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10th August 1962
10th August 1962
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Page 1, 10th August 1962

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Braking Points

I F one tries to consider the question of c mmercial vehicle brakes— particularly with the new 40 mph. s eed limit in mind—it...

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alter Tonge A LIFETIME'S work in and around his home town has brought Bolton-born Eric Walter Tonge to the head of an industry...

Bird's Eye View By The Hawk

Lorry on Legs J T is reported that an entirely new type of vehicle for transporting men or supplies is to be developed by...

Page 30

G.P.O. Plans for Parcels by Road

• ONDON, Peterborough, Norwich, Ipswich, Chelmsford and Cambridge— these are the six centres on which parcels are to be...

It's Now Law

From Our Political Correspondent A FEW provisions of the Transport Act, which received Royal Assent last week, came into...

Research Into Exhaust Fumes

From Our Political Correspondent F ACTS both reassuring and disturbing about vehicle engines and air pollution are revealed in...

Vertical Exhausts No Advantage—Minister

T ESTS here and in the U.S.A. had I shown that vertical exhaust pipes on diesel-engined vehicles gave no advantage in reducing...

Ministry Staff Double

IN 10 years the staff at the Ministry of I Transport has risen by just over a thousand to 7,256—and the bill for salaries and...


A MERICAN aluminium producers, at one time hoping to gain a large market for use of the metal in engine cylinder blocks, have...

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Boden Produce a Low-cost 12-ton Semi-trailer

A NEW 12-ton semi-trailer of highly — I competitive price is being produced Boden Trailers, Ltd., Oldham, Lancs., .nd examples...

Jack Report—a Li ttle Action at Last

"IETAILED studies of passenger trans port facilities in a few selected areas re to be Started by the Minister of - ransport....

Salt fn an Octopus

-THE City of Rochester will always have I cause to remember the haulage firm of -R. Swain and Sons, Ltd., just as the Swain...

Don't Bother

THE Commissioners of Customs and Excise have drawn attention to the fact that Section 201 of the Customs and Excise Act, 1952,...


S UGHT alterations have been made in the design of the Volkswagen I5-cwt. van. The front seat is now in two parts, a single...

Page 32

Men in the News

Mr. S. Hattan, transport controller to the Schweppes • group of companies, having.reached retiring age, will retire on...

Ferodo Go Articulated

WHEN it was decided to erect the new VY Ferodo factory at Caernarvon, N. Wales, the transport department at Chapel-en-le-Frith...


vv E regret to record the deaths of Mr. E. R. Badman, Mr. Alban Ford and Mr. Walter Spurr. Mr.. Badman, of Richmond Road...

New Transport Society Founded

A NEW transport society, the University of London Transporl Studies Society, was founded last week The demand for a society...

Page 33

Railways Objection to Northern Tours " , Swap" Application Fails

GAINST objection by British Rail ways the Northern . Traffic Commissioners, at Barrow-in-Furness .last week, granted an...

Orders and Deliveries

MARSHALS FOR PRE-MIXED CONCRETE: Three more A.E.C. Marshal 6 x 4 models to be fitted with Winget concrete mixers have been...

2,000 Expected at I.R.F. Meeting

TTENDANCE at the fourth world rt meeting of The International Road Federation, Ltd., in Madrid (October 1620) is expected to...

Users' Extended Terra

U NDER the provisions of Section 6 of the Transport Act, 1947, the Minister of Transport has extended the term of office of the...


T HE value of comprehensive transporl surveys in helping to solve the complieated,transport problems of the conurbations is now...


T HE first 3-mile section of the Heads of the Valley Road, in Monmouthshire, was opened to traffic last week. The section...


WORK has started on the first two VY lengths of the M1 extension (from Crick, Northants, to Lutterworth and from Lutterworth to...


THE third completed section of the M6 1 Motorway, the 6-mile Stafford Bypass, was opened to traffic last week. Total cost was...

