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17th April 1982
17th April 1982
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Page 1, 17th April 1982

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Editorial Fight the flab

SINCE its formation 12 years ago, the Road Transport Industry Training Board has been under almost constant attack by those who...

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Slimming course urged for RTITB

SLIMMER and fitter Road Transport Industry Training Board ould be created to meet the industry's needs, and should charge a ry...

A code to deal with

A CODE of practice for lorry dealers has been prepared by the National Truck Committee of the Motor Agents Association,...


WEST LOTHIAN Labour MP Mr Tam Dalyell has won a partial triumph in his long campaign to keep the Livingston MOTEC open. Junior...

How to tap?

THE Department of Transport is considering possible methods of tapping private finance for road building, but has not yet...

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More TSG when you control the lor

TRANSPORT SECRETARY David Howell said last week that he is ensuring that, when approving expenditure for the Transport...

Bulb bans

THE sale of low-quality vehi light bulbs becomes illegal fri September 24, following .1 publication of regulations Transport...

CV sales recovering

COMMERCIAL vehicle sales last month were 6.3 per cent up March 1981, and even the hitherto depressed over-3.5 tonne sect has...

Weightcheck seminar

THE Association of County Councils is to organise a seminar on the overloading of goods vehicles later this year, following...

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Is Chunnel sunk?

1E CHANNEL TUNNEL has sprung a leak, with cold water being lured on the project by Dover Harbour Board and by Government lviser...

DUE DILIGENCE is a defence which the Road Haulage Association,

one day, would like to have accepted in cases where lorries are overloaded in spite of the operator's best attempts to prevent...

CBI off rates

INDUSTRY and commerce is bearing too much of the rates burden according to the Confederation of British Industry. Local...

Foden expanding

BERRY WIGGINS opened a new Foden parts sales and service centre at Newbury, in Berkshire, on April 5. It covers Berkshire,...

Bodyshop countdown on

BODYSHOP, the world's largest specialist conference and exhibition for the vehicle body building and accident repair...

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for his deception

IT haulier Alan Brooks, of Wel ing, was fined E500 plus costs at ley Magistrates Court last week (CM, September 5, 1981). r...

BRMSH Road Services' Chesterfield Truckstop, (CM, October 10, 1981), an

overnight parking and catering facility for lorry drivers, has reported a profitable first six months. Opened last November,...

Workshop course

A RESIDENTIAL course on workshop management is being held on July 5 to 8 at the Freight Transport Association's management...


DUT £85m less than was ex:tad was spent on motorway I trunk road construction durthe last financial year. unior Transport...

Not a penalty, says LA

A COMPANY which had an immediate prohibition for brake defects placed on two vehicles sent in for annual tests escaped with a...

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Arabia aligns with IRU

THE ARAB Union of Land Transport, an operators' association based in Jordan, has become an associate member of the...

By degree

THE COUNTRYWIDE pass for Certificate of Prof essi Competence examination still low, but students directed study courses are di...

Peo le

ROBIN WOOLCOCK has been promoted to director of United Kingdom operations in the sales and marketing department of Leyland...

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A WEEKEND study course on employment law is being run

on April 23 to 25 by the Road Haulage Association's YES Group, the former young executive section. It will be held at the...

Garage runs out of time

ABERDEEN haulier Tom Shanks, who has built up a 20-vehicle fleet in 10 years and is about to add a further four vehicles to his...

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Four for the road for Courage

COURAGE BREWERIES has ordered four prototype tri-axle trailers suitable for operation at 38 tonnes. Three of these have been...

Come and get 'em

ECONOCRUISE, manufacture the Truck Speed Cont System, is offering selec Volvo F10 and F12 operat three months' free trial on...

Glass mod

GLASS TRANSPORT Systems Ltd, has designed and built a power operated roof for glass carrying vehicles. Aimed at increasing the...

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It appeals

FOLLOWING its recent change of name from Retreading Equipment Ltd., R E Tyre & Rubber Co Ltd is taking part in Tipcon for the...

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CPT's spearhead

A TEN-STRONG voluntary training steering group is spearheading the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport's...

