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11th March 1960
11th March 1960
Page 1
Page 1, 11th March 1960

Page 45

Ass Fodder

C ONFUSION in road haulage licensing is greater now than at probably any time in its history. Naturally, it was generally...

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Men Who Make Transport-24

Jess( Delicate HE roots of Jesse Delicate are firmly embedded in Aston, Birmingham, although he has been a resident of...

Bird's Eye View

By The Hawk Last with the News W E are having car orders cancelled by people who want to wait for the one that runs on peanut...

Page 48

B.R.S. Challenged Over North Devon Rates

FROM DOUGLAS IBBOTSON EXETER, Tuesday. A L THOUGH their vehicles came from distant depots and covered much dead mileage,...

Rural Bus Decline Causes Waste

W IDESPREAD personal hardship, depopulation arid the underemployment or waste of rural amenities and investments can be traced...

Page 49

Haulier Will Lose Business With Authority's Refusal to Alter Base

J HE refusal of an application for a change of base, made by Mr. Andrew Geddes, Charleston, Nigg, Aberdeen, at Aberdeen last...

M.P.s Protest Against Vehicle Noise

Q PERATORS should be warned by the tone of some speeches in a debate in the House of Commons last Friday on the Noise Abatement...

Dropped Cyanide Off Vehicle : £60 Fines

T HE driver of a vehicle which lost throe drums of potassium cyanide while travelling through Ashby Parva, Leicestershire, was...

Page 50

Men in the News

MR. HENRY HAHN, sales, promotion manager of York Trailer Co., Ltd., is making a tour of Ghana. SIR SYDNEY LITTLEWOOD has been...

Micrograms. . .

Laycock Depot: Laycock Engineering, Ltd., have opened a new sates and service depot at Kingswood, Bristol. Branch Office.: A...

Page 55

Variation of Expired Licence Invalid

THE Metropolitan Traffic Co m mis sioner g ranted Lewis Cronshaw, Ltd., a variation of a licence which had already expired....


FAULT B ROKEN or cracked main leaves of sprin g s were the most prevalent fault found on g oods vehicles, the West Midland...

Renewal of Tours Refused.

ENEWAL of an excursion and tour IA licence from Dronfield and Brimin g ton—said to have been in existence for many years—was...


QERVICING of vehi c le fuel-injection *._./ e q uipment for £6-£I0 is bein g offered by Diesel Smoke Control, Ltd., a company...


A NEW company, Parkin g Develop inents, Ltd., has been formed to cater for all facets of parkin g matters... The company,...


A N exhibition to show how :-the . problem of parkin g is bein g " tackled throu g hout the World, 'will 'be Opened next:...

Stage Service Like Excursion

B ECAUSE a proposed sta g e-carria g e service was too much like an excursion, the North Western Traffic Commissioners, on...


T HE di v ersion or extension of existin g services in Macduff and Banff is preferable to the licensin g of new town services....


A TWO-MONTH tour of Australia, New Zealand and the Far East is to be made by Mr. W. L. Drummond, sales director of Guy Motors,...

Page 56

"Guillebaud" Inquiry Into Bus Pay Scales Proposed: Fresh Situation

T HE long-awaited Guilleb - aud report on the railways will undoubtedly have a profound effect on the wages structure within...

Recorder Readings as Court Evidence

R EADINGS from a recorder fitted to a lorry were produced during a damages action at Nottinghamshire Assizes last week. Mrs....


A CONTRACT has been placed for the construction of two single-storey transit sheds at No. 12 quay, King George Dock, Hull. The...


THE Thornycroft Mastiff range of four' wheelers now includes a tractor for 18 tons gross train weight. It has a wheelbase of 8...

B.R. Oppose Trailer Substitution

T E grant of an A-licensed vehicle in substitution for a special-A drawbar trailer was strongly opposed by British Railways at...

No Hardship Proved : Transfer Refused

" E VERYONE seems perfectly happy as they are. There will be no hardship of any kind to anyone if we continue as at present....

Page 57

Large Tonnage Increase Refused

A BIG increase in tonnage and the introduction of a special service led Proctor's Transport, Ltd., Sheffield, to apply to the...

When Empty Running is Economic

MPTY running was one of the results " of integrating vehicles with terminal operations. In most cases, the advantages gained...

Minister Rules . Out Past History

O N appeal, the Minister of Transport has upheld the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners' refusal to take into account...


n i ESPITE the refusal by the Board of Trade to give financial assistance towards the cost of a new factory at Team Valley...

Page 58

Haulage Men Are Not Worse. Off

HE Guillebaud Report on railway.1 men's wages contains an error that makes labourers in road haulage appear to be lower paid...

Consoh idatou of Fleet Required •

F LEET consolidation at five Scottish bases and additional maintenance capacity were sought by Road Services (Forth), Ltd.,...

New Loading Bans in London Area

R ESTR1CTIONS on waiting and load-LI , . ing and unloading by vehicles were introduced last Sunday in additional streets in...

,COMPONENT MAKERS TO ' SPEND 170*000 THE 1960 development programme of

Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., will involve capital expenditure in excess of £700,000, A large proportion of -this sum will be...


