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9th October 1953
9th October 1953
Page 1
Page 1, 9th October 1953

Page 30

Pitfalls in Company Legislation

O NE of the oldest and most respected of our engineering institutions has discovered, no doubt to its considerable chagrin,...

Page 31

Passing Comments

Light Chassisless Coach rffi launching last week of the new Olympian coach built for Metropolitan-Cammell-Weymann Ltd., was...

One Hears

That atomic energy should be used for mass production rather than mass destruction. That a reader who looked at the B.T.C....

Page 32

Changes in Law Urged in R.H.A.

Conference Resolutions TWENTY-NINE resolutions-under nine main headings will be con sidered by the annual conference of the...

A Bill to Legalize Institution Merger?

T HE Institution of Mechanical Engineers is faced with a most difficult problem, which, it seems, will require an Act of...


THE Minister of Transport h: accepted an invitation to attend constituent conference on transport I be held in Brussels from...


T HE total ordinary capital of Hart Radford and Co., Ltd., and total capital of Harold Radfc (Coach builders, Ltd., have bc...

Page 33

Signing Notices of Objection

Q BJECTIONS to applications must in future be signed personally by he objecting licence-holder or, in the nstance of a...

SPEED LIMIT DOES NOT APPLY" WJE find that the vehicle

was being VI' used for a purpose for which a C cence was not necessary. The speed estriction does not therefore apply." The...


N application by Barton Trans-1 . port, ,Ltd., to operate an express rvice between Melton Mowbray and landudno was granted by...

1,037,900 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES "THE total number of licences current 1.

at the end of February last covering goods vehicles, general haulage and showmen's tractors and hackneys was 1,037,900, as...


A N exhibition to show what research is doing to solve problems of road safety is to be held at the Traffic and Safety...

"End Uncertainty on Private_ Hire"

.I.V 1 -Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association, speaking at their annual dinner in London on Monday, asked the Minister of...


A RESOLUTION criticizing the Government's delay in denationalizing State-owned bus companies is expected to be moved at the...

Page 34

New Need Created by Air Service

.".! CONSIDER that . .the Licensing • 1 Authority was entitled to regard the need for the carriage of airport traffic as...

1.0.T.A. PLANS

F ORTHCOMING meetings of the Institute of Traffic Administration include the following:— October S. Preston centre, lecture on...

1.T.A, ARRANGEMENTS r UTURE fixtures of the London branch of the

Industrial Transport Association include the following:— October 20, "The Shape of Things to Come," by Frank F. Fowler. "...

Men in the News

MR. K. E. COMPORT and MR. ERNEST S. BROWN have been appointed directors of Brown Brothers, Ltd. . MR, H. H. C. Wool) has been...

Page 35

4s. Increase for Haulage Workers

N increase of 4s. a week in the L. wages of all adult drivers employed A and B licence holders, with prortionate advances for...

OPERATORS' CASE ON STANDING DEPUTATION representing bus 6operators met the

Parliamentary retary to the Ministry of Transport, J. Gurney Braithwaite, on Tuesday discuss regulations affecting the nber of...

THESIGER REPORT WELL ADVANCED N advanced stage has been reached

in the preparation of the Thesiger tort. The committee met for three s last week and considered a draft he report, parts of...


of Birmingham Transport Departt, told the Institute of Transport in aingham, on Tuesday, that the trtment had been criticized...

TENDER FORMS SOON CORMS of tender for transport units are

likely to be published shortly, The Commercial Motor was informed on Tuesday. They have been prepared by the British Transport...


A PROPOSAL to set up a special I -1 committee to inquire into the administration and structure of the transpott department was...

NEW TECHNICAL MANAGER IT was announced on Wednesday that I

Mr. C. L. Goodacre had been appointed technical manager of Clifford Motor Components, Ltd. He was formerly deputy technical...


A SUBSTANTIAL increase in wages has been claimed by the workers' side of the National Joint Industrial Council for the motor...

Busmen's Pay Claim : Employers' Attitude

T HE allegation that the trade unions had sought an alteration in the present regulations on standing passengers which would...

T "price of standard-grade petrol fell by id. per gallon in

all zones on Wednesday and that of oil fuel by Id. per gallon. The price of premium petrol is unchanged.

Pensions of E x-B.T.C. Staff

N EW regulations which, among other things, preserve the pension rights of employees of the British Transport Commission who...

Page 36

.Hourly Costs for Seven Makes

T HE hourly costs for various vehicles in their fleet have been published by West Ham Corporation in their annual accounts....


I T is hoped that a start may be made within the next 18 months on building a tunnel in Birmingham from a point near Moor...


N UMBER plates with translucent letters and figures that may be illuminated from behind are being produced by Cornercroft,...

"RADIO DANGEROUS IN VEHICLES" 118PP AD10 receivers and two-way wire."

less in vehicles contravened roadsafety principles, Mr. F. Lovatt, of Chichester City Engineer's staff, told Chichester and...


S IX Plaxton 35-seat coach bodies, based on 1937 Leyland Tiger TS8 chassis, from which the original bodies were removed, are...

WORKERS' 'FARES UP BY id.? WALLASEY Town Council have YV

rejected proposals to reintroduce Id, fares and to abolish early-morning concession fares. Instead, they are to apply for...

Hull Expects to Lose £34,823 A N estimated loss of £34,823

on th current year's working is expecte by Hull Transport Departmen This was stated before the Yorkshir Licensing Authority...


A NEW type of price calculator in been produced by Parion Product Ltd., Witham, Essex. It costs Ll 13 and is intended primarily...


