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10th January 1975
10th January 1975
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Page 1, 10th January 1975

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Breakaway RHA men get 'closed shopiat Hull docks

by Tony O'Toole AN RHA sub-committee in Hull has become a breakaway splinter group and by its action turned Hull docks into a...

Foden reassurance

ALTHOUGH FODENS LTD, of Sandbach, has had to ask for Government aid to overcome liquidity problems following expansion,...

Page 16

Quantity control could save fuel

Northern LA talks of need for licensing change CAN this country afford to continue with a licensing system that does not allow...

Orbital route is vital says FTA

LONDON desperately needs an outer route, the FTA has told the public inquiry into proposals to construct the A10—All, M11...

Saviem 280 engine for UK

SAVIEM'S SM280 tractor, fitted with a turbocharged MAN engine developing 212kW (285 bhp to SAE rating) will be available on the...

Page 17

Birmingham transport drivers' strike averted

BIRMINGHAM transporter and car delivery drivers on Saturday settled for an additional £3.50 on basic pay rates with an extra...

Bus and Car sets • • • up In Brawn

BELGIAN bodybuilder, Bus and Car. has opened a sales office in London and is seeking a distributor to sell its long-distance...


Weighty evidence Some of the strongest arguments against permatting heavier commercial vehicles begin to crumble when one...

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Careful suspension design can reduce road damage says TRRL

TESTS carried out by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory have shown that the dynamic loading and vibrations produced in...

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Freightliners slim down:

Four services axed OUR SERVICES were vithdrawn by Freightliners on Monday this week as part of what managing lirector Mr...

krmy adopts Roadnet

'R OJE CT LAWSON, the emputer-controlled system o assist the Army to cornline loads and trips for UKlased vehicles, will be...

Price Commission requirements

ENTERPRIZES listed in Category 3 by the Price Commission are now required to register. The firms included are: public utilities...

ERF down 12 per cent

DESPITE 32 per cent higher sales in the half year ended October 12 . last, net profits before tax for ERF Holdings Ltd at...

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Pengco demounts for paint company's reorganization

THE FIRST phase of a reorganization of its transport operatiort has been completed by Bestobell Paints and Chemicals, a Mitcham...

North Sea roro services merger

A NORTH SEA roll-on/roll-off service merger has been concluded between Nike Line of Sweden and Tor Line. The Swedish Salen...

New business travel guide published

A NEW publication, ABC Air/Rail Europe, combining in a pocket-size format both air and rail services throughout Europe, is...

Humber McVeigh acquisition

GRIMSBY-BASED Humber McVeigh Transport Ltd has taken over Walter Epton and Sons Ltd, of Punchbowl Lane, Boston, Lincs, and has...

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Fleet size and profitability

THE Economic Research Centre of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport publishes occasional studies on wider...

Dates for your diary

SUNDAY Jan 12-17. ETA Transport Management 1975 Course. Hartley Wintney, Hants. MONDAY Jan 13. CIT (London) "Do the British...

Page 22

Road v rail: the relevant comparison

ALTHOUGH freight transport by rail uses less energy per ton-mile than transport by road, a report 'published by the National...

EEC re-caps on energy in bid to guarantee supplies

THE European commission has elaborated and refined its proposals for a new energy policy for the Community first published in...

Page 23

Profit could be loss •

bus report ZOUTE-COSTING echniques have revealed :onsiderable differences 'rom the results obtained by ming average costing...

West .Mids fares rationalization

FARES on most Midland Red bus services for journeys within the West Midlands County came into line with the West Midlands PTE...

Facelift for busmen

A £1 MILLION scheme to enlarge and modernize Willesden bus garage has been announced by London Transport. The programme, which...

Computer for Glasgow parts

A COMPUTER is to be installed by the Greater Glasgow PTE to control the supply of spare parts for its bus fleet! The computer,...

Bus news by radio

BBC Radio Manchester is running a five times a day bus news slot to give listeners details of any changes to regular bus...

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MOST COUNTIES will get much less than they wanted from

the transport supplementary grant for 1975-76. Announcing an allocation of £240m to cover the Government's contribution to all...


THE North West's first demand responsive Dial-aRide bus service has proved so successful since its inception ten weeks ago that...

21 pc for Edinburgh

FARE INCREASES averagiN 21 . per cent have beer approved by Edinburgh's transport committee. If giver the go-ahead by the...

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Honours for transport

21 get public - ecognition )UT of rather more than 700 names in le New Year's Honours List some 21 re those of men actively...

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First crack at the Club

3aviern's lightweights prove worth savouring )y Graham Montgomerie viONDAY saw the official elease of the Saviem Club of our...

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Technical description

THE Saviem J-Series comprises three basic models of 9, 11 and 13 tonnes gross vehicle weight. The range will be available on...

Page 30

A NEW step-frame extendible semi-trailer, with a bed height of

only 64.77cm (25.5 in) has been announced by King Truck Equipment Ltd of Market Harborough. The low deck, which is about 30cm...

Toxic jet wash extra from Whale

A CLEAN water compartment which can be pressurized to provide a washing-down jet for areas where toxic noxious wastes may have...

