WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth wilt be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Public Cleansing Conference at Edinburgh.
The Confereece of the Institute of Public Cleansing will commence on Monday, Juqe 12, and on that day there will be a reception at 7.30 p.m. by the Lord Provost and Council in theAssembly Rooms, George Street.
On 'Tuesday there will be a meeting in the Assembly Rooms, and the presidential address will be followed -by a paper, "The Trade Refuse Problem," by Mr. G. Parker Morris, LL.B., Town Clerk, City of Westminster.
On Wednesday, at 10 a.m., there will be a paper, "The Influence of Modern Public Cleansing on Social Amenities," by Mr. A. L. Thomson, inspector of cleansing, Motherwell and Wishaw, followed by "The Edinburgh Public Cleansing Service," by Mr. Norman G. Wilson, B.Sc., deputy inspector of lighting and cleansing. At 2 p.m., buses will leave the Assembly Rooms for a visit to Powderhall Refuse Disposal Works, Re.dhall, land reclamation scheme and workshops at King's Stables , Road. The annual dinner will be at the North British Station Hotel at 7 p.m.
The fourth day will be particularly • important, as, at 10.30 there will he an exhibition of public-cleansing machines in the Waverley Market.
On Friday, at 10 a.m., there will be two papers, "The Collection of House and Trade Refuse," by Mr. H. Arden, director of public cleansing, Blackpool, awl "Some Scientific Notes on Controlled Tipping," by M. B. B. Jones, director of public cleansing, Manchester.
The following -will exhibit :—Albion Motors. Ltd. ; British Kuka Co. ; Dennis Bros., Ltd.; Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.; !Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd.; Electricars, Ltd.; John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.•' Garner Motors, Ltd.; General Vehicle Co., Ltd.; Karrier Motors, Ltd.; Alex. Laurie and Sons;
Lawrie Bros., Ltd. Lewin Road Sweepers ; Leyland Motors, Ltd.; Lister and Co., Ltd.; Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd.; Sykes and Co. ; John I. Thorn? croft and Co., Ltd.; Walker Bros. ,(Wigan), Ltd.
Fleet Engineer Required.
A first-class engineer with practical workshop experience is required to take charge of a fleet of petrol and steamdriven vehicles based in Surrey, also other plant, such as cranes, drags, petrol locos., etc. A knowledge of costing, B. of T. regulations, law affecting road traffic, etc., is required. Applications, giving co'pies of references, age, qualifications, and salary required (which need not be cut), will be treated as confidential, and should be addressed to "Fleet Engineer," care of the Editor.
Speed of an Articulated Vehicle.
It has been decided on appeal to the Court of the Lord Chief Justice of England that the legal speed limit of an articulated vehicle on pneumatic tyres is 16 -m.p.h. (R.T.A. First Schedule, Sec. 2 (2) (a)).
L.M.S. Railcar Experiments..
It is stated that the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co. is to conduct trials with railcars, with a view to their displacing steam trains on branch lines where the traffic is light. For this purpose, the company has, we learn, placed an order with Leyland Motors, Ltd., for three oil-engined 40-seater rail coaches. The company is also buying three railcars from the Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd.
Commercial Motors at Oxford Agricultural Show.
At the Oxfordshire County Show, at Wituey, there was a number of commercial-vehicle exhibits, and the machinery section was crowded.
'There was a good show of MorrisCommercial vehicles, staged by the Morris Garages, Ltd., Oxford, a cattle carrier being, perhaps, the feature of the stand. Local Ford agents had a combined display that included a Fordson 2-ton tipping lorry for Oxford County Council, whilst the Ford 1tonuer was also to be seen, along with examples of the Fordson tractor. One of the last named was shown equipped -with the hay-sweep marketed by Fisher, Humphries and Co., Ltd., Pershore ; it is claimed that the sweep can deal with 42 tons in a working day of 10 hours.
Massey-Harris and International tractors were shown by local dealers, whilst Messrs. I. A. Bennett, of Hungerford, had a display of Case machines.
R.H.A. Activity in Metropolitan Area.
During the past few weeks the -Road Haulage Association has been very active in the western section of the Metropolitan area, and a big effort has been made appreciably to increase the membership. With this end in view, Mr. P. .1. Anthers, one of the R.H.A. organizers, recently arranged a meeting at Hounslow.
