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7th March 1958
7th March 1958
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Page 1, 7th March 1958

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The Unlucky Thirteen

p OSSIBLY the most effective case for the remission of bus fuel tax ever to be drafted was published on Monday. It has been...

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Passing Comments

A Versatile Densified-wood Material rINE of the most successful types of laminated, densified wood is known as Hy-du-lignum,...

Page 39

One Hears

That an automatic gearbox would be a great asset in a London taxicab. That the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., make taxis and use...

Page 40

Loss of Use Claim Won Through " C.M.' ,

I N a case heard at St. Albans County Court last Week before Jud g e Granville Smith, The Commercial Motor was acknowledged to...

Hauliers to Oppose All Bids for Extra Lorries

BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T WO members of the Road Haulage Association, who operate about 200 vehicles between them in Hull,...

Still No Wage Claim on B.R.S.

W HEN the Road Haula g e Wa g es Council met on Wednesday to hear an application by the unions for an increase in pay for road...

Commer-Karrier Prices Down

DIGGER sales and increased efficiency, LI leadin g to lower production costs, have enabled the prices of Commer and Karrier...

Page 42

Men in the News

MR. G. F. LAURENCE, personal assistant to MR. M. GoLosmirei, chairman and managing director of Metalastik, Ltd., has been...

Strange Principles in Bus Service

A BUS service between a Lakeland valley and the nearest town was criticized last week by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, chairman of the...

Three-quarters of" C" Lorry Work for Hire

A FARMER and haulier who was respondent to proceedings before the Industrial Court admitted that he had hired a C-licence...

Page 45

Licence Not Needed by Drivers , Agency rA A PROSECUTION against the

principal officer in a driver-hire agency failed at Perth on Monday. Allan Burnett, head of the Burnett Labour Agency,...

ISRAEL'S TRANSPORT SPENDING Q INCE 1955, Israel has invested a

total of £14m. in the development of roads and road transport, as well as £6m. for the improvement and extension of the railway...


A PLAN to provide private bus facilities for staff at three hospitals near York has been submitted to York " A " and Tadcaster...


D EPUTY managing director of the Champion Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., Mr. H. G. Starley has succeeded Sir Francis Brake as...

Bill for Children's Concession Fares

THE Public Service Vehicles (School'. children) Bill was presented in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, by Mr. N. Pannell...


D ECIDING that double barriers for bus queues are dangerous, Nottingham Transport Committee are to remove six of seven erected....


A FIER travelling 350 miles by road from Tallington, Lines, two 86-ft. prestressed concrete piles have been delivered in...

MUNICIPAL SERVICES STAY T RA M and trolleybus services operated

by the Colombo Municipal Council are not to be taken over yet by the Ceylon Transport Board. Mr. Vere de Mel, chairman of the...


B ECAUSE of the, increasing popularity of " piggy-back " transport of privately owned trailers by rail, Canadian National...


A DRIVER of the Northern General -C -1 . Transport Co., Ltd., Mr. R. W. Davis, has secured the first of the B.E.T. Group's...


14R. B. POTTS was on Monday elected lvi chairman of the Hereford Area of the Traders' Road Transport Association. Mr. I. L....

-Application "Back to Front," say B.T.C.

nBJECTING to an A-licence applica tion by Mr. E. Edwards, Stockport, Mr. G. H. P. Beames, for the British Transport Commission,...


TW 0 new marshalling yards, costing a total of Mtn., are to be built by the London Midland Region of British Railways. Mr....


rA A NEW semi-express bus service between Bradford and Keighley will be Operated by the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., if...

Page 46

Driver Worked 17! Hours

2 in a Day, Court Told A FTER hearing that a driver employed by Bristol Street Motors, Birmingham, had sometimes worked...

B.M.M.O. to Try Storing Energy

L ATER this year, the Birmingham and -1-4 Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., are to experiment with a bus incorporating a...

Ribble Complain About Private-hire Bus

A ?PLYING to withdraw a Sunday1-1 afternoon to connecting Kendal and Meathop Sanatorium, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., claimed...


1 — k A NET loss of £3,242 in 1957 was reported last week by Sir Basil McFarland, chairman of the Londonderry and Lough Swilly...

"NO REAL VEHICLE SHORTAGE" 1:1P ECAUSE J. and G. Axon, Congletort,

• IL•P had not sufficient vehicles to "meet their customers' needs, they had lost a large arnotint of traffic, the North...


D RIVERS of goods vehicles arc at a disadvantage compared with bus crews and factory hands because they have to work without...


O NLY through transport are trade, commerce and business made possible, so transport should assert itself with the public. This...

INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS DROBLEMS of operating semi-trailers

on services to the Continent were discussed last week by the international hauliers' committee of the Road Haulage Association....

Page 49

No Decision Yet on Blackpool Promenade Excursions

• MO decision was reached by the North I Western Traffic Commissioners, last week, when six Morecambe excursion operators sou...

Six—vehicle Grant for Chard Transport

nESPITE stron g objections by the British Transport Commission, the Chard Transport Co., Ltd., were last week g ranted six...


