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28th December 1956
28th December 1956
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Page 1, 28th December 1956

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Blue Year's Outlook

F OR road transport operators, 1956 closes on almost as sombre a note as 1947. Nine years ago the Act to nationalize...

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Steps to Armageddon?

D EPLYING to questions on the fuel situation _Mthe Minister of Fuel was recently reported as saying. "Plans are under active...

Passing Comments

Staggering Making Little Progress VORKSH IRE industry in general is doing little or I nothing in the way of staggering hours...

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One Hears

That petrol was certainly not the Christmas spirit. That taxis at a premium will still be at a premium. That the present...

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Dissension on "Blanket" Permits

Transport for Payment Under C Licences Now Allowed in Some Areas BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT D ISSENSION has broken out among...

Lords Reject Lorry Driver's Appeal

A DRIVER whose father was I - 1 awarded £1,600 damages against the company by whom both were employed, last week lost his...

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Minister of Works Examines Rationing

rFFECTS of fuel rationing on the building in are being examined by a special "committee appointed by the Minister of Works....

Bodymakers' Pay Talks: Answer Next Month ?

A 1-11R talks in London last week, the employers' side of the Wages Board for the vehicle-building industry gave an...

Bus Passengers Now Use Diesel Trains

IN the last week in November, Diesel 1 trains running between Leeds and Bradford carried between 19,000 and 20,000 passengers....

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Heavy Hiring as Ground of Appeal : Doubled Fleet Refused

A N appeal by Hill and Sons (Botley r. and Denmead), Ltd.. Botley, Hants. against the South Eastern Licensing Authority's...

Good Roads Would Halve Fuel Use

IF this country had a road system I fitted to complete the conveyor lines of industry, fuel consumption would be nearly halved,...

Men in the News

MR. H. 1. MATIHEY has been appointed a director of Lodge Plugs, Ltd. Ma. R. S. FENTON has become home sales manager of the...

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New Facts Revealed After Transfer

F ACTS that were not known when a licence was transferred came to light last week when, at Carmarthen, Mr. J. R, Lindsay, North...

Ribble Take-over Strongly Opposed

QTRONG objections were made by LI W. Simm and Sons (Chorley), Ltd., when Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., applied to the North...

Full Information for Supplementary

pLA1MS by C-licence operators for supplementary fue 1 allowances would be dealt with on the basis of the priority nature of...

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"Railways Can Do Removals

T HE railways had special facilities for furniture removals and this work formed part of their normal services. If the distance...

Investigate Accidents at Once"

pip ESEARCH teams should investi g ate IX accidents on the spot immediately after they occur, and experiments should be made to...

Livestock Transport Vacuum

LOSING of the British Road \--.• Services depot at Trefnant, near Mold, and the disposal of nine B.R.S. livestock vehicles, had...

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Buses to Replace Liverpool Trains

W HEN the Liverpool overhead railway closes on Monday, Liverpool Corporation buses will carry another 30,000 passengers a day....

Bus Profits Up by £754,000

mET profits of coach and bus opera' tors in Great Britain having more than 24 vehicles increased by £754,000 in the financial...

£500,000 Bid by , Leeds : id. on Minimum Fares DROVISION

for the increased price and tax on fuel is included in a £500,000 fare application which Leeds City Council last week approved...

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Swansea Purchase Off Burden Too Great

PA A DECISION of Swansea Borough Council to purchase the town bus services operated by the South Wales Transport Co, Ltd.. was...

Porsche Synchromesh in D.B. Gearbox

A SYNCHROMESH mechanism 1.6 Porsche designs is employed in the latest commercial-vehicle unit produced by the automobile...

Customers Will Not Send Witnesses

T HE habit of some big organizations of not sending witnesses to inquiries, thereby severely prejudicing applicants.. was...

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No Big Grants Without Trouble

A PPLICANTS cannot expect to be r's. granted substantial increases in their fleets without expending a large amount of time and...

16 Men to Organize Co-operation

QIXTEEN area-nominated representa tives on the national executive committee of the Road Haulage Association have been formed...

250,000 Unemployed in Motor Industry Soon

I F rationing and taxation continued at the present levels, there would be 250,000 unemployed in the motor industry at the end...

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Uncertainty and Hope in Haulage

C HRISTM AS for hauliers was overshadowed by the uncertainty of fuel rationing and of their ability to carry on with whatever...


Hauliers Wait and See puTs in trunk services arc among the early effects of fuel rationing in the north-west, but both there...


Supplementary Fuel Refused S COME operators in the West Midland Area, including a concern specializing in the.. carriage and...

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Supplementary Shocks H AULIERS began to receive their first supplementary coupons on December 20. Mr. R. J. Stokoe, secretary...

Drivers Warned of Suspension

nRIVERS in the Northern Area have been warned that they may soon be suspended if sufficient fuel is not available. A leading...


Heavy Drawing on Basic

DY continuing to operate a large pro portion of their

normal services. London hauliers are drawing heavily on their basic allowances, which they expect to be exhausted after the...

South Wales

Two Approaches to Rationing THERE are two schools of thought in I South Wales on how to use the basic fuel ration. Some...

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Dual-purpose Vans Cut Costs

"'THERE is n a o more wasteful oper 1 tion in the distributive trade than is to be found in the mass of partly used vehicles...

Tenders for Aircraft Fires

IVE Thornycroft aircraft-fire tenders. based on the Nubian petrol-engined six-wheel-drive cross-country chassis, have been...

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New Fleet for Tissue

A NEW fleet of vehicles is being built up by Kimberly-Clark, Ltd., makers of Kleenex tissues. A nucleus of two B.M.C....

Paraffin Trailer Solves Legal Problem

R EGULATIONS under the latest legislation on hygiene have introduced difficulties in the carriage of paraffin in normal...

New Homalloy Cab for the Otter

1— k A NEW 18-ft. platform body and cab have been produced by Holmes (Preston) Ltd., Blackpool Road, Preston. for use on the...

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FUEL-SAVER fo 5-cwt. Loads

A USEFUL payload capacity, distinctive appearance, good suspension and braking and low fuel consumption characterize the new...

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\ Yorkshire Jubilee

C HRISTMAS EVE. rather curiously, marked the Golden Jubilee of the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd.— rather curiously, because...

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Japan Vehi )ming a xporter

H ITHERTO an reversed her po enough to meet East Asia. The M manufacturing three bodied passenger mi are powered by rea 150...

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Pneumatic or Electric Doors for Double-deckers?

O F the two systems available for actuating the doors of the rear platform of double-deckers, the electrical system seems to be...

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Reasonable Dispensations Will be Easy

B ECAUSE of the need, during the fuel emergency, to reduce administrative work normally connected with licensing, Traffic...

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Design Engines to Aid Repairs

W ITH the coming of the Atomic Age and all its wonderful (2) innovations and help to mankind, , there will still be the...

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Brave New World

Political Commentary By j AN U S N O cheerful immediate prospect faces the road transport operator in the New Year. He is in...

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Lifting Valve Springs with Both Hands Free

I N the normal type of valve-spring lifter the operator has to use at least one hand in operating the tool. With the hydraulic...

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£2 12s. Per Ton to Cover Costs

I N my previous article it was shown that the prospect of meeting the fuel cuts by reducing the number of working vehicles and...

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A Low-tension Sparking Plug

L OW- TENSION capacitative-discharge ignition systems are gaining popularity and patent No. 760,635 covers a sparking-plug...