A £2m. factory at Cardiff may be built by the Rover Co., Ltd., for the production of Land-Rovers, if current negotiations are...

New Transport Companies

George Curtis (Hauliers), Ltd. Cap. £25,000. Dirs.: William S. G. Curtis and Mrs. Edith C. Curtis, 4 Dale Road, Parkstone,...

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New Premises Built by J. Spurling

MEW premises at 411 West Ferry Road, London, E.14, have been built by J. Spurting, Ltd., a subsidiary of the Transport...

Better Warrior

Light 8 Steering A N appreciable improvement has been made to the steering of the Guy Warrior Light 8 eight-wheeler. In the...

Leyland Combating Corrosion

A NEW department devoted solely to I -1 providing protection from corrosion on vehicle components has been placed in operation...


X fALTXHALL MOTORS delivered more V vehicles during February than ever before in a single month. Mr. Philip Copelin,...

nut. AGREEMENT WITH OVVEN DEPRESENTATIVES of Messrs. Vecor, Vanderbijlpark, South

Africa, have negotiated a £.2m. agreement with Rubery Owen, Ltd., which will result in the production of vehicle components in...

H.P. CLEARANCE CHECK L'ROM next Tuesday, commercial

' vehicle users will be able to trace whether a used vehicle is " clear " of hire-purchase payments by inquiring at Citizen's...

B.R. Protest Against Change of Base

A PROTEST against permission having been given to J. Williamson (Haulage Contractors), Ltd., Stockton on Tees, to change their...

Page 62

Applicant Operated Vehicle Taken Away by Police Mr. Hanlon

A N application at Newcastle, last week, was adjourned so that Mr. I. A. T. Hanlon, the Northern Area Licensing Authority,...

Teealemit Ventures in Commonwealth

TWO engineers ,from Tecaletnit, Ltd., 1 . are shortly to take up posts in Canada and South Africa to supervise the setting-up...


A COMPRESSION-IGNITION engine . 1-1 which will burn petrol, gas-turbine fuel, paraffin and two grades of diesel oil has been...


THE Royal Society of Arts, as trustees, I have offered the Howard prize of £50 for 1960. It will go to the author of a treatise...

Municipal 0 pportuntties

Rending Highways Committee are to buy a Dennis refuse collector. Isle of Ely Health Committee wish to acquire a Thames-Lomas...

Page 63

Grant Made for Long Caravan Carriers

Authority's Warning that Special Vehicles Must be Used for 35-ft.-long Outfits A FT ER a four-day hearing at Newcastle Messrs....

Investigation Threat to Operators

,k MOURNING a bearing at DarlingZ -1 ton, last week, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, the Northern Area Licensing Authority, told the...

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Careless Talk

Costs LOADS Denis Alden considers that the necessity to safeguard vehicles should be instilled into drivers not only by...

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New Equipment and Publications

Keeping in Touch i yALOG intercommunication units manufactured by Cass Electronics, Ltd., White Hart Yard, Guildford Street,...

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Lower, Smarter Commer Cob

B ODYWORK alterations, to give a 1 -. 0 lower, smarter appearance and better visibility for the driver, are the main...

Accident Costs Owners of Mobile Crane 1722

A N accident in which the jib of a mobile crane pierced the top deck of a trolleybus and killed a passenger, resulted in the...

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Operators' Choice

Normal-control Chassis for Mobile Library M OBILE libraries are in current demand by a number of local authorities, and among...

1,100-cu.-ft. Metal Body to Carry 15 tons of Bulk Malt

LIFTEEN tons of malt in bulk may be I carried in a 1,100-cu.-ft. light-alloy tipping body built by Bonallack and Sons, Ltd.,...

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Political Commentary By JANUS

'SLICKER CITY O NCE upon a time the worst fate that could be imagined for a town was the draining away of its inhabitants, It...

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By Tom Walkerley T HE enormously increased consumption of quick-frozen foods in the past year or two has brought with it the...

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Snow Clearance by Fire

T HE Snow Locust e q uipment introduced last week by Mobile Jet Dispersals, Ltd., 2-26 Benwell Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne,...

164-mile Midland . Motorway Plan T HE proposed line of a further

164-mile length of the Midland motorway links was published by the Minister of Transport last week. It extends from the present...

Reading to Pay Cash for Buses

F OR the first time in their history. Reading Transport Department are to pay cash for new vehicles. Ten buses are to be...

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How to Sell Haulage

By Edwin Malindinc T HE legal framework in which the United States haulier operates is consistent with efforts, essentially...

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Lawyer Calls for Fresh Thinking on Licensing

THE purpose of licensing road transport i was to bring supply and demand into some sort of equation, but if regulation were...

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Planning for Profit

Overhead Costs Can Undermine Profits Establishment Charges, Divided into 55 Items, May Appear Insignificant, hut Add Up to a...

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3,600-gal. Tanker with Rear Rubber Suspension

A TANKER semi-trailer with a Hen drikson rubber-mounted rear bogie has been built by Fox Trailers, Ltd., Liverpool, 24. It has...

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Brake 'Feel' Measured

M OST power-braking systems give a proportional reaction on the pedal to indicate the braking force being applied. But there...