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5th December 2002
5th December 2002
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Page 1, 5th December 2002

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The Health and Safety Executive has slammed proposals by the Coroner's Review Team to remove the legal requirement to hold an...

At last UK and France team up to keep stowaways out

• by Dominic Perry The UK's beleaguered international hauliers had two pieces of good news this week as the British and French...

Foreign trucks take 73°A

• UK operators are continuing to lose out on international work, with foreign trucks accounting for a massive 73% of the goods...

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Transport plan savaged by MPs

1 The Transport Select Committee has criticised the government's 10-year Transport Plan as flawed and failing to tackle...

Me is unwilling to carry on

3lasgow-based freight fording firm Able Transport has e into receivership along associated firms Able tsport (Midlands) and...

Lynx, Argos and Exel all face union unrest

• GY Guy GloPPard Hundreds of Lynx Express drivers and warehouse staff called off a one-day strike on Monday (2 December)...

• Union unrest is looming among Exel drivers working on

the Tesco contract out of its Chepstow regional distribution centre in support of an improved pay offer. Pay negotiations have...

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Transport manager sues Beverley Bell

by Mike Jewell A Stockport man who is suing North Western Traffic Commissioner Beverley Bell and a member of the Traffic Area...

Recovery firms owed £500,000

kW Six vehicle recovery operators from Staffordshire have lost the latest round in their battle to recoup some 1500,000 in...

Staff wait for P800 deal

• Staff working for PLO Trans European face an uncertain Christmas after it emerged that negotiations to sell the company are...

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'arcelforce and Royal Nail plan to slash fleets

Guy Sluggard 'iceiforce and Royal Mail are reduce the size of their corned fleets by up to a 25% over i next year after...

Two semis stolen from depot

• Police are appearing for information after thieves stole two trailers containing more than £25,000 of sauces and pickles from...

And now the good news...

Good news in haulage is a rarity. But the industry, especially international operators, must welcome the government's tougher...

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Brown promises review of liability insurance

4 by Chris Tindall The Chancellor's pre-Budget statement has given hope to hauliers facing crippling liability insurance...

FTA backs plans for `Traffic Tsar'

II The Freight Transport Assodation has welcomed Transport Secretary Alistair Darling's plans to appoint a 'Traffic Tsar' to...

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Summary ot the Chancellor's measures affecting the haulage industry: • A formal review of the operation of employers liability insurance.

• Landfill tax to rise by 13/tonne annually from 2005, heading towards a target of 935/tonne. • A reduction in duty on...

Theft sentences cut

• Three members of a gang of truck thieves which made off with more than £1m worth of vehicles and goods have had their...

lerman driver woken up by arson attack

A German driver had a lucky escape en his truck was set alight by youths as he Pt in his cab. The incident took place at...

020 8652 3689

We like to hear the stories readers think we should be following. CMis happy to preserve the anonymity of readers who provide...

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Tippers sink under weight of green tax

114GuyShopard Tipper operators say they have suffered a marked downturn in work as a direct result of the new environmental tax...

No dualling for confusing A9

m The Scottish parliament has rejected calls to upgrade the A9 from Perth to Inverness to dual carriageway (0128 Nov-4 Dec)....

Agency drivers: risk 'is inflated'

• A recruitment firm has challenged a report claiming that agency drivers are increasing hauliers' risk profiles by up to...

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fop TC aims to build in existing success

!es - tern Traffic Commissioner Philip Brown will ave a new role from March next year when he ikes over from Michael Betts as...

Brown's background

Philip Brown is a solicitor and a member of the Law Society, The Magistrates Association and the Justices' Clerks' Society. His...

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Dealing with problems at annual test

If you wish to dispute the result of an annual test or a roadside inspection you should first raise the matter with your local...

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Two sides of the same coin

Despite the recent comings (and goings) of various trailer makers, Boalloy continues to hold an impressive share of the UK...

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Boalloy's progress • it's been hinted that Merker had taken a share in Bogey. Not so, says

Gibb, but he quips: they want it they can have the whole bloody lot!" The reality is that since buying Boalloy 10 years ago...

