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6th January 1961
6th January 1961
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Page 1, 6th January 1961

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T O FACE legitimate competition from private transport is one thing; to face it from the illegal use of minibuses and other...

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Maintaining Resolutions

OMFULSORY tests for 10-year-old vehicles will, in L./effect, begin on February 15. That fact prompts the thought that it is not...

Men Who Make Transport

Joh ) - tley Bowley O NE'S first impression of rubicund John , Bowley, master of, precise verbal expression, is that the story...

Who Will Follow Mr. James ?

T HEAR that a successor to popular Mr, W. P. James, West 1 Midland Licensing Authority and chairman of Traffic Commissioners,...

Page 38

Common Market Tariff Cuts

C HANGES in tariff duties imposed on goods imported into the Common Market came into effect on Sunday. There were two changes....


QOUTH SHIELDS Corporation trans port committee is to consider the gradual replacement of its fleet of 54 trolley buses by motor...


W WARNED by their general manager. Mr. G. Parry, that over the next few years about 100 new buses will be needed to keep up the...

Jack Report to be Secret?

TS the Government going to have second thoughts about making public the report of the Jack Committee on rural transport? writes...


rHARGES for parcels carried by Man chester Transport Department will be raised by 121 per cent, if a transport committee...


A N applicant who was asked by the Western Licensing Authority a: Bristol why he was finding it difficult to keep his...

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Knighthood for Dunlop Chairman

In New Year Honours List M ANY men from the commercial vehicle industry received awards in the New Year Honours List, which...

Continental Traffic Increasing

HE volume of both goods and pas 1 senger road transport on the Continent and between the United Kingdom and the Continent...

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PrHE business of Grove Garage

1 (Haulage), Ltd., 65 High Street, Edgware, was acquired on December 31 by Hallett, Silbermann, Ltd., 171 Cricklcwood Broadway,...


A A LEAFLET reminding owners of minibuses of their legal position is being issued by the Ministry of Transport through local...

"NO" TO £95 RISE

A N appeal to the Industrial Court for arbitration on the claim for more pay for London Transport inspectors and supervisors...

No Answer Yet to Pay Proposals

T HE employers' sides of the National Council for the Omnibus Industry and the National Joint Industrial Council for the Road...


P LASTICS" INTERNATIONAL, to be published by Temple Press Ltd. on January 18, is an entirely new and comprehensive guide to the...


Q NE of the largest single orders for Bedford TK models was handed over to Harry A. Coff, Ltd., last Friday. The order was for...

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Road Carries Most Export Loads Between 1 and 5 Tons

R OAD transport carries almost all consignments between 1 and 5 tons destined IX for export from the United Kingdom. This is...

Glass-fibre Price Cuts

N EW price cuts for glass-fibre bring the cost of plastics for buses and commercial vehicles closely competitive with pressed...

" Pirates " Accusation Denied

A LLEGATIONS of "pin-money pirates "—private-car owners who pick up fare-paying passengers from A. V. Roe's Woodford aircraft...


rLERICAL staff of the Grimsby and Cleethorpes Joint Transport Undertaking are to be informed that their request for a 38-hour,...

DANISH PLASTICS SEATS I NTEGRAL pairs of coach-seat frames made

entirely of glass-fibre are being constructed by Dansk Automobil Byggeri A/S., Denmark, an associate of Leyland Motors, Ltd....

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The Case for 70-80 Seat Front-entrance Buses

IVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL should consider placing an order for 200 largecapacity vehicles of front-entrance design. This suggestion...

Glasgow Transport Face a Loss

G LASGOW Transport Department, which returned a surplus last year of £116,124, will show a loss during the year ending on May...

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Fares Increases May Not Meet Rising Costs

Appealing for more aids to the movement of traffic, Mr. Beddow said that in many cases, because of road conditions,...

Employer and Driver Fined

F OR failing to keep a current record of work, Gerald Griffin, a lorry driver, of Cholmondeley Street, Widnes, Lanes, was fined...


E DINBURGH transport department are proposing staggered hours for schools, shops, offices and factories. The corporation is to...

Full Order Book at Seddons

'THE order book is still very full, said I Mr. R. H. Seddon, chairman of Seddon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., at the company's annual...

The Prospects for H.P.

A T the annual meeting of the North Central Wagon and Finance Co., Ltd.. the chairman, Mr. E. Duncan Taylor, said that...


A RECORD 2,000 batteries were produced by Joseph Lucas (Batteries). Ltd., in the last Lucas financial year at their Formans...

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Hansons Recall The "Good Old Days"

W HEN the new depot of Hanson Haulage (Leeds), Ltd., was opened last week, Major F. S. Eastwood, Yorkshire Licensing Authority,...

