this code has the force tf law, and also when a load is...

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matters by John Darker AMBIM How Wincanton Contract was launched LAUNCHING a new company or a specialist organization is an...

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know the law

by Les Oldridge, AMIRTE, MIMI Drivers' hours of work (2) THIS WEEK I propose to examine the exemptions created by the...

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profit from learning

by George Wilmot Senior Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London. Taking transport courses by correspondence THE...

Page 65

wersing warning

Guyson warning bleeper is into action immediately a :le is reversed. It is fitted at rear of the vehicle ath the bodywork, out...

riy panel chart

rder to assist with the ;than of sections for uiIding Alustock, specialist inium stockholders, has itly produced a compact or...

3111 tape and Nephew Tapes have tly added a white

closedfoam tape, coated on one with pressure-sensitive sive, to their range, and ible in either 0.125in. or 5in. thickness. The...


A range of low-cost generalpurpose sealants for vans, buses and containers among other uses has been introduced by Evode....

Support belt

Truck drivers may be interested in the Car-Maband waist support belt. The belt is fabricated from a black elasticated material...

Rust killer

A squirt-on rust killer and a wrap-round exhaust bandage have been announced by Granville. The affected area must be cleaned...

Marker lamp

A series of die-cast aluminium armoured clearance and marker lamps has been introduced. The design permits mounting without...

Lighting set

A two-lamp 12V lighting set manufactured by Wipac, is suitable for lighting outbuildings and exhibition displays. Included in...

Acoustic warning device

An electronic multi-signal acoustic warning device has been developed by A. P. Besson Ltd. The device, named Cybertone, gives...

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Shock absorbers

Five different designs are offered in a new range of shock absorbers from AC-Delco. They are telescopic, coilassisted...

Hydraulic stackers

Two stacker trucks with battery-powered traction and hydraulic lifting mechanisms have been added to the existing Mobax...

Chemical cleaner

A range of chemical vehicle cleaners for use without brushes has been introduced by the metal finishing division of Pyrene....

Metric paint

A free leaflet, "Tins of paint" from the Metrication Board sets Out the standard metric ranges and the appropriate spreading...

terminal screws

From B & B Sales comes Pt quick-release battery ten screws. They compris self-tapping screw, surmot by plastic-coated wing 1...

Hand cleaner

From Spectra Chemicals c "Clean Hands" — cleanei the removal from hands dust and grime without was The cleaners are suppli...

Page 67

Forming ire

mblication from the Steel Development 1 gives guidance on uitable steels for each operation and also information on tool...


The Sprayguard mudwing for commercial vehicles and psv has been introduced by Jonas Woodhead, The injection-moulded...

keeping them running

by Trevor Longcroft it many operators must re of the money to be repair and downtime itting an engine coolant ierature and....

Document shredder

From Z. Brierley comes a modified version of its desk-top document shredder. Individual steel cutters and aluminium spacers...

Tack cloths

Starchem, which used to make its Tack cloths from cotton scrim for wiping areas about to be painted, now uses a' synthetic...

Steam cleaner

The Staples Engineering steam cleaner is propane-gas fired, supplies 2001b of steam per hour at up to 100 psi: it has a bhp...


The BroomWade BEN spraygun, the PS3-XM, has been produced for spraying quick-drying materials when used with compressors of low...

Mail order

Storage Techniques revised industrial mail order catalogue, a 56-page booklet, is divided into six sections — binning and...

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Heat-dissipating paste

A paste, Metallit Heat Protection, can be spread around any area to be welded in order to prevent buckling — and its...

Hydraulic lift

A hydraulically lifted platform mounted on a turntable and developed by Liftec Engineering can be supplied for working heights...

Driving jacket

Goodyear has brought quilted, nylon driving jar winter use; it is siliconeand water repellent. The are fitted with concealec...

Page 69

le washer

(ham comes the Spar! of vehicle washing featuring automatic with an overriding ntrol. tic washer has a railgantry installed on...

Hydraulic hub motors

Hagglund, the Swedish hydraulic engineer, has released details of a new wheel motor which is available in the UK from ASH...


Quentsplass has reformulated its liquid epoxy resin-based mastics and adhesives, and Quentsplass Rapid, a putty-like substance...

Warning buzzer

From Umed come electronic buzzers suitable for use in a vehicle as a hazard warning signal. One model has a resonating...