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7th December 1962
7th December 1962
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Page 1, 7th December 1962

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Threat ?

"THE building of commercial trunk pipelines may not seem, at I first sight, to be a prime threat to road haulage. Nobody can...

Page 7

Steeper Motorway Gradients ?

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT NAOTORVfrAYS of the future may LYI present more " ups and downs •' for heavy vehicles. A...

'Stop C Licence Tax' Urge Germans

T HE Federal Association of German Industry, the Combined Association of German Wholesale and Foreign Trade, the Central...

Short-term Licences for Continental Hauliers T HE procedure by which it

was possible for Continental hauliers with traffic to Britain to 'apply for short-term licences was outlined by Mr. H. Bell, a...

Plea for Wider Vehicles T HE Dutch national organization of %

hauliers and C licensed, g:v.ol, has forwarded a plea to the country's Transport Minister, Stijkel, and to a number of...

' Working Conditions in E.E.C.

A DRAFT report on working conditions in road transport in the six countries of the E.E.C. has been publiihed by the Commission....

B.R.S. Eastleigh Expansion

THE B.R.S. Parcels Branch at Dutton L . Lane, Easficigh, has been redesigned and extended at a cost of more than £60,000. A...

Hull Port Development

QPEAKING on the redevelopment of the King George Dock at Hull and referring to the needs of road transport at the annual...

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Co-operation Pi/T. R. B. BRITTAIN, of Essex Car riers Ltd., South Benfleet, chairman of the Eastern Area of the Road Haulage...

D EMONSTRATIONS of electronic vehicle weighing equipment recently developed by Elliott

Bros. (London) Ltd, were given to the Press and Ministry of Transport officials on Tuesday. The equipment cons:sts of a...

• Cumbernauld has Transport in Mind C OMMERCIAL vehicles will unload

at docks and bays on ground level and goods will be automatically carried to the nine floors of shopping and other structures...

Page 11

GOODS TRANSPORT Irish Ferry Growth CONTINUED development of crosschannel ferry trade with Ireland is forecast for .1963.

A new £100,000 company, under the title of Irish Sea Ferries Ltd., is to transport trailers and containers, using Warrenpoint...

Cranes on Motorway

TO call attention to the fact that it was an offence to dr;ve mobile cranes on the Doneaster motorway was the reason given for...

Northampton L.D.O.Y. A NORTHAMPTON round of the rA Lorry Driver

of the Year competition is again to be held in 1963: a suggested date is Sunday, June 23. The organizing secretary is Mr. A. E....

Rural Transport Deputation PA A STRONG deputation of countryside interests, led

by Mr. Rupert Speir, M.P. for Hexham, had a 45-minute meeting on rural transport problems with the Prime Minister and Transport...

E. Anglia—Europe Freight Service

A NEW door-to-door road and ferry service between the Eastern Counties and continental Europe has been inaugurated, with the...

Headlights Appeal T HE National Road Transport Federa • tion has received

a request from the Chief Constable of Somerset asking the Federation if it would publicize a Press notice regarding vehicle...


Sea Ferry : A sea ferry service between Dublin and Preston, Lanes, capable of shipping about 500 tons of goods in each sailing,...

Pipelines —A Common Carrier?

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE Minister of Power is expected to issue an order soon bringing into effect the Pipelines...

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Wednesday's Questions in the House

T HE snags of operating the spot checks on smoking vehicles which have been held this year were explained to the Commons on...

Tours Variation Bid

IN order to meet the demands from passengers who wish to travel on fixed income concession tours,:. W. Robinson and .Sons...

Application Va Minister's 1 lied Because of ntervention

INTERVENTION by the Minister of Labour to try te prevent .L the moving of a factory from Scotland to West Bromwich caused a...

• Witnesses Needed

TEE Western Licensing Authority adjourned part of an application on Monday by. Mr. C. W. Payne, of Mealsham, who asked for an...

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Transport Tribunal in London

Agreement on Slaters' Application A N appeal by Slaters Transport Ltd., of Caulklands Quarry, Thornton-leDale, Yorks, against...

Mr. Hanlon Speaks Out

B EFORE granting three A licences to the Capstaff Group of Companies specifying a total of 63 vehicles, the Northern Licensing...

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Large 'Smalls' Variations Sought in Met. Area

'THE Metropolitan Area " As and Ds" I contains the largest application to be notified this week. Atlas Express Ltd. seek the...

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Irregularities I mperil Licence

A HAULIER was not entitled to purr - X enase a' goods licence, observed the North Western deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. H....

Six , Artics Grant ed on A Licence A BARROW-IN-FURNESS road haulI -1

age company was at Barrow last week granted an increase of six artics., two of them to run from next February. Mr. John James...

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Published Rates and Road-Rail Competition

HE Government does not yet know 1 for certain what rules about freight rates we would have to meet if Britain entered the...

Working Conditions

A LL road transport workers were entitled to the protection afforded to workers in factories, and about to be afforded to those...

Meters for Tankers O PP'OSITION M.P.s are to suggest that petrol

tankers should have flow 'meters attached to them so that there can be a guarantee that customers are obtaining the amount of...

Accident Analysis Sought A NEW analysis of road accidents in the

past 10 years will be demanded from Mr. Marples in the House of Commons on December 12. Mr. Hector Hughes, Labour M.P. for...

Bridge or Tunnel ?

A DEMAND that the Government gives r -1 the nation more information about proposed cross-Channel links has bean made by the...

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Under the provisions of the Transport Act, 1962, the Minister

of Transport has appointed members of the new Central Transport Consultative Committee. The appointments remain in force until...

Lord Gosford Is new B.R.F. chairman A 'FORMER spokesman for

the r - k Government on transport matters in the House of Lords, the Earl of Gosford has been elected chairman of the British...

