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10th April 1997
10th April 1997
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Page 1, 10th April 1997

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Labour manifesto rejects 44-tonners

• Labour is opposed to an increase in maximum truck weights to 44 tonnes, says the party's manifesto. Although shadow...

Eurotunnel accepts bomb ingredient

• Eurotunnel is to continue to allow the carriage of ammonium nitrate—the fertiliser which has been used in some of the IRA's...

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Creditor freezes Ecosse account

by Miles Brignall • Scottish haulier Ecosse European Shipping is to have its bank account frozen by a subcontractor owed...

New 0-licence for Muir

• A sister company of troubled Fife haulier Thomas Muir (Haulage) has been granted an Operators' Licence just months after a...


H eying trouble deciding who to vote for? Need more information on the rival parties' policies—but don't have the time to find...

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Castle bought by Arrowpak

by Ian Wylie • The Suffolk removal and storage specialist Arrowpak has bought local rival Castle Transport at a knock-down...

France eases truck ban

• France is allowing hauliers returning to Calais from Belgium to break its ban on Sunday driving if they carry a letter...

Edcrest to close in UK

• Dutch haulier Edcrest has had two UK Operator's Licences revoked from the end of May, when the company will close down in...

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R&J's 0-licence cut

by Michael Jewell • The company formed by the daughter and son-in law of Oswestry hauliers Geoffrey and Susan Hurdsman, which...

Registrations fall again

• Commercial vehicle registrations continue to lag behind last year's figures. Figures for March released by the Society of...

Drivers blame port for excessive hours

II Long delays at Felixstowe Port are forcing drivers on container work to give up their nightly rest and exceed their drivers'...

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Initiative to fight night thefts

by Lisa Moore • Police in Northamptonshire are introducing a high-profile campaign to stamp out thefts from lorries, linking...

Driver vanishes in Spain

• A Halifax haulier is appealing for help after one its trucks and its driver along with an £80,000 load of shoes disappeared...

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Firemen want Chunnel ban

by Sally Nash • Firefighters are warning drivers to boycott the Channel Tunnel following Eurotunnel's internal report into the...

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Here comes more pain without gain

by Ian Wylie • Never had it so good? More of a Conservative rally cry than a true reflection of the recovery perhaps, yet many...

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Rear-steer for drays

• ERF has developed a 6x2 rear-steer chassis designed for deliveries to sites with restricted access. Aimed at brewery work,...

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MaxiDek raises roof for space

by Bryan Jarvis • Lincoln-based Transdek's latest innovation, the MaxiDek, combines a lifting roof and second deck to offer...

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If you're selling trucks or trailers in Ireland they'd better

be tough. Irish roads are notorious for separating the weak from the strong—and Irish operators have long memories of poor...

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MAN joins the firefighters

by Bryan Jarvis

• MAN is busy preparing a 14 tonne 14.264F M2000 B-type

fire appliance chassis in readiness for a demonstration tour of UK brigades. The move follows the successful introduction of...

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BRIEFS Road trucks need tachos

• Buxton magistrates have rejected arguments that vehicles carrying tarmac are exempt from the tachograph regulations because...

Discharge for removals overload

• An owner-driver who was subcontracted to removal contractors Cooks of Cranieigh was given a conditional discharge for 12...

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Authorisation cut as haulier's Good deed led to

tachograph fines • A Liverpool owner-driver and two friends who helped him out while his wife was ill were fined for...

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T he service at Felixstowe docks is getting worse. Container lorries are kept on average six hours at a time. "The line is...

R&J Transport

I wish to complain about the contents of your report on R&J Transport Ltd (CM 6-12 March). First, the court was cleared of...

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Walking back to happiness

ii he Hawk hears from Former LGV driver Mike Donovan who is making a a 30-day, 900mile charity walk to raise money for...

Big in Japan

D mall vehicles are big in Japan_ and that's official. At a casual glance, non-vehicle-enthusiasts might spot nothing...

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Iveco Ford's clean-breathin` Euro-2 Cargo 7.5-tonner is a consistent performer

in almost every sense and last year finished top of this lucrative sales league, yet again. We've run our rule over the 134hp...

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has a bit more meat on it than the 11.7in (297mm) or The hack axle comes with a 3.31:1 standard spiral-bevel differential...

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H eadlines proclaiming that mobile phone costs are coming down are

true, but only up to a point. Some tariffs have certainly come down, as network operators seek to remain competitive and appeal...

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S everal tyre manufacturers have been promoting the idea of low-rolling-resistance (LRR) tyres for trucks, claiming potential...

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Newton Abbot haulier Roger Eggbeer, managing director of Eggbeers Transport, has been operating one of his fleet of 17 vehicles...

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straits T ruck rental has always been a hard-fought business. But price slashing has now reached suicidal levels according to...

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in ARMS H eavy haulage specialists have a lot of capital tied up in equipment, so the JB Rawcliffe yard is well stocked with...

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Search & Seizur

T he Finance Act 1997 contains provisions to strengthen Customs' powers to collect unpaid VAT. Customs' authority to take money...

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The longer a driver waits, the more vulnerable he is'

T here is a tremendous increase in the transport of goods into and across the former Soviet Union. Excitement and profits are...