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Third Lease of Life for Trolleybuses

F IVE B.U.T. 9611 1 trolleybuses have recently entered service with their third municipal owners. Ori g inally built, to g...

Dispute About Fares on Excursion Services

nUGHT excursions g ivin g a lon g er time away, althou g h operatin g to the same destination, have a hi g her fare ratin g...

Edinburgh Fares Rise

F ARES increases have been g ranted to Edinbur g h Transport Department, desi g ned to brin g in 08,000 in a full year. The...

Bradford Depot Closures

MHEN members of Bradford TransVV port Committee recently made their annual tour of bus and trolleybus depots, Conn. H. A....

Stracharts Reorgaruze

QTRACHANS SUCCESSORS, LTD., ■ -)have, by the affiliation of, their company within. the Giltspur Investment Group, chan g ed...

Birmingham's Fares "Gilbertian"

T HE West Midland Traffic Commissioners, after hearin g an application for increased fares from Birmin g ham Corporation last...

Page 35

Take Rough With Smooth, Mr. Nelson Tells B.R.S.

B RIT1SH ROAD SERVICES were told LO by the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W. Nelson, at Bristol last week. that they "...

Applicants' Bid Was "Waste of Time' , A N application by Blue

and Ivory Coaches, Ltd., of Swindon, Wilts, for ei g ht additional vehicles to operate 92 excursions and tours was hotly...

N.U.R. Campaign 1-1 A VICIOUS attack on the privately owned road haulage industry was made last week in The Railway Review,...

L.A. Warns Contract Applicant

A FTER bein g g iven assurances that two vehicles to be licensed would work exclusively for a named customer, and that their...

16-vehicle Contract Switch Approved

T HE Metropolitan Licensin g Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir. in a written decision issued on Wednesday g ranted S. and S....

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House of Fraser Bid Continued

I WILL say there is a case for convertin g some of the C vehicles to 13 licences," said the Scottish deputy Licensin g...

Russian Commercial Vehicle Programme

I AST year Soviet manufacturers pro duced 400,000 g oods vehicles, comprisin g 40 basic models in almost 100 versions, and...

Siddle C. Cook Gets Grant

T HE Northern Licensin g Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, said last week at Newcastle upon Tyne that he was happy that Mr....

Cambridge Take-over

K NOWLES (TRANSPORT), LTD., haula g e contractors, of New Road, Wimblin g ton, Climbs, have taken over the haula g e business...

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Transport, Traffic and Pipelines

Three Bills of Importance Become Law HE Transport, Road Traffic and Pipelines Bills all became Acts last week. 1 The following...

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Lords Unhappy About 40 m.p.h.

A : PLEA for a very careful check of Mechanical conditions when the speecIS of commercial vehicles are increased was Made last...

Welsh Transpor t Needs Debated

T HE Minister of Housing and Local Government, Sir Keith Joseph, said that no decision had been made by the Government about...

Diversion to Canals ?

JAR. MARPLES did not appear to find vi• much merit in the suggestion, made in the Commons, that a development of the country's...


D EFECTS on the MI are almost wholly confined to the slow lanes, where the stresses created by fast-moving heavy commercial...

Pipelines Act

'THERE are four main objects—to give 1 the Minister of Power means of controlling the development of cross-country pipes; to...

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The Significance of Black Smoke

S MOKE is very much in the news! In case there may be operators who think that the initial spot-checks are all that there is to...

• Another Trailer Leasing Scheme

IN your issue of July 27, reference is made to a trailer I leasing plan which has recently been introduced and it is stated...

Hydraulic Brake Fluid

I NOTED with interest in your issue of July 20 that the British Standards Institution is to consider production of a standard...

Noise and Silencers

R EGARDING the article on page 913 of your issue of July 27 relative to noise, can you explain why the regulations relative to...

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The Securicor Appeal

Tribunal Reject a " Novel Doctrine" LICE\ SING CASEBOOK by NORM ANIL THSLE Y " W E are not prepared to atfimt the novel...