Sir Reginald Pearson Retires from Vauxhall D EPUTY CHAIRMAN of Vauxhall

Motors Ltd. for the past four years, Sir Reginald Pearson retired last Friday after 43 -years' service with the company. He...

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Loline Back on the Market

THE Dennis Loline low-floor double1 decker bus chassis is . back on the market after a break in production of only a few...

Emergency Windscreen Service for Coaches

IN order to extend the service facilities I already available at Hendon, Loughborough and Blackpool for the emergency...

Bus Pay Claims

From our Industrial Correspondent L EADERS of 100,000 busmen in I-1 private companies presented a threepoint claim for better...

Rochdale Bonus Scheme PA A NEW incentive bonus scheme has been

agreed in recent negotiations between Rochdale Passenger Transport Department's manager, Mr. J. P. Proctor, and local branch T....

Tees-side Welcomes Trolley Powers T HE decision of the House of

Commons that the Minister of Transport can now make orders for route extensions has been welcomed by the Tees-side Railless...

Page 55

Reduced Servicing for B.M.C. Vehicles

THE recommended servicing intervals on all current, and some non-current, production commercial vehicle chassis manufacaired...

Greyhound Policy Change?

I T is reported that the Greyhound Corporation, the largest bus or coach operator in the United States, with 5,600 vehicles...

More Opels

IN Germany. some 13.800 Opel vans and I 10.600 goods vehicles were produced last year. as compared with figures of 13,200 and...

ORDERS AND DELIVERIES 1316 BUS ORDERS: Leyland and Albion bus

chassis worth £425,000 have been ordered by British operators. These push the value of bus orders placed with the Leyland Group...

Page 56

Bulk Coal Vehicle in France IT is believed that a DunnSpencer

Bulkflo Coal Model put into operation in France recently is the first vehicle of its type to be supplied on the Continent....

Technical Library MMEDIATE access to advanced tech' nological and scientific

information from all over the world is provided by the National Lending Library which has been opened at Boston Spa. Yorks, by...

Fund Donations D ONATIONS amounting to £968 to the Stanley S.

Dawes Memorial Fund, organized by the Institute of the Motor Industry, have been allocated to the I.M.I. Educational Trust Fund...

" The Motor" Road Tests T HE 1962 book of The

Motor road tests has now been published. This 14th edition in the series contains full road test reports on no fewer than 43...


Ilkeston Corporation General Works Committee invites tenders for the replacement of the Council's Lewin road sweeper vehicle....


A N interesting conversion has been 1 - 1, made to one of the attic trailers of Robert Wynn and Sons (Manchester). Ltd., heavy...


French Lorry Output Up: Over the first 10 months of the current year some 186.800 commercial vehicles were produced in France....

Page 61

Better Warning

A MORE powerful type of Clear c --1 Hooters CT.750A horn is now being narketed by Wipac Group Sales Ltd„ London Road,...

Drills with Pistol Grips

I N addition to the centre and saw type grips, the 77 Series. -h-in. industrial Neonic electric °drills manufactured by -...

P.V.C. Sheeting

A NEW P.V.C. sheeting material known as 'S '-ion, announced by the Dexion Group, Maygrove Road, London, N.W.6, is available in...

Small Battery Charger

A BATTERY charger designed to be mounted permanently on a vehicle and wired into the electrical system has been introduced by...

Rotational Valve Assembly

/TX A NEW method of holding valve springs on to their stems is disclosed in patent No. 903,166.. (Ford Motor Co. Ltd.. 88...

Heavy-duty Brakes for Large Vehicles

A HEAVY-DUTY brake for lorries, r - k buses and other large vehicles is disclosed in patent No. 898,646. Such brakes usuallY...

Detachable Tyre Tread

A SEPARATE tread member for attachment to a tyre is shown in patent No. 900,189. The chief novelty is that the tyre body and...

Controlling Bus Doors

- 1-3 . A METHOD of controlling the power operated entrance door of a bus by moving the gear lever into an extra position in...

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1EMAND HIGH EFFICIENCY A LTHOUGH essentially rugged individualists, farmers know when to co-operate if real benefit can be...

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Factory Rubbish Disposal Service in Operation

F ACTORY managers in North and East London and South Hertfordshire have greeted with enthusiasm the introduction of a container...

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Here's why this tyre —after a very special

retreading process— will give you all the mileage and all the performance of a new tyre at little more than half new tyre...

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'As From Tomorrow'

The final article in a series of three published in successive issues of 'The Commercial Motor' describing take-over procedure...

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Molten Metal by Road

A N important and costly stage in the supplying of metal to specialist foundries—the casting of ingots—has now been eliminated...

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Bird's Eye View

r ALKING of the B.B.C. last week reminded me of L another meaning of those initials, nothing to do with adio. As readers who...

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By P. A. C. BROCKINGT A.M.I.Mech.E. O N an. average working day, the intake of flour from pneumatically discharged vehicles...

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Room at the Top

N - OBODY. seems to have noticed one odd feature of last Thursday's debate on transport in the House of Commons. Although...

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The Road Carrier's Problems

1 " T is common to think only of what a driver will do, but he is only part of the business. Productivity must be spread over...

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Hopes for a Rail Resurgence Expressed • F HE user of transport

should have the freedom to choose which form he 'anted to use, because only he knew the idividual requirements of his...

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Let's Have the Truth, Not Whispers!

T HE public is now being brainwashed by the medium of the Press, by certain misguided notaries who, by public speaking, are...

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Analysing Fleet Movement

P REVIOUSLY in this series when dealing either with the setting up of a system of commercial vehicle costing or, alternatively,...