Boalloy and the competition

• Boalloy has no shortage of rivals in the UK trailer market, although with the demise of Utility there's now one less. Boalloy...

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BMC pumps up UK line-up with Cummins 11-tonner

• by Brian Weatherley Turkish truck manufacturer BMC is to extend its UK product line-up with a Cummins-powered 12-tonner. The...

First ERF ECMs hit the UK streets

• The first examples of ERF's new ECM middleweight rigid range have started to arrive in the UK following its debut at the NEC...

CURTAINS WISED A batch of 30 triaxle curtaInskled trailers featurl

a special dolly restraint system have been built by Cartwright for Gregory Distribution to transport cartons of milk and fruit...

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Tribunal denies appeal for wage slip and tacho cheats

A Scottish waste disposal firm whose MD falsified wage slips to hide tachograph abuse by its drivers has lost its appeal...




Encouraging drivers to beak the law — in particular to falsify tachograph records in a bid to conceal offences—will not be...

Road safety loses firms'centres

Two Merseyside operators have lost their appeal to the Transport Tribunal against the deletion of their operatkig centres from...

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Firm let off for limiter offence

A Manchester haulier has escaped with a conditional discharge after its tachograph consultant admitted that it had failed to...

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Perhaps if the question in your Market Capacity article had been "are there too many goods vehicles!}" it would have identified...

VI FALLACY Thank you for your analysis item on the

Vehicle Inspectorate Effectiveness Report CM14 - 20 Novi. You repeat the fallacy at the heart of the VI policy, that "as...


How can anyone complain about the VI employing German staff to fill job vacancies (CM21-27 November), provided they are not...


I read with interest the letter t Mike Ashton of Topsham Drivi Training on 40mph limits ( CM 13 Nov). As far as the letter of...

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1w woulo Phil Maguire feel if a Jck pulled into the kerb and him round the head with its arside mirror "sufficiently to ove it"...


Road Rescue and Recovery sociation has been in the efront of preventing vehicle ners having recovery vices thrust upon them by...

EXPENSIVE BUSINESS We are responding to the article headed "Rapid removal avoids jams" (CM31 Oct-6 Nov).

Within the text reference is made to a spokeswoman for the Department of Transport saying: "The focus will be on removing...


I am delighted to see that at last someone has noticed the everincreasing time taken to clear major incidents from...


I write regarding the letter headed "Long road to vary licence" (CM24-30 Oct). I believe hauliers bring a lot of the problems...

PROPER RESTRAINT I write regarding the article headed "Log loading

guidelines released"( CM17 - 23 Oct). Regarding the comments on load restraint, I wonder where some of these operators have...

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Our anachronistic review in celebration of the universal law...what goes around, comes around. 75 years ago 6 December 1927...

And now for a touch of humour, sent to us

over the Internet by aceinquisitor and Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman at would take too long to explain how and why, but...

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I n 1998, five years after the launch of

the FFliz, Volvo replaced its ageing FL with the FM. Pundits are still arguing about whether the FM arrived two years too late,...

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A new law requires all operators to have formal procedures in place to deal with disciplinary procedures and employee...

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1111 recent survey, four out of

rkers said that they did not trust their boss. Sadly, many employees in the haulage industry feel the same way. Pat Hagan...

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Companies need to have proper systems in place to deal with problem managers, says RHA regional director Mike Farmer. Key...

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THE SPECIAL Now that good HGV drivers are fast becoming

collectable items, wise hauliers are taking steps to hold on to their C+E licence holders. The FTA has teamed up with fleet...

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The EU aims to curb livestock transport by capping journey times. Do these measures herald the end of international livestock...

The recommendations..

The report of the Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare says livestock transport should be avoided where...

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Before long all HGVs using EU roads will b charged

for the privilege. As well as combatin congestion, distance charging could help U hauliers compete in Europe on more equal term...

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Europe needs a single technology standard so that drivers can use a single type of in-vehicle reader. The two standards...

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dd Long-term transport planning is once again in danger

of becoming side-tracked as attention focuses on The bulk of road journeys are between locations in major conurbations that...