THE cost of runnin g oil-en g ined buses was 4d. or 5d. a mile cheaper than operatin g trolleybuses, Grimsby and Clecthorpes...


SS UGGESTIONS for overcomin g traffic bottlenecks and reducin g delays at ferries and toll bridges in the Western Hi g hlands...

Leyland Look to Smaller Operators

T HE home market now appears to have reached saturation point 'so far as the supply of new fleets of vehicles is concerned, and...

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Nearly 7.5m. Vehicles on the Roads

THE number of vehicles on the roads of this country rose by over 500,000 last year to a total of 7,427,101, as at September 30....

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Hendrickson Suspension Conversions Made by Eaton

T ANDEM-AXLE suspension equipment of the Hendrickson desi g n is now bein g produced by Eaton Axles, Ltd., Warrin g ton, for...

1957 Exports Earn £97m: 290,122 Output

Q nVERSEAS sales of 11,536 commercial vehicles in December last brought 1957 exports up to 130.794 units to the value of...

Page 52

Court Accept Evidence Of Time Recorder

rAN time recorders be trusted to give an accurate record of what a vehicle has done each day? This question was debated by...

R.H.A. Pensions Better Than B.R.S.

MEW efforts are being made to popu1 .1 11 larize the pension scheme for road , haulage workers, sponsored by the Road Haulage...


A FTER reconsidering the question of publicity for the anti-fuel-tax campaign, Nottingham Transport Committee have decided to...

COACH RALLY ENTRIES A MONO the vehicles entered for the

PA British Coach Rally, to be held at Brighton from April 19-20, are a rearengined Rutland with Whitson coachwork owned by...

"FOLLOW CONTINENTAL SIGNS" "T"HE highways committee of the 1 National

Road Transport Federation had before them yesterday a recommendation by the national executive committee of the Road Haulage...


on cutTent rates and suggested rates schedules will be placed before the committee of the long-distance hauliers group of the...

Utility Carrted Private Party : £22 10s. Fine

F INES totalling 122 10s. were imposed last week on Rosselyn Mitchell, Denham, Maryport, for offences connected with the...

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Specialist Hauliers

S 1NCE quoting 75s. a ton for loads of steel girders and piling from Cargo Fleet to the Bradwell atomic power station site,...

"Held to Ransom .9 9

said he quoted the 75s. rate so that the steelwork contract should not go to foreign competitors. Recently he had asked some of...

Page 54

SUSPENSION'S the Thing !

B EARING in mind the unusual feature of all-independent suspension, embodying rubber in torsion, my first thought when I...

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Three New Small Air Compressors

T HE range of air compressors produced by Tecalemit, Ltd,, Plymouth, has been widened by the addition of three small units...

Quick Delivery to France

A N air service between London and Paris is to be started on April 8 by Skyways, Ltd., 7 Berkeley Street, London, W.1, so that...

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Talk Like Tap

D AEDALUS, in the Greek legend, made wings for himself and his son Icarus, and with their help escaped from Crete. Forgetting...

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A RANGE of full-forward-control 5-ton, 6-ton and 7-ton chassis is announced by Dodge Bros. (Britain), Ltd., Kew, Surrey. These...

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140 m.p.h. Without Moving

rx A VEHICLE test dynamometer having a maximum absorption capacity approaching 400 h.p. has been installed by Heenan and...

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31d. Subsidy for Rural Buses?

Investigation of Country Services Reveals General Losses : Government Subsidy and Removal of Fuel Tax Recommended C ONCLUSIONS...

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e the ppeal Chang Bus A System

A GREAT deal of water has flowed under Westminster Bridge since Parliament passed the Road Traffic Act, 1930, and, in...

Page 71

Manager Overestimated Call for Transport

NE extra vehicle was granted to McKelvie and Co„ Ltd., Motherwell, after a long hearing before the Transport Tribunal in...

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"Floating Bridge" to Continent

THE interesting article by Denis Alden, "Free Trade- I Fresh Fields for Hauliers?," in your issue dated February 14, deals with...

Some Remarkable Tractor Performances

IN your issue dated February 21, R. Allison, of Pickford's I Heavy Haulage, appeared sceptical about the performance claimed...

Early Experiment with Brennan Monorail

y OUR issue dated January 31 contained a paragraph under "One Hears —" in which was asked what had become of the early...

Page 75

Big Vehicles May Inspire' More .Respect

I AM not surprised that Mr. A. Bates, a Green Line coach driver, should consider taxi drivers to be excellent (The Commercial...

$64,000 Question

T 1IS week's 64,000 dollar question: how naïve can a politician become? Speaking of the Govertunent's road programme, Mr....

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COSTING From the Word " Go "

F OLLO WING recent reference to the inter-relationship between some of the items into which commercial-vehicle costing can be...

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An Air-cooled Oil Engine

A air-cooling system intended chiefly, but not, exclusively, for Oil enines is shown in patent No. 78 - 9,758. In this scheme,...