THE general managership of Cc chester Transport Department is be taken over by Mr. J. Gray November 2. Mr, W. Kershaw left t...

Page 37

R.H.A. Reply to Accusations

EPLYING to accusations made by a contributor in the article, "The ways Take Off the Gloves," pubtd last week, Mr. R. Morton...

ROP-FORGERS TO MERGE? MERGER is taking shape among three drop-forging

concerns. The tend Stamping Co:, Ltd., Birming, propose to take over South Wales ternasters and a subsidiary, Blackh Stamping...


A LL ALUMINIUM 76 passenger .1 - 1 lightweight city service bodies are to be fitted by Saunders-Roe (Anglesey), Ltd., to 40...


A MEETING of The British Motor I — I Corporation, Ltd., last week resolved to increase the authorized capital from £35m. to...

Big New Dublin Bus Station

" S AW-TOOTH ,, bays which can accommodate 17 buses simultaneously are a feature of Dublin's new bus station in Store Street,...

In a Line or Two

Small and Parkes, Ltd. have opened a service depot at 13a Si. Peters 'Street, Ipswich. United Dominions Trust, Ltd., are to...

Page 38

Wet Sand: Driver's Responsibility

T HE responsibility for carrying a load of wet sand, which was said to have dropped on to the highway, lay with the driver,...


CONSTRUCTED expressly for the %--• purpose of a brake-refacing and facing supply depot, new premises for Ferodo, Ltd., were...


PI A N order for the compulsory windingup of Vickers (Haulage) and Co., Ltd., was made by Mr. Justice Roxburgh in the Chancery...


A TTENTION to what was described as the menace of fumes caused by oil engines was drawn at the annual general meeting of the...


F OR using a 14-seat bus to carry a party to a cinema. Hugh Alastair Carmichael, Park Road, Ballachulish, was admonished at...

SHAP BY-PASS ROUTE OPPOSED WHILST agreeing in principle to the

IT construction of a neW road to bypass the A6 over Shap Fell, South Westmorland Rural District Council last week opposed the...

£100 Fines for . False Statement

H AULIERS were warned at Dudley Magistrates' Court last week that they would be prosecuted if they made false declarations to...


• PA. Licensing Authority at Notting ham, last week, for permission t. operate a stage service between Not tingham and the Kirk...


NAYSTERY coach tours from Bell al hill are no longer a myster according to Mr. 1. Moir, a Wisha coach operator. He made this...

Page 39

irst Railway Application rnder 1953 Act Succeeds

_THOUGH opposed by four road operators, an ipplication by British Railways to substitute a motor vehicles for 14 horsed carts,...

Fare Reductions Cited : Bus Company's Finances Criticized

A T last week's hearing in Cardiff of the appeals by 44 local authorities against the decision of the South Wales Licensing...

JOINT EFFORT OINT inquiry and booking office as been opened

in Barrow in tss by the corporation and Ribble r Services, Ltd. It is believed to e first time that a company and a aipality...


:MISSION is being sought by teffield Transport Committee to intent with single-deck buses ted to carry 31 Seated and 30...

Page 40

Will Big-scale Haulage Continue?

Asks Ralph Cropper; M.Sc.(Econ.), B.A., A.M.Inst.T. B.R.S. have Shown that there are Advantages in "Mass Production" in...

Page 41

Ingenuity in New Equipment

SIMPLE and convenient means for moving vehicles in confined spaces manual effort is provided by the new F. jacking skates. Two...

X-ray Units for Coal Board

WO mobile medical units equipped with modern X-ray apparatus are to put into service on pneumoconiosis !arch by the National...

Page 42

Railway Rate Freedom a "Courageous Step"

Mr. John Elliot's Views on Future Transport Conditions as Expounded in his Presidential Address to the Institute of Transport...

Page 43

Economical Transport for Shop Fittings

k PETROL-CONSUMPTION rate of m.p.g. and no apparent tyre ear after 16,000 miles are the record ' a Morris-Commelicial FV...

A :MOH& Child Welfare Clinic

MOBILE child-welfare clinic has L been put into service by Barrow-inmess Public Health Department. The ticle meets a need...

Page 44

1,538 cu. ft. Van Under 3 Tons A PANTECHNICON body,

with IA integral driver's cab, weighing only 17 cwt. 12 lb. and having a capacity of 1,538 Cu. ft., has been supplied to Harris...

All-metal Ambulances for Ceylon

MINE special ambulance bodies built on Austin 25-cwt. chassis by 1 Marshall Motor Bodies, Ltd., Airport Works, Cambridge, have...

Page 45

Weight Saving May be

Costly—Major F. J. Chapple Whilst Weight Saving was Desirable, it Should not be Achieved at the Expense of the Present...

Page 52

Opinions and Queries

Lessons from the Coventry. Rally WITH reference to your report on the Coventry CornVV mercial Vehicle Rally in your issue of...

Page 53

New Road Legislation Coming Soon

Minister of Transport Asks Public to Examine New Road Traffic Bill with an Open Mind r HE Government were tackling with Vigour...

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The Law on "Beating the Red"

The Position of. the Driver Who is Struck by a Vehicle which has .Crossed in Contravention of a Red Signal Light By Our Legal...

Page 57

Arguing in Circles

LTHOUGH it is inevitable that in years to come k any increase in the number of road accidents will 'be blamed upon...

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Coaching Commitments

Further Advice to Potential Entrants to the Road Passenger industry Concerning Outlays under Various Headings of Expense :...

Page 62

An Austin Anti-knock Cylinder Head

nE T ONATION is generally admitted to be clue to the advancing -flame front causing the " tail end" of the • charge to ignite...