The .meeting was one of the bestattended in Loudon. Mr. R. W. Sewill, vice-chairman of the R.H.A., and a member of the British Road Federation Management Committee, addressed the meeting, whilst Mr. T. R. Sanders
(of the Council), Mr. E. Clifford (of E. Clifford (Fulham), Ltd., and honorary secretary of the western: section), and Mr. A. F. Shaw (chairman, Western Committee) were present.
Mr. -Sewill spoke at some length on the Road and Rail Traffic Bill, and its Possible effects upon different classes of haulier. Mr. E. Clifford addressed the meeting on local conditions. Mr. Hughes, general manager of Messrs. Lawson Pigott Motors, has been elected to the rates sub-committee.
Personal Pars.
That famous racing driver, the Rt. Hon. Earl Howe, ORE,, has recently joined the board of .the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.
We extend our congratulations to Mr. F. A. Le Vol, who is managing director of Latil Industrial Vehicles, Ltd., upon his election to the council of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders.
It is stated that Mr. T. J. Flynn hag been appointed Director of Transport and Marine at the Department of Industry and Commerce of the Irish'Free State, in succession to Mr. J. Ingram, who recently retired.
Mr. C. W. Breadmore has joined the staff of Rootes, Ltd., as transport engineer, to extend and develop the company's growing activities amongst large users of all types of vehicle. Mr. Breadmore has been closely connected with the development of both motor vehicles and aircraft, and is well acquainted with overseas requirements.
We are advised of certain changes in the management of British MercedesBenz, Ltd., of which Mr. K. Speer has now been appointed general manager. Mr. A. E. Gaedertz has been appointed sales manager, whilst Mr. E. J. Knight, a salesman on the commercial side, has now left the service of the company.
Mr. Speer was formerly connected with the Benz Co., of Mannheim, and, when that concern was amalgamated with the Mercedes Co. he was attached to the staff at the Gaggenau works, where the manufacture of commercial chassis is undertaken.
Major C. C. B. Morris, M.O., formerly senior divisional officer of the London Fire Brigade, has been appointed Chief Officer to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. A. It. Dyer. Major Morris who is 51 years of age, is an M.I.Mecl.E., and has had nearly. 25 years' service in the Brigade, which he entered as assistant divisional officer. For the past 14 years he has been the second in command, taking charge when the Chief Officer was absent. In 1914 he was awarded the Royal Humane Society's medal for saving life from drowning, and in 1914 the King's Police medal. His war service was from 1914 to 1917, and he became a deputy assistant director of transport.
We publish on this page a portrait of Mr. A. D. Aspell, A,M.I.M.T., sales manager of Messrs. H. and G. Duffield, the well-known motor engineers, of Westminster Bridge Road, London, S.E.1.
After being disabled through war service, Mr. Aspen joined Petters, Ltd., Yeovil, whilst immediately after the war he linked up with the National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd., at Trowbridge, a few months later being appointed manager of the company's Bridport depot, subsequently being made Mechanical superintendent of the Stroud depot "and, 'later, Of the Luton depot.
Eventually, he became district mechanical superintendent in charge of the company's depots in Devon and Cornwall.
He then joined Birmingham Corporation Tram.ways as assistant works manager to its bus undertaking, and from that post he came south four years ago -to join Messrs. H. and G. Outfield as chief engineer and works manager, and when this firm decided to take up engineering work and to sell vehicles he
was appointed sales manager. The firm is now specializing in the sale of rk)rman-Ricardo oil engines, of which -type of power unit Mr. Aspell has had much experience.
Patents Simplified.
Many inventors and designers are • dubious about taking out patents because they are not conversant with the procedure. To assist them, a useful
book, entitled " Patents Simplified," has been written and published by a patent agent, Mr. Herbert J. W. Wildbore, 101, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.3, at the price of 5s.
The book is condensed into 48 pages printed in bold type, and written in simple language for the benefit of the layman, It will enable the ordinary reader to discriminate between inventions that are patentable and ideas which are ineligible for protection, and will advise him on the method of procedure necessary to obtain patents here and in foreign countries.
New Registrations in March.
A return issued by the Ministry of Transport shows that the number of meter vehicles registered for the first time under the Roads Act, 1920, during the month of March last was 33,746, as -compared with 30,765 in the corresponding month of 1932. Included in this year's total are 5,004 goods vehicles' and 381 hackney vehicles, the comparable figures for last year being 4,495 and 829 respectively. The higher total of vehicles is accounted for by an increase of over 5,000 in t4e number of cars.
Exide's Service Convention.