NBC target

NATIONAL EXPRESS ar National Holidays have be told that their pre-privatisati■ financial target is "a contrib tion to long run...

A warning

OPERATORS of 503 12m Leyland Leopard coaches built between 1972 and 1981 should have them checked in case their spare wheel...

LT subsidy rejected

A LABOUR Party attempt to amend the law so that the Greater London Council and London Transport would have the powers they...


LONDON TRANSPORT bus se vices are to be cut by about te per cent from the end of July a part of the economy package a tached to...

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Good god

INTEX GB of Coventry has sold its first high-deck semidoubledeck Apollo coach to a British operator. Sunshine Holidays of...

'Public must come first'

PUBLIC TRANSPORT has been served badly by the Conservative and Labour Parties over the past 35 years, and has been subjected to...

Monopoly to go in Perth?

THE SCOTTISH Bus Group may lose its monopoly of Perth city services following Tayside Region transport committee's decision to...

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Keeping the heat on fuel conservation

ENERGY conservation continues as an important part of the United Kingdom's energy policy, according to the fourth report of the...

Autosteer for more

AUTOSTEER, the air-operat power steering system, can n( be fitted to a wider range vehicles, claims the manuf, turer RFF...


AS SEVERAL of our eagle-eyed and technically-minded readers have already pointed out, a gremlin played havoc with the brake...

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Pooling ideas to get 38 tonnes

I READ Commercial Motor every week and have done so for some years now. I have recently noticed all the arguments for and...

Coming to the aid of Poland

WOULD IT be possible to appeal through your columns for transport help for our action? We are a registered charity run by...

Right side of the law

I WRITE regarding your Road Test Report No. 8/82 CM w/e March 27, 1982, relating to the Seddon Atkinson 401 Gardner. In...

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riu fiddling while 'alklands burn

100 BUSY to notice that a tinoot South American junta was thout to annexe a British ;olony, the Government mnounced the day's...

rhey couldn't say 'haroah than that

10 THOSE, such as the Inland ievenue, who send nasty red hreatening demands two or hree weeks after an account as been paid, I...

Digging is not boring

WHAT at first sight appears to be a boring list of Post Office vehicle numbers and makes contains one or two fascinating...

Homage to 100 years of steam

STEAM-TRAIN buffers have a treat in store in the centenary celebrations of the Lewes and East Grinstead Railway. The...

May will start with a bang

MAY DAY bank holiday weekend will witness the annual historic commercial vehicle run from Battersea Park to Brighton, sponsored...

He doesn't feel soldiers' collars

ALTHOUGH the dreaded Red Caps are generally associated with military offences, Mike Beale, Carryfast's Southampton operations...

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The hard times arE a'changing bodyworli

Operators battling against the recessior calling the shots in bodywork. Eidm Morton reports on how their high al varied...

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Ro-Hill Bodies soon gets stamp of approval

Expansion has come quickly for this Hampshire bodybuilder. Bill Brock takes a look at how they are keeping their customers...

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Britain's coachbuilder enter a harsh new work

Reports that the British coachbuilding industry will share the fate of our motorcycle industry are much exaggeratE suggests...

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• Look at the body first, say the men of Windfoil

A Norfolk bodybuilding firm is staking its future on a high technology product. Quality is its main aim; the price is...

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The organising spirit with a touch of steel

JOHN WELLS is the sixth secretary of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition. Those who have gone before include Mervyn Miles,...

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Up-market Tautlinei looks set to triumph

Boalloy sets the pace with curtainsiders. It; Tautliners are the ones that everyoni copies. No laurel-resting here, though, for...

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17-18 21st National Coach Rally at Blackpool.

19 Institute of Road Transport Engineers. Caterpillar Trucks Engine Versus Competition, by E. Ferrel of Caterpillar Overseas at...

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Extending the tax gap

CHANCELLOR of the Exchequer Sir Geoffrey Howe echoed the language of wage negotiators when announcing increases in fuel tax....

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Paper plans to action

PAPER PLANS, like a sheet of music, are ineffectual unless performed. The conductors who bring business and transport plans...