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13th October 1978
13th October 1978
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Page 1, 13th October 1978

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Let's go at NEC

THE PROPHETS of doom are predicting the first NEC Show as a disaster in both attendance and financial terms. There can be no...

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Show is mind blower SMMT

;OCIETY of Motor Manufacurers and Traders president ;fir Barrie Heath said this week hat the Motor Show will be "a...


LN £800,000 Freightliner ter'final has been approved for eaforth container terminal in .iverpool. It will be financed in part...

lave up

AST prices announced for the Tolvo F7 range this week inlude the Fi short cab (F enme) £18,525; 4x2 tractive unit hort cab...

New bus dodge

EUROPEAN Economic Community officials are baffled by the way British bus operators are "dodging" restrictions on drivers'...

Unions blamed as firms shut

UNION action over a pay claim has been blamed for the closure of two Midlands haulage companies this week and drivers have...

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Haulier's gifts to buy loyalty

THE MANAGING director of a northern haulage firm, William Brunskill, 62, invested in the future of two rising young British...

Tyne troubles

FURTHER discussions are being held between Tyne and Wear PTE and trade union representatives to try to resolve a dispute which...

Scottish CIT's golden jubilee

THE CHARTERED Institut , of Transport's Scottish Sec tion is marking its goldel jubilee with a series of paper at Glasgow...

Surprise debut

MAKING a surprise appearance at the NEC next week will be the Subaru 1600 fourwheel-drive pick-up truck. Mounted above the...

Mock-up for real

FOLLOWING our mock CPI examination at this year' Fleet Management Con ference where the pass rat was 4 per cent, CM is to er...

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uidelines to diand fast now?

- MEATS of industrial action transport workers opposed the Government's five per nt pay guidelines appeared be receding as CM...

Permit ncrease

.ITISH hauliers running to ince and Italy next year can tk forward to an increase in ir quota allocations. talian permit...

■ crutiny

YLAND Vehicles Ltd is ping a close watch on out at its National bus plant ere a strike threatens pro;tion. kdmin istr a tiv e...

We might have the job for you:

WE ARE looking for a News Assistant to replace Alan Millar who is now one of our features writers. If you are sitting at a...

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rrade unions living in past

HARTERED Institute of Transport president Stephen Wheatoft hit out at "19th century behaviour" among trade union embers when he...

M20 tender

A £15m tender for a 7.83 mile M20 motorway extension in Kent has been accepted by the Department of Transport. Dowsett...

Mid-East service

THE THOMPSON Jewitt Group's new deep-sea container forwarding company TJ Ocean Services had begun to offer services to the...

New ferries

FREIGHT TRANSPORT will benefit from a £50m order from Townsend Thoresen for three new car ferries. The first of the vessels,...

Dover growth

Freight traffic at Dover is growing steadily, with the 11 per cent rate of increase being maintained in August. The total of...

Wages up

RISES of up to 25 per cent are in the pipeline for workers at Leyland Vehicles Ltd's four Leyland and Chorley plants. No...

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Hazard loads overnight risk

THE NEED for a formal lorry park to end the haphazard parking of vehicles laden with chemicals and products was emphasised at a...

Bridge falls?

AS THE Severn Bridge was reduced this week to two single carriageways, rumours were flying about the extent to which it...


A NEW film, "What do the diamonds say?", was launched in London by the Health and Safety Executive this week. The film has a...

Danger checks queried

DEPARTMENT of Transpo proposals to make vehicl carrying hazardous loaA undergo six-monthly tests i stead of annual tests has m...

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afective lorry action 10 Dundee firms whose ries were found 10 have dets at a roadside check had !fir operating licences...

'Lump it' driver fairly sacked

AN INDUSTRIAL tribunal had to look at the decision of an employer to dismiss an employee in the light of the information the...

No-tolls problem

MERSEYSIDE County Council is leaning towards the view that it would be wrong to press the Government for elimination of tolls...

Time for prizes

THE Chartered Institute of Transport's annual awards have been announced. Freight transport awards are Henry Crow Medal to J....

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LV powerbox

SCAMMELL, the specialist and military vehicle producer within Leyland Vehicles, has announced the Commander — a tank...

Big Maggie late

THE MAGIRUS Deutz 310D 32AS heavy haulage vehicle won't now be at NEC, but it is still coming to Britain. The vehicle, which...

Welford sells to George Wimpey

THIS WELFORD insulat welded aluminium tippi body mounted on a Leyla Bison chassis forms part of t fifth repeat contract wi...

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M.'s new :oricept or NEC

T THE NEC next week the edford stand will have an tample of the forward linking of the company's dein studios in the form of a...

Tandem rigids from Chrysler

THE DODGE 300-series range has been extended with the introduction of two new tandem drive rigids — one eight wheeler and one...

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New LV motor is conventional

LEYLAND Vehicles Ltd has launched a new range of diesel engines to replace the 500-Series. The TL 11 engines are of 11.1 litres...

New freeloader A 'free-load' Edbro front-end tipping gear of 20

ton lift ratim saving over 100kg (2cwt) if compared with an all purpose fot, stage gear of the same thrust, will be introduced...

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Masgow W. Mids fighit thugs menace A MAJOR effort is being made by West Midlands PTE to reduce the number of attacks on its...

iits back d critics

REATER Glasgow PTE has , acted angrily to local press iticism of it as "the greatest ty-to-day enemy of the worng class"....

