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'Who wls enemies'

10th June 1977, Page 6
10th June 1977
Page 6
Page 7
Page 6, 10th June 1977 — 'Who wls enemies'
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ROAD Construction Uni have been accused of heir "self-perpetuating oligarehie: in a leaflet handed out by ti Friends of the Earth organis, tion.

The leaflet accuses RCUs of spending E350 mink of public money to indull "private fantasies" and igno ing restrictions on traffic as a alternative to building ne roads.

Now the British Roads P deration have answered di tack by saying that 50 hisirk towns and villages have' ?,en by-passed in the last 10 ears and 1,000 miles of [otorway built with another 00 miles under construction.

A BRF spokesman told CM tat new roads had widened ie horizon of the public by ringing country spots within isy reach of millions of peoIe.

Friends of the Earth — an iti-commercial vehicle environmentalist group — claimed that the RCUs are overdue for reform after 10. years in existence.

But the BRF says during that 10 years, road freight has risen by 25 per cent with only 100,000 extra goods vehicles on the roads — and that is due to the better roads.

Accidents have gone down, by around 11 per cent a year despite the 38 per cent growth in traffic over the last 10 years, said the BRF.