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15th February 1963
15th February 1963
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Page 1, 15th February 1963

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Beeching Plan for Decision Soon

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT N EXT month the Beeching report will face the Cabinet squarely with the problem: what to do...

Labour M.P.'s Plan for Revitalized Rail

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT W ITH the Beeching plan for revitalizing Britain's railways all but ready, pressure from the...

Advice on Turn-round Facilities

E XPEKT and detailed advice on the design of loading bays and vehicle ■ ,aids is eontained iii the first of six Road Haulage...

Page 9

Less Than Fair to Hauliers

"CANNOT recall hearing any examples of the railways having come to the rescue of road transport during the recent weeks of...

Local Authorities Consult T.R.T.A.

OCAL authorities are beginning to . 1 —■ show a greater awareness of the essential function of the goods vehicle in supplying...

Annual-hire Vehicles Qualify as Firm's Own—E.E.C. Spokesman

'WHERE vehicles are on contract or VI' are hired foleat least a year by ownaccount concerns, these should be classified as part...

e Growth in 1962 C-Licence Vehicl

D URING 1962 the number of C-licensed vehicles in Britain rose by just over 1 per cent, to a total of 1,267,777. This increase...

Page 11

Alleged Hijacker for Trial A FTER a pantechnicon had forced their

lorry to stop, a driver 'and his mate were attacked by about eight men, armed with coshes, who came out of the pantechnicon, it...

More London Lorry Thefts in 1962

ikiTORE goods vehicles or their loads Iv' were stolen in the Metropolitan police district in 1962 than in the previous year,...

Highland Transport

R OAD transport in the Highlands of Scotland has developed into a major means of freight movement, a special committee has...

Tax Campaign Starts

T HE pre-Budget campaign to persuade the Chancellor to lighten fuel tax started on Wednesday in the Commons. First, Mr. G. B....

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Rural Surveys Starting P REL 1 M NA R Y work

on the surveys I of transport availability and travel needs in selected rural areas of Britain— first announced by the Ministry...

United Industry Fights Fuel Tax

A UNITED line-up of provincial /A operators in seeking removal of the fuel tax was displayed in London on Wednesday....

Unilever Get Six B at Rehearing T HE application by Unilever Ltd.

for B licences for two vehicles based on Leith and four vehiees based on Renfrew, referred back to the Scottish Licensing...

Decision Reserved on Theatre Excursions Bids D ECISION waS reserved on

a group of applications by Charley coach operators and Ribble Motor Services Ltd., by the chairman of the North Western Traffic...

Page 15

Transport Tribunal in London

L.A. 'Leaned Over Backwards' to Make Grant " QUCH di ffi culties as there are with ■ --) regard to the transport of cattle to...

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Attack on Meat Transport at Leeds for New Cars A LL-ROUND

criticism of the current meat transport arrangements of British Railways, British Road Services and independent hauliers, was a...

High Court Application Backed by R.H.A.

T HE Road Haulage Association is sponsoring an application to the Divisional Court to quash a decision of the West Midland...

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Large Pickfords' Switch Sought

L ARGEST application notified this week 1 -4 appears in the Metropolitan" As and Ds" in the form of an application to vary a B...

Page 43

Mr. J. F. Mosley has been appointed managing director of

Bowser International Ltd., now a subsidiary of Rubery, Owen and Co. Ltd. The former managing director, Mr. S. G. B. Wallace,...

East Midland Consultative Committee

hiTEMBERS of the Transport Users in Consultative Committee for the East Midland Area have been appointed by the Minister of...

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Fare Rise Would Cut' Traffic

IN Glasgow last week, Mr. E. It. U." I Fitzpayne, the Corporation's transport manager, said that an increase in the wages of...

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Osborne Milk-floats on Traders

I%J IILK-FLOAT bodies for Thames IV! Trader 11-ft.-wheelbase, normalcontrol 30-cwt. chassis are now offered by R. W. Osborne...

Snow Vehicle for British Market

A SWEDISH cross-country tracked vehicle of novel design was demonstrated in Scotland last week-end by Innes Ireland, the...

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Ventilation Options for Leyland Trucks A LL Leyland Vista Vue cabs

can now be fitted with additional ventilation aids as optional fittings. They consist of a driver-controlled air scoop in each...

Special Bogie for Long Loads

A BOGIE incorporating steerable twin1 — toscillating axles has been designed and built by Carrimore Six Wheelers Ltd. for A....


FOR A LOT OF WASTE: Orders worth about £20,000 have been placed with Powell Duffryn Engineering Co. Ltd., by the Ford Motor Co....

Page 47

Belt-drive DAF for U.S. Army A T the invitation of the

U.S. Army Mobility Command, Van Doorne's Automobielfabriek, maker of DAF vehicles, is to design and build a prototype vehicle...

Interconnected Suspension

"THE aien of a suspension system shown in patent No. 908,693 is to prevent fore-and-aft pitching when front and rear wheels...

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Aluminium Dumper Bodies Give 25-cwt. Payload Increase

IN the large earth-moving project I. associated with the construction of the new British Railways marshalling yard at Tinsley,...

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LUBRICATION all the time

-vv ITH labour costs high and skilled labour at a premium, reduced maintenance of vehicles has never been more important than...

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W HEN provision has to be made for the nation-wide delivery of 7,500 tons of goods a week only a systematic approach and...

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The Roaring Forties

nN Saturday it became legal for British goods vehicles to be driven at up to 40 m.p.h. outside restricted areas, except for...

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WRITES . . may be the signal for a

drive against the speeding lorry driver.' W HEN the speed limit for heavy goods vehicles was raised from 20 to 30 m.p.h. in...

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B ECAUSE it represents an essential design exercise, rather than an afterthought, the attention given by Auto-Industrie...

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Bird's Eye View

T THINK the words " new " and " novel " ought to be -Ibanned. A lot of interest is being shown lately in demountable bodies,...

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Why Rootes recommend only Shell motor oil for the new Commer range - D OOTES introduce a new range of Cornmer

and Karrier vehicles—and once again they specifically recommend a Shell X-100 or Shell Rotella oil, depending on whether it is...

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R everse Gear Pedal? M AY I, as a practical operator, join the discussion on commercial vehicle brakes (The Commercial Motor,...

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Productivity and Incentives

N ATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY YEAR is an appropriate, period for operators to consider inaugurating, or alter , natively extending,...