Which is More Appropriate —an " A " or a "13"?

B.T.C. are Blamed THE question of whether an appli cant should have a B licence in place of the A licence he has applied for...

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T HE Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, made it clear in his recent decision in the four fold applications...

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Engine Wear Reduced b " Specification" Oil

By P. A. C. Brockington, O F all the lines of research that have contributed to the development of power units over the past 20...

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Old Bedford ver Die

Delivery vans are retained in service indefinit by Hawley's Bakeries so long as sp. parts are availat By P INGTON, A N...

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A Tireless 10-tanner

By JOHN F. MOON, A.M.I.R.T.E. A LTHOUGH undoubtedly providing a cheap and economical form of transport for 10-ton loads, the...

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COMMENTARY by JANUS A s I suggested last week, the transport industry seems to be regarded as the happy hunting ground of the...

Page 67

rarge Tipper " Switch" Asked

for in North A YORKSHIRE OPERATOR ASKS FOR EIGHT MAINTENANCE" TANKERS — 11-1E largest application to be notified in "...

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WITH AN AUSTRALIAN ACCENT T HE special version of the A.E.C. Regal Mk. VI, model 3U5RA, designed to suit Australian city...

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Illusory Advantage of Ownership

The benefits of absolute control which the operation of ancillary vehicles appear to offer must not be evaluated in isolation...

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High-torque Hydraulic Motor

response to demands for a higher)ced hydraulic motor. Chamberlain 3stries, Ltd., Staffa Works, Argall nue, London, E.10, the...

ticker Mixing Paste

FIE makers of tvletolux aluminium body filler, Plastics . and Resins, Ltd., nicipal Airport, Wolverhampton, have oduced a paste...

raerials Handling

OMPREHENSIVE information of industrial truck application technique's given in a book entitled "Materials idling with Industrial...

or Safety

REE copies a a wall chart showing methods of making electric tools safe use are available from Wolf Electric ., Pioneer Works,...

Welding Equipment

QEM I-AUTOMATIC equipment for MIG welding can now be hired from The British . Oxygen Co.. Ltd.. Hammersmith House, London,...

Larger Sheet Sizes

P ERIVIATRED densilied-wood heavyduty flooring, which is manufactured by Permali. Ltd., Bristol Road, Gloucester, is now...

More Anti-theft Devices

T WO new anti-theft devices have been introduced recently. One is the.G1 Car Thief Alarm and Immobilizer from Graham Taylor,...

Continental Road Works

A LTHOUG1-3 intended primarily for tourists, a comprehensive guide to the major road works and reconstruction schemes in...

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Austin Overhead-camshaft Valve Gear

T O REDUCE the overall height of an overhead-camshaft engine and eliminate tappets are the aims ofan arrangement shown in...

Combustion Head Details

p ATENT No. 891,738 gives particulars of an improved combustion head for compression ignition engines. It is said to be...

Panoramic Driver's Cab

A DESIGN for a novel but very r - tadvantageous driver's cab is disclosed in patent No. 890,863. The aim is to provide the...

Self-adjusting Valve Rockers

P ATENT No. 983,092 shows a design of valve rocker fitted with mechanism which automatically takes up slack on every working...

Spare-wheel Carrier

THE WEIGHT of a large spare wheel can make manhandling arduous if not impossible and patent No. 891,171 shows a carrier for...

Electro-magnetic Injection

VROM ROBERT BOSCH, G.m.b.H., 4 I Breitscheidestrasse, Stuttgart W., Germany, comes patent No. 893.094 dealing with the...

Loading Door for Refuse Collectors

P ATENT No. 890,845 deals with refu collecting vehicles and discloses improvement in the rear loading di thereof. The aim is to...

Constant-compression Engin

IN PATENT No. 891.490 is disclosed 1 design for an engine in which t compression ratio can be maintain at the optimum value for...