A feature of the 13th annual Exide Conference, held by the Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., which this year takes place at Torquay from June 27-29, is a contest amongst the company's service agents for the best paper on sales problems. The Imperial Hotel will be the convention headquarters and a record attendance is expected, many overseas agents having intimated their in tention of being present. The Exide banquet takes place on June 28.
Brake Design and Temperatures.
"The Temperature Factor in Brake' Design " is the title of a readable little publication which has recently been issued by Morgan, Crossley and Co., Ltd., Miles Platting, Manchester. It deals with the conclusions arrived at following a series of experiments which the company has conducted with a view to obtaining improved life from friction fabrics when they are used in motor vehicles and for industrial-brake mechanisms.
Performance Figures for Railcars.
The Gardner-Edwards Diesel RailCar Co., Ltd., 3, Brunswick Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland, has issued a leaflet which is believed to be the first publication of its kind giving the actual performance.. figures for oil-engined railcars. Such cars can be supplied for any desired speed, in accordance with the condition of track, gradient, altitude, etc.
A Yorkshire Road-closing Inquiry.
A Ministry of Transport inspector recently conducted an inquiry at Ampleforth into the proposed closing of a road 1-mile long between Wass and Ampleforth to vehicles over 2--1 tons in weight.
It was said on behalf of North Riding County Council that the average width of the road was only 111 ft., that there were 19 blind corners and that maximum visibility was limited to About 120 yds., although in many places one could not see for anything like that distance. It was mentioned that a census of traffic taken from April 23-29 indicated that only 10 per cent, of the traffic using the road would be affected by the proposal.
Considerable opposition was forthcoming to the proposal, including that en behalf of United Automobile Services, Ltd.' Helmsley Rural District Council, the Commercial Motor Users Association, the Automobile Association and certain goods-vehicle users, whilst on behalf of the owner of the Newburgh Priory Estate it was said that tenants would suffer hardship if buses were banned from using the road.
The Minister's decision will be made known at a later date.
Magnitude of U.S. Industry.
Statistics that provide a striking insight into the magnitude of the American commercial-motor industry have been prepared by the United States Bureau of Public Roads.
. it is estimated that local haulage and the delivery of produce account for 24,000,000,000 ton-miles a year, and passenger transport by motorbus .11,000,000,000 passenger-miles.. It is calculated that the 25,000,000 motor vehicles in the United States consume 15,000,000,000 gallows of fuel a year, 450,000,000 gallons of lubricating oil, and use 50,000,000 tyre covers and inner tubes, whilst £80,000,000 is estimated to be expended annually on parts and accessories.
Employment is provided for 200.400 persons in the manufacture of vehicles. 150,000 in the production of tyres, parts and accessories, and 750,000 in garages, etc. It is calculated that there are 2,500,000 drivers of lorries, taxicabs, buses and private cars (paid chauffeurs, in the last-named case).
The estimates show that 21,000,060 head of livestock are moved annually by 'motor vehicles.
A Specialist in Reconditioning.
Among the latest activities of G. H. Turner and Co., Salop Street, Wolverhampton, which specializes in the reconditioning of lorry and tractor engines, overhauling gearboxes, axles, etc., and in the manufacture of spare parts, are regrinding crankshafts, reboring and honing cylinders, fitting cylinder liners, valve seatings, and so forth. Its works are equipped with up-to-date machinery for accurately and economically executing repairs of this type and for carrying out precision work generally. in addition, a wide range of spare parts, including Hoffmann bearings, Wellworthy, Aero and Brico piston rings, B.H.B. and Covina pistons, and Standard Better valves is kept in stock. Special parts, axle shafts, gears of all descriptions, gudgeon pins, universal joints, etc., are made to order.
Germany to Refine Its Own Oil.
With th.i introduction of discriminatory import duties on petroleum and refined petrol products, says the committee appointed to form the German Oil-prospecting Association, a strong impulse will be given to the erection of petroleum refineries in Germany, and negotiations in this connection are already being conducted by the authorities concerned.
According to the plans, during the next three or four years, up-to-date refineries with a production of several million tons a year will be inaugurated. This, it is reckoned, will mean an economy in foreign exchange of 70,000,000 to 100,000,000 marks a year. A company closely connected with the Government is to be established for this purpose.
The French Other-fuels Rally.