JITP talks for lelsinki in 79

ELSINKI is to be the venue for the 43rd International Urban ublic Transport Exhibition next year. The International Union of...

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Helpers for MAP in Bucks

RESPONSE to Alder Valley's market analysis survey in High Wycombe has been good, except in one housing estate. Company traffic...


METAL Sections of Oldbury has won the order for the second 100 double-deck bus bodies on Leyland Atlantean AN68s for Singapore...

Borders buses gain a reprieve

BORDERS Regional Council, which has been bedevilled with transport problems during the past four years, has won its fight to...

Good six

NATIONAL Bus is supporting Oxfam's Move Against Poverty campaign by providing six new double-deckers for the collection of...

Golf stop

ONLY one loading and u loading point may be used 1 coaches when the Europe Golf Tournament is in pr gress at Walton Heath G<...

Free travel on Christmas day

LONDON Transport plans to save money this Christmas Day — by allowing bus and tube passengers to travel free. LT will operate...

A FRENCH Government lo will allow Jamaica to buy new

fleet of tourist mini bus The 125 vehicles, which v, operate from bases at Mc tego Bay, Ocho Rios, and Pc Antonio, will be used...

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Battle begini in decker markei

Since the battle for doubledecker bus orders opened with the development of the Leyland Titan, Metrobus, Foden NC, Mark 2 Ailsa...

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Bailey leaves LUT

b Bailey has retired as tirman of the Lancashire ited Transport Board after years service. When LUT :ame part of Greater...

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Get there safely...

BBITA1N's first combin Commercial and Car Mo Show at the Birmingham temational Exhibition Con looks like being Britoil biggest...

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New models

R THE BENEFIT of anyone o has been living at the rth Pole for the last six riths, next week sees the Irving of Motor Show '78...

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EC preview at Paris show

'ER a break of four years, imercial vehicles came c to the Paris show this k to provide a sneak preir of many of the exhibits...

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pending other mople's money

‘NSPORT and General rkers Union regional trade rp secretary Alan Law laid un his policy on tacho3hs to the Institute of fic...

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What future for Tyne bus?

TYNE and Wear Passenger Transport Executive director gineering David Howard presented a paper in which he outlin future of the...

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Ken Turner's farewell•••

hn Darker interviews the RTITB's ex-chairman ROAD transport intry probably generates 3 "characters" than most stries but few...

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This Show's a inns for PSV visitors

But NEC should give them separate section, says Noel Miflier DOUBLE-DECKERS, coaches and articulated buses are all represented...

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Iligv do pay thei share of costs

TAKING a look at haulage in the UK, Peter Thompson said that there has been little growth in the share by road when measured by...

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Council corner

Brian Chalmers-Hunt looks at equipment available for municipal and public works operators THE NEC will house one of the...

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We change our road test route

teve Gray explains the reason... ICE its introduction, CM'S atish Road Test Route has the standard which others to follow. It...

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Operators try ou new test route

ON tour with a Volvo B58/Van Hool 300-line coach, by Noel Millier WHEN the opportunity arose to borrow a new Volvo B58 coach...

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Rat race

My earlier mention of rats reminds me of a London hotel used for meetings by the Long Distance Road Haulage Association in the...

Burned alive

At the time when Gentleman Jim Yorath and his colleagues were setting the GWR alight I was an editorial trainee on CM. The...

Let own

If that qualifies as one of Wilfred Pickles' celebrated embarrassing moments, what about the chairman of a motor trade cornpany...


Ted Murphy recalls others in the great team of drivers spanning the south. One, known as Mary Edwards, was singularly...

Floral dance

Jim Yorath was, as I recall, one of the elite drivers on the Flower Express from Penzance to London. The London and Southern...

Sang froid

Another example of sang froid came from the late Lord Teynham when he was replying to a speech by the chairman at the annual...

limost a rent leman

IHN DARKER's historical search (CM, August 25) ak my mind back about 50 ars, when road haulage is rough and tough but was...

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we tufted euce

s very interested to read or Thomas's letter (CM, tember 15) regarding anir CF 25cwt wheel coming s the engineer responsible...


were very impressed with coverage CM gave the Fleet lagement Conference, held he Royal Lancaster Hotel, don. lowever, a small...


ettUake e Geary's News Extra item six-monthly testing for irdous load vehicles inas the staggering statement ny fear that even...


de eapo I reached the ripe old age of 56 on September 26 last, and sat and reflected on roughly 30 years in transport. I've...

Comb milt

In reply to the letter of Mr H. T. Harvey (CM, September 29), perhaps I can help by pointing out one or two faults in his...

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THE last article in this series, I dealt with the

Conuction and Use Regulations offences of obstruction, nited Waiting and No Waiting Orders and with the arictions on loading...

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SUSPENSION, 1 ROAD shocks on a vehicle are absorbed partly by the tyres but mainly by the suspension springs. As the wheels...

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hg hopes for show • • •

big manufacturers hope make converts from the :i-lorry brigade; some iybuilders find the NEC • expensive: others are...

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Just ears

But which are best for fleets? By Steve Gray NY of the new cars on play at the NEC will appeal leet buyers, but the leader he...