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27th August 1983
27th August 1983
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Page 1, 27th August 1983

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Editorial 15,000 miles of fact

MERE HAS been no great stampede into the 38-tonne market. We know of one very arge trailer rental company which even now has...

1Vext Week

NEXT WEEK'S CM is another big issue. From 38 tonnes we move to ferry services, Continental operation, and another new vehicle....

Page 5

Back door to 33 tonnes?

HAULIERS have made a back-door bid to be allowed to run four-axle articulated lorries at 33 tonnes. ALAN MILLAR reports. Road...

Top drivers get Economy Run awards

TO THE WINNERS of CM'S first 38-tonne Economy Run go the spoils. Guests at the special presentation ceremony held this week at...

New Star orbil

STAR BODIES, the Natior Freight Consortium's Oldha based bodybuilding subsidia could be sold by the end of no month if a...

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Volvo stirs up status row

VOLVO has once more vented its anger over the loss of British manufacturer status and has called for the formation of an...

No R-R deal says Vinson

VICKERS has issued a statem on speculation over a possi take-over deal of its Rolls-Ro' diesel engine business Shrewsbury....

IH improving

TWO AMERICAN truck manul turers which have both beer serious financial difficulty h. recently shown signs of rec ery. Neither...

Page 11

Tacho speed row Manchester on

the warpath rHE USE of a tachograph chart 3) prove that a vehicle belongng to Gateway Plant operating Alder a Special Types...

Freight News

GREATER Manchester transport strategy committee is proposing to ban the indiscriminate parking of heavy lorries. Under the...

Off your marks

DRIVERS of vehicles first registered before September 1974 and which have been off the road since then will lose their...

Kenning extends range

KENNING VAN Hire has introduced six new models and various skip loaders to its range of self-drive lorries and vans. The first...

Western for Nestle

WESTERN BRS has taken over Nestle's Chandler's Ford distribution centre in Hampshire as part of a five-year distribution...

Hgv at PO

HEAVY GOODS vehicles will be able to be relicensed at post offices again from October 1, following the completion of a...

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Freight News

Atlas takes the tomorrow trip ATLAS EXPRESS is the latest parcels carrier to enter the nextday delivery market, and hopes to...

Abels expands

EAST ANGLIAN removal company Abels of Watton is spending £300,000 on a 17,000 sqft expansion of its premises in Huntingdon,...

Byte a lottabottle

A FLEET of 2,000 Express Dairies milk floats will have their costs monitored by a Freight Computer Services Microdrive fleet...

New rules for young drivers

THE NEW RULES to cover the young trainee heavy goods vehicle drivers are to come into effect next month, the Depart. ment of...

Explosive regulations

REGULATIONS updating the method of classifying the labelling of explosives will come into effect on November 1. The...

Have you seen this MAN?

IF YOU SEE a brand new MAN 16,280 tractive unit on the road, it might just be worth a second look as one was stolen last week...

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11/1-signs 'dangerous v A rb cytaaye

THE SAFETY RECORD on Britain's motorways will deteriorate unless better emergency warning signs are provided, says the Royal...

Latest info

CRONER PUBLICATIONS of New Malden, Surrey has published its summer catalogue listing over 20 titles offering the latest...

M1 lane flow

THE MI in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire is now free of contra-fiwo traffic. However, a 4krn (2.5 mile) long...

Freight News

MOVEMENT for London, part of the British Road Federation, has criticised protesters in North London who are claiming that the...

Parking ban hits lorries

A SUMMER parking ban in a Northumberland village has lef1 lorry drivers without the use of e car park. The move has been made...

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New Perkins md

JOHN DEVANEY is the new managing director of Perkins Engines. Before this appointment, he was the company's director of sales...

Manpower Move!

TIP TRAILER RENTAL'S European commercial manager is DAVID HOLGATE, who has been UK operations manager since 1980. He has been...

Goulborn to Carpet Express

A FORMER TNT courier servio executive has moved to Carpe Express, the Lex Specialis Transport carpet delivery corn pany. • Bob...

Frewer for Wealden

LONDON coach operator Wealden Motor Services has made Michael Frewer its operations director. He takes over on October. Mr...

Obituaries: Ray Gavin and Lord Wakefieli

of Ray Gavin at 36 and Li Mr Gavin was area sales manager with Transport International Pool (TIP) at Felixstowe, where he...

Page 16

Computer fuellin

VERSATILE new management iol has been introduced by Je!monitoring Systems of New lalden, Surrey, which is ?signed to give fleet...

Chubb A-Tact to Oman

Modifications required to the gndard Protector included a !ick-fit and detachable trailing de complete with air ispension fed...

Steel step

QUINTON HAZELL engineers in conjunction with their St Wel counterparts has designed a steel step which, when fitted to the QH...

Kooi piggy-backs

FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE group Midland Shires Farmers has just taken delivery of the first two Kooi-Aap piggy-back forklifts to be...