Twenty-three vehicles are participating in the French Raffle des Carburants Natioriaux, which terminates in Paris on May 23. A salient feature of this year's trial is the large proportion of lorries running on commercial alcohol, or on alcohol-petrol mixtures in which the alcohol content is preponderant. The reason for this is not far to seek, for French motor taxation, under the recent Budget, deals harshly with Diesel oils and has given a temporary setback to the young, but flourishing, oil-engine industry.
The trial, moreover, is intended essentiallyto .foster the use of fuelA produced in France and the quantity of commercial alcohol produced annually is far in excess of the demand.
Only three gas-producer vehicles are taking part this year, two employing charcoal and the third using wood fuel. Three Latils are running on compressed town gas, whilst eight vehicles use alcohol. fuel. Of the remainder, five have oil engines and the rest employ fuels of which the composition is knowu only to their entrants and the A.C.F. Technical Committee.
I.F.S. Imports Drop Heavily.
'Thirteen commercial vehicles, valued at £1.619, were imported into the Irish Free State during the first three months of the current year, as compared with 377 vehicles and £54,712 respectively a year ago.
Canadian Registrations.
During the year 1932 the number of commercial vehicles registered in Canada was as follows :—British. Columbia, 15,933 Alberta, 14,293; Ontario, 3,559; duebee, 1,790; Nova Scotia, 510; New Brunswick, 283.
South Wales Transport Results.
The South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., made a net profit of £296 in 1932, as against a loss of. £$,876 a year earlier, the amount being arrived at after providing 124,000 for renewals and depreciation. The carry forward is £1,030.
A Book on Vehicle Lighting and Starting.
A most comprehensive text book on the working principles of motor-vehicle lighting and starting, by W. C. Stoddart. M.I.M.T., has recently been published by Automobile Electricity, 53, Shorts Gardens, London, W.C.2, at 15s, or, by post. 15s. 6d. An idea of its size may be gathered from the fact that it contains 500 pages and covers the theory, construction, operation, maintenance, fault-diagnosis and tests for, it is claimed, all automobile lighting and starting systems. Death of Mr. C. J. 0. Boucher.
We regret to announce that Mr. Charles J. 0. Boucher, managing director of Multiwheelers, Ltd., London, died as the result of a motor accident last Saturday. Mr. Boucher was looked upon in the trade as one of the most stalwart supporters of the scientifically designed tractor-trailer outfit, and for several years he has assiduously marketed in this country a British version of the Chenard-Walcker outfit. When the new company, Multi-wheelers Ltd., was formed a year ago, Mr. Boucher was nia.cle managing director. He had a quiet and interested manlier of dealing with problems and people, and ..gave a particularly close attention to the object of his work, in which he had great faith: Overseas Registrations.
There were 1,813 commercial vehicles in use in Jamaica at the end of 1032.
At the end of September, 1932, there were 43,291 motor vehicles in use in Austria, the total including 14,088 lorries, 2,407 buses, 1,876 trailers, 660 fire-engines, 295ambulances and 226 tractors. During 1932, 1,065 lorries and 149 buses were registered in Norway.
The total registrations of commercial vehicles in Egypt, as at the end of December, 1932, was 5,323, 307 machines being new registrations in the latter half of the year.
In 1932, 240 commercial vehicles were registered in Equador.
Official figures show that, during February last, 40 commercial vehicles were registered in the Irish Free State.
There were 513 commercial vehicles registered in Cyprus at the end of 1932.
Clauses in the Bill Criticized.
A meeting of the western regional area of the Road Haulage Association was held a few days ago at the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, Mn J. W. .Jones occupying the chair. Strong protests were expressed against clauses in the Road And Rail Traffic Bill, and Mr. W. Donaldson Wright, of the transport department of Nottingham Chambes; of Commerce, who is a member of the National Council of the R.H.A., referred to men with derelict vehicles who were entering the industry and doing damage not only to themselves, but to the industry as a whole.
It was felt that the man who, under Clause 7, Part 1 of the 'Bill, has been authorized to get his licence automatically, and, who has been able to stabilize his business and to comply with regulations, should have some further protection granted him and some assurance that his licence will be renewed at the end of the period of two years.
He said it was regrettable that there had been so much competition between branches of the road-haulage industry, and thought that, when the Bill became operative, it would help to eliminate rate-cutting.
Western Transport Accounts.
The accounts for 1932 of the Western Transport Co., which, as recently announced in our columns, has been taken over by Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., show a total revenue of £135,426. After deducting all expenses and setting aside 120.500 for renewals, there remains it balance of £7,910, which is carried forward.