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ISTRUST and unease are covering the goods transport industry like a wet blanket. Not only the difficulties and doubts natural...
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encourage_ tourists to visit this country, one of the first essentials is to provide them with the most comfortable means for...
-ENCONOMISTS consider that the effeets of the , 1 -1 devaluation of currency on the motor industry should be relatively...
H AVING seen a large family car packed tightly with six grown-ups and three children, ostensibly on a week end outing in the...
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'Of popping corks in Geneva: The oft-repeated question: "Who is Janus " That "British Wagon" did not signify being "on • the...
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M ORE area schemes for road passenger transport were foreshadowed by Sir Cyril Hurcomh, chairman of the British 'I'ransport...
COUTH SHIELDS has approved the principle of nationalization of road passenger transport but the council has proposed the...
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A T Edinburgh recently, the chairirian of the Edinburgh and South-east Scotland branch of the Road Haulage Association...
HE Appeal Tribunal will sit at Halifax House, Strand, London, W.C.2, on October 18, to hear an appeal by Vaughan Brothers...
S PEAKING at a sub-area meeting of the Road Haulage Association in Stratford-on-Avon, last week. Mr. Harry Bedworth accused the...
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MR.. S. R. Hoot; has resigned his directorship of Specialloid, Ltd. MR. D. G. PALMER has been appointed managing director of...
N O immediate increase in the _price of petrol and oil fuel is expected to result from the - devaluation of currency....
TRANSFERS of haulage businesses I to the Road Haulage Executive have been fully resumed after September's breathing space....
A N agreement has been made between the Standard Motor Co., Ltd.. and the managing director, Sir John Black, that should his...
T HEpresident of the Institute of Transport, Brigadier-General Sir H. Osborne Mance, K.B.E., • C.13:, C.M.G., D.S.O.,.will...
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T WO criticisms of the conditions of carriage in nationalized road haulage were voiced by Mr. J. G. Hollis, head of a Leeds...
T HE importance of sound packing, particularly for export, was stressed by speakers at the opening of the First National...
Chemico anti-freeze will in future be sold in decorated tins. Supplies are likely to be restricted, because of the dollar...
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D oRMSH commercial-vehicle mann facturers lose many direct sales overseas because their chassis are not equipped with...
QPEAKING at a Motor Show tun6- 7 cheon, Mr. L. P. Lord, chairman and managing director of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., said that...
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A FTER holding discussions with r - tofficials of the British Transport Commission in the Midlands, MajorGeneral G. N. Russell,...
D EC1SION on the application made in July by Manchester Corporation for increased bus fares was published last week. The...
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A LTHOUGH t h e lastest version , of the Fordson Thames chassis was shown in prototype form at Earls Court last year, it was...
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A Crisis Is the B.T.C. Justified in Passing to a State-owned Subsidiary, Excluded Traffic Acquired with Public Funds or Should...
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in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor," which gave details of a prospective coach tour in Scotland, Will consider that...
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D ENATIONALIZATION w a s 'described as "quite impracticable" by Mr. S. C. Bond, M.Inst.T., F.I.T.A., when he read a...
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In Producing a Gazetteer of Independent Hauliers, the R.H.A. Eastern Area Shows the Way for Others T HE increase in the number...
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1 ANDARDS T HIS year the Paris Salon is being held in two parts. The first section, which closes to-morrow, is for cars and...
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in Northern Ireland of the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Banbury, are now benefiting from a new direct-delivery scheme....
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For Accidents Discussions at the Annual Congress of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Tended to Underestimate...
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A BODY which not only tips, but can be traversed to the rear and lowered to the ground, or, if necessary detached from the...
I N London, 50 years ago last Sunday, the Motor Traction Co. put into service the first internal-combustionengined bus, which...
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A RISING out of the observations which Mr. A. 1-1.. "Price so ably.brought to the notice of your readers in your issue dated...
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DATENT No. 623,502 comes from W. Attwodd and Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton, and deals with a means for opening the rear door of...