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Cheap weighbridg

ALL MANUFACTURERS taking part in CM's round-Britain Economy Run were weighed in at the start by Colindale Equipment's new...

Technical New

Moto Master e boxvan by Coo from Cornwall A MOTO MASTER boxvan h been assembled by Corni body builder Howard M. Coon...

Wilcox for Dalgety

new animal-feed carriers b The two Foden S10 sleeper cab eight-wheelers are equipped with Gardner 6LXCT turbocharged engines...

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Cummins L10 modified

UMMINS has signed a two-year contract with the Hungarian tradig organisation, Mogurt to modify its 110 134-216kW (180-290bhp)...

New Bova

MONG the coaches making its abut at CM Coachfair '83 will the new Bova Europa Three xhibited by the Moseley Group f...

City talk this summer

PUBLIC TRANSPORT in cities is among the main subjects for discussion at this year's Association of Metropolitan Authorities...

Dennis roadshow dates

HESTAIR DENNIS is to hold a further four drive-in days for coach operators as part of its promotion for its new Dorchester...

New alternator

BUTEC ELECTRICS has developed a new high-output alternator specifically to meet the demand for higher electrical loading in...

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yes and no Clayton Jones bounces back CLAYTON JONES Coach Tour: WESTERN SMT has withdrawn its objections to the use of two...

Rotary deal

MIDLAND RED EXPRESS has won the contract to carry between 17,000 and 20,000 visitors to the 75th Rotary International...

Night rides

LOTHIAN Region Transport's night bus services in Edinburgh are to be recast, and for the first time there will be regular...

Passenger News

has applied to the South Wale: Traffic Commissioners for row service licences to run three cir cular bus services in the Taff...

Page 20

°MT'I j CP

'Save London's transport' YOU ARE NO doubt well aware that the Government has recently published its proposals for a new...

Avro-divided we fall?

ISN'T it about time that members of the National Committee and ex-members stopped this slanging match of words and got together...

Economy run — Danke schon

I always look forward to reading your leader. I agree with you that the industry must show people its services instead of only...

likook Reviews

200 evocative vintage photos AFTER Vintage Lorry Albums 1 and 2 comes Album 3 (Frederick Warne; £7.95) — another one likely to...

Back-up and guide to 19 British ports

PORTS '83, this year's edition of ABP's guide to its 19 ports, gives comprehensive information on ABP's ports of Hull, Grimsby,...

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• Three men in a bout with the 38-tonne limit

Ice you have taken the , cision to move up to 38 nnes and decided that 6x2 iits are the best solution ere are still plenty of...

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From the i=7 I h c MWEBD MITO1

IV THAT 38-tonne outfits are Baring with increasing reguy on the roads of Britain it is sible to sit back and take k of the...

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Pensions for operators

Pensions are something of which everyone should have a clear understanding. John C. Vann looks at some of the schemes...

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38 tonnes can the operator really benefit?

GOVERNMENT arid others still to prove their arguts that road damage is ed by heavy lorries. This the theme in the environtal...

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mpung dogs cause trouble

PRICE of industrial peace is eance of cheating. This is the • conclusion I can reach after ling about the Swindon )ry where a...

.eat train drain ross the Channel?

tHOUGH as Transport .:retary David Howell was used of being anti-rail, there lo evidence of road transport is in his campaign...

They do like to be beside the seaside

SOME OF THE credit, if that's what it is, for the spurt that TVam is putting on in the race against BBC Breakfast Television...

A short haul but it's an economical one

THE PRICE of dery may be high but this is ridiculous. Not content with tossing round beer barrels or bending iron bars over his...

The world doesn't owe them a living

TO BUY a foreign car instead of a well-designed, well-finished British model was an act of betrayal of tens of thousands of...

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The show on the road

RECISELY 09.30 on Monday, 18, David Eckles, publishing 3tor of CM, flagged off a ford E290 on the premier leg le first CM...

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What the tachos sa

THE 38-TONNE run was E qualified success but was on men and machines. When it was all over th team got down to compilir...

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Are fleet engineers on the road to Damascus?

EARLIER in the year before the introduction of heavier maximum weights Tim Blakemore and I met four fleet engineers...

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For driving efficiency it's comfort that counts

I ARRIVED early on Sunday in hot sunshine at the familiar surroundings of the NEC S2 Car Park, Birmingham, wondering how...

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7iXC Th010:it by Preceptor Suspension, 9 IN RECENT YEARS rubber has been increasingly popular as a spring material,...

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flammation chnology

RISK of dermatitis and other complaints is a very real in workshops which are still ig potentially dangerous rents for...

Accurate sound levels

HEALTH and Safety at work legislation and the likely future need to monitor vehicle noise emissions will require sound level...

Multi-purpose screwdriver

HANDTOOLS, and screwdrivers in particular, are a costly item these days and they have a tendency to go missing. Now Britool has...

Low-cost tachometer

DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY for diesel engines, Graham & White has introduced what it describes as a low-cost tachometer. Completely...