A Cure for Shortage of Bus Crews

GHER pay for busmen was suggested by Mr. Emrys Pride, chairman of Cardiff Transport Committee, as a means of attracting more...

A.E.C. Dealers Join Arlington

T HE A.E.C.authorized dealers for the South West of England — Alma Garages (Bristol), Ltd., — joined the Arlington Group of...

Change of Title

W ITH the object of more clearly defining the business interests of their member firms, the National Employers' Association of...


A N application by the Taunton Excavating and Plant Hire Co., Ltd., for an extension of B licence conditions for the haulage of...


S MITH'S POTATO CRISPS, LTD.. Brentford, have ordered a further five Albion Chieftain chassis, bringing the total of Albions...

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Electronics Produce London Timetables

ONDON TRANSPORT has produced LA a timetable compiled by an electronic computer. At present simple routes only have been so...

Objections to Sub-contracting

A SWING to trunking and problems of maintenance of the fleet were emphasized by Alexander Scott (Contractors), Ltd., of London...

Drivers Want Roads Improved

ONG-DISTANCE lorry drivers • want better roads in Scotland and improvements on one road in particular —the notorious AS highway...

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"Case Must Be Proved With Statistics"

A N application by I. Smith (Bicknor), Ltd., to add three vehicles to their A licence, came before the Licensing Authority at...

A New Gritting Standard

NEW Standard—B.S. 1622 : 1960E1. has been introduced by the British Standards Institution. 2 Park Street, London, W.1, dealing...

Leyland Produ ction Increases

D URING 1960 the vehicle production of Leyland Motors, Ltd., increased by more than one-fifth compared with the previous year,...

Tankers Included in Take-over

T HE Wisbech haulage firm, E. E. Burton, Ltd., has been taken over by Pointers Transport Services, Ltd., of Norwich, King's...

Scottish Firm, Too

A NOTHER Scottish haulage firm has 1 - 1 been taken over by Grampian Holdings, who recently acquired the share capital of W. H....


T HE coach licences of Sheldon and Co., Ltd., the Bury Road, Tottington, Lanes, coaches and haulage firm, have been taken over...


MORK study as an aid to the fleet VI' operator will be the subject of a oneday conference to be held in London on February 7....

MOTEL AT LONDON DOCKS MORK is going ahead at Silveriown

YV Way, West Ham, on a motel for long-distance drivers. It is designed to serve traffic to London docks. The motel is being...


P OUCE enforcement of traffic regulations was criticized on Tuesday in a memorandum submitted to the Royal Commission on Police...

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Austins help in great national enterprise

R ou g hly one-seventh of Ireland is bogland. Black barren wastes, 90% water, that would drown the man who walked on them. For...

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New Equipment and Publications

Multi-purpose Gas Torch 1,15 ECENTLY introduced by British Industrial Gases,, Ltd., 700 Great Cambridge Road, Enfield,...

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Dissimilar Demountables

IN your report on the meeting held by the South Yorkshire I Section of the Institute of Materials Handling, at which Mr. A. H....

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Moss Bros' Ancillary Fleet Ensures that Sartorial Correctness is "All Right on the Night" By S. Buckley, Assoc.Inst.T. O NE...

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NETHER or not the observer sees most of the VV game, he certainly has a different point of view . from the players and can...

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As Competing Industries' Training Schemes Are Implemented, Operators of Vehicles Must Adjust Staff Management to Suit Current...

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Steel-carrying Vehicles Sought: More Contract A Substitutions

THERE are• notable applications in I both the Northern and South Wales areas, this week, for additional vehicles to carry...

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Mr Walton buys another van

(crisp, crusty loaves fresh-baked this morning!) Tom Walton needed a new van. Needed it here and now. But he couldn't afford...

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Planning for Profit

New Costings for Three Popular Vehicles Recent Increases in Wages and Insurance Premiumsare Included in the Operating "Costs...

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Improving Cold Starting

A N improved method of injecting small quantities of a volatile • Combustible fluid into the air intake of a...


P ATENT No, 854,233 shows modifications which allow the frame height of a tractive unit to be adjusted (General Motors...


A HANDBRAKE mechanism designed rA to occupy the minimum possible space is shown in patent No. 853,933 (Daimler-Benz AG.,...


A MAGNETIC clutch forms the subject of patent No. 854,065. the layout permitting high transmission torque to be obtained from...


IN patent No. 852,973 is shown a diese .1 engine 'provided with a small petro l engine for starting it. The feature of the...

A VEHICLE DYNAMOMETER DATENT No. 854,188 shows a dyna

mometer for measuring the powei actually present at the wheels of a vehicle The vehicle stands on rollers, and the rollers...