Lifting appliances safety

ANOTHER Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd (ICI) safety code on Lifting Appliances has been issued to RoSPA, giving guidance on...

Sleeper from Jennings

JENNINGS Coachwork Ltd, of Crewe, manufacturer of the sleeper cab extension fitted to Foden, Atkinson and ERF chassis has added...

FURTHER AMENDMENTS to the vehicle type-approval regulations are proposed by

the Department of the Environment. They relate to interior fittings in passenger compartments; devices to prevent unauthorized...

Mobile lubricatior

FOLLOWING the publication of our article "Mobility speeds lubrication (Nov 8) another two companies have advised us that they...

Page 31

South Western operators face

the crunch— and the consequences by John Darker AMBIM IT MAY BE no accident that the icottish lorry drivers' pay settlement,...

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ek vehicle for all seasons

ost and environmental anstraints make the utmost se of available equipment *tic& to trconomical aeration. The possession of...

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Cautionary tale

At the risk of adding to gloom arid despondency unnecessarily I cannot resist quoting from a recent article on pensions in...


The Walker Cup has been found. Following the story in our December 27 issue there has been a great deal of activity, and...

Talking turkey

I wonder how many hauliers and vehicle salesmen had the same bright thought as Bruce Butterfield, m.d. of J. B. Butterfield Ltd...

Crown jewels

Dining in the Hall at Magdalen College, Oxford, on Friday it was possible to believe that our host Ken Cook, m.d. of Midlands...

Some list!

When it comes to generating business, the new BRS truck rental organization has one advantage you couldn't buy on the open...

Things to come?

The British Interplanetary Society— presumably without doing a detailed cost/ benefit study — reckons it is possible to...

Negative charge

Anyone recovering from a New Year hangover may just have the strength to smile at a story culled from a union journal: Doctor:...

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Turbocharged diesel still the best bet?

Papers presented at symposium on performance or pollution give promise of gas-turbine viability, show that the battery 3lectric...

Page 42

)iversification is :he name of :he game

ard times are forecast and hauliers ould be forced into carrying traffic 'filch is strange to their normal activity. Ine...

Page 44

Tempering the wind

AS the economic situation deteriorates, the demand among hauliers will increase for a measure of protection. Although not...

Page 45

Longer life for trucks with auto gearboxes

read with great interest your article leaded "Automatic satisfaction with !sso's extra" (CM November 29) and Kited the comments...

rachographs: Drivers would .10-operate'

-laving just spent a good deal of time mernpting to produce a factual argument in favour of tachographs (which, .emember, was...

Any red flag?

The mind boggles at the decision of one Mr D. M. Burleigh, Lewes divisional inspector of something, to direct a vehicle, in...

Taking a poor view

Rarely do consultants expose their ignorance as does the writer to your December 27 issue (p.30). To assert that the cost of...

Competition in hgv hire

I have read with interest the article on page 9 (CM December 20) concerning a new competitor in the vehicle hiring business,...

Page 46

If I use my recovery vehicle to haul a broken-down

articulated vehicle, am I drawing two trailers and is an attendant therefore necessary? You do not say what kind of recovery...

n I am employed as an ambul

ance driver and I am instructed that I do not need to keep a record hook yet I must observe the drivers' hours regulations....

Q As an owner-driver about to

buy my first brand-new tractive unit, lam .somewhat mystified b . - 1 the different types of gear selection available. Just...

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rhe new law Dn labour relations

0: Picketing ly John Darker AMBIM '0 ASPECT of labour relations law more troublesome to the road aulage industry than the...

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Public service vehicles 7

by Les Oldridge TEng (CEO, MIMI, AMIRTE WHEN a PSV is involved in an accident and turns over there is always a risk that it...

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:hain gang

reifsteg tyre chains for commercial hicles are available now for the first me in this country. The chains msist of many small...

Tyre service press

portable truck tyre press, the 'orghi 2000, which weighs 101 kg ?.221b) and can 'handle wheels with Im sizes up to 22 in has...

Bright light

A portable emergency fluorescent handlamp has been introduced by Osram-GEC. Light output of the 22.8 cm (9 in) lamp is similar...

Dual displacement

A dual-displacement high-pressure hydraulic hand pump has been introduced by Staffa. The new pump is available with an integral...

Low cost air lines

A range of low-cost nylon air-line and electrical coils has been intro duced by Abdex Engineering. All the principal sizes are...

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Handy combination

Hilka Tools have recently introduced two new combination spanner sets to their range . of Hand Tools, the first comprising of...

Ace lamp

A new version of its waterproof and vapourproof inspection lamp is now being marketed by Gaston Electrical. The Ace inspection...

Are you covered?

Reinforced polyethylene tarpaulins are now available from Northern Safety Producrs. They are claimed to be resistant to extreme...

Light truck brake tester

A dual-directional brake tester for light vans and cars has been introduced by Colindale-Becker. The Model EBS2505 Al - IS...


Number plate frames carrying personalized messages have been introduced by Hills. The Identiframes can be mounted above or...

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itiperange nBritain

Lilt-for Britain's roads, British loads A particularly wide range of artics and is for every purpose, all available with per...