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26th February 1983
26th February 1983
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Page 1, 26th February 1983

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All for one and one for all

IN PRESENT TRADING conditions it appears, at first sight, that company pay agreements rather than area agreements make sense....

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RHA urges Tebbit to close MOTEC

WAR OF WORDS between the Road Haulage Association and Road Transport Industry Training Board has broken out again, 1 the RHA...

Seddon's £3m

SEDDON ATKINSON'S date with destiny has been staved off by a £3m lifeline from International Harvester, its ailing United...

New Karrier HQ

KARRIER MOTORS is opening a new parts headquarters and distribution centre in Birmingham. The move is one of the last in a...

Fit those sideguards

THE DEPARTMENT of Transport is reminding operators that they must fit sideguards to all vehicles being operated at gross...

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Miss no changes

THE FREIGHT Transport Association will need to step up its campaign for the abolition of tolls on bridges and tunnels if it is...

EEC nips the Japs

JAPAN HAS agreed to "moderate" exports to the EEC of small vans and forklift trucks as part of a trade deal reached with the...

Dim-dip repne

MOTOR VEHICLE manufactu reluctant to comply with recommendations on dipi beam adjustment devices I won a reprieve from European...

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Chalker says no

WN-LICENSING seems unlikely to come about on May 1 and les that run at less than the plated weight will still have to pay same...

Hours fines

VERS' HOURS and records onces cost Heywood Haulier :harlson and Sons (Haulage) a director of the company I three of its drivers...

Derbyshire bridge boycott

THE LIKELIHOOD of Derbyshire County Council imposing some 32.5-tonne weight restrictions on bridges has been increased by a...

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AacBrayne blasted New sick pay

legislation TTISH West Coast ferry company Caledonian MacBrayne has blasted by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission for ig to...

Cork-Wales ro-ro rolls

A WELSH shipping company plans to start a three-times-weekly roro freight link between Wales and Cork on February 27. The...

THREE NEW publications and a computer program covering the new

legislation for Statutory Sick Pay are now available from Croner Publications and Answer Publishing. SSP, which starts on...

Page 12

French haulier's entente cordiale

ONE of the best known hauliers in France — Transports Le Ca!vex, Brest — would like to find a compatible English partner....

W. Germany suffering

INCREASED competition from West German operators on the international road transport market is likely this year as hauliers...

Cheap computer system

BOLTON-BASED Shaw Computer Systems has introduced computer-based package designed to provide fleet data for as little as £25...

Belfast road

THE FUTURE of Belfast's c harbour bridges will be viewed when current motoi developments in the city complete. This emerged...

TNT gets PA award

TNT OVERNITE, the UK exr parcels delivery service br of TNT, was presented witl PA Management Award for keting Success for...

Tax change!

MAJOR INCOME tax chili will affect many company drivers this year To explain new system the Freight Tr port Association has...

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FA opposes ban

ROPOSED LORRY restriction diverting lorry traffic around the r Fell area of Gateshead upon Tyne would pose serious man oeurig...

TNT's courier service

TNT SKYPACK is the latest offering from Thomas Nationwide Transport. It gives its customers a complete range of international...

B&R courted

IN ADDMON to the charges being brought against B and R Transport by the Health and Safety Executive (CM February 19), the...

Show off

THE 1983 International Materials Handling Exhibition scheduled to take place at London's Earls Court at the end of April has...

New services

A NEW SERVICE area has been opened at Heston on the westbound carrigeway of the M4 between Junctions 2 and 3. Granada Motorway...

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Dealer converts Metro into van

AUSTIN-ROVER dealer Wicliffe Motor Company, of Gloucester and Stroud, has come up with a new van version of the Austin Metro,...

Light MAN

A PAYLOAD of 6.45 tonnes been achieved by fitting a 1 rence David Trac-cess LX Ii weight curtainsider body, w calculated weight...

Load protectii

THE CARGO LINER, a sin piece, high-impact resist ABS plastic moulding manu tured by Addatrim of Bi Knoll, Somerset, contoured...

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McLellan to BRS

STERN British Road Services made John McLellan asant manager of its Bridgend nch. le joined the company four irs ago as a...

RHA election results

ELECTIONS IN the Midlands District of the Road Haulage Association have resulted in the following new officers: Midlands...

Ex-NFC director still missing

A FORMER National Freight director has been missing for seven weeks, according to Northamptonshire Police. Jack Sieve, who was...

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Unsteered third for Scania's 6x2

SCANIA has joined the ranks of manufacturers offering a 6x2 tractive unit for 38-tonnes gross but, unlike its competitors'...

. . . and it shapes up like this

SCANIA provided CM with two of the new 38-tonne combinations last week, writes BILL BROCK. Both tractive units were sleeper...

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Brake change

BRAKING regulations have been amended to allow trailers over 750kg (14.8cwt) gross weight to remain unbraked until October 1,...

Edbro equips Cargos

THE FIRST two Ford Cargos to be equipped with welded aluminium bodies by Edbro of Bolton have been sold to Norwich builder R....

Leicester's twin lifts

LEICESTERSHIRE County Council tandem to speed up maintenance The lifts can be operated separately allowing work to two...

ETA course

A SIX-DAY engineering manage7 ment course is being run in April at the Freight Transport Association's Wadhurst training centre...

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Coaches for NBC

MORE THAN half of the vehicles ordered by Nati , Bus this year will be coac and there are no Ley1; Nationals for the first time...

Citybus gets rolling

It is spending £340,000 to velop a production line for dethe Citybus underfloor-engined derframe which uses B1 coach units....

Volvo artic gets chopped

VOLVO's plans to sell articulated B1OM coaches in Britain have finally been laid to rest, and the vehicles have been converted...

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Safeguard rural services says BCC

SS-SUBSIDY should be retained to help protect rural bus serI, the Bus and Coach Council claimed this week. says this in The...

Wahl sells M-B 0303s

WAHL COACHES of London will supply new British specification Mercedes-Benz 0303 integral luxury coaches to suit operator...

leeperis new colours

V LIVERIES for coaches rated by National Bus Corny subsidiaries on both local National coach routes are introduced. n local...

Dover delays

PING TO road works at Dover ;ks, coaches and light vans re been diverted off the A2 pass at Guston roundabout !through Dover...

Fleet cut

SMITHS LUXURY Coaches of Reading has had its licence curtailed from 42 vehicles to 38 for a three-month period starting on...

Bennett begins

BENNETTS of Kilwinning's commuter express service between Glasgow and Largs starts on Monday next week, with three return...

Glasgow garage set-to

IINTENANCE workers at Strathclyde PTE have fired a warning )t across councillors' bows by saying they will oppose any decin to...

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Sonesson's sale of SAB shares

I WISH to advise you that I am deeply concerned and disappointed by the unfortunate mis-use of words used heading a report (CM...

Datapost highspeed charges

MAY I MAKE it clear to your readers that charges for Datapost, the Royal Mail's highspeed courier delivery service for urgent...

Convert railways into roads

I WAS INTERESTED in Mr Reg Parker's views (CMJanuary 29) and hope that there will be intelligent debate on the various Serpell...

Beavering for old CMs down under

BEING in the motor trade here in Ireland, it is my pleasure in informing you that I am a regular reader of your magazine. I...

Ford Transit 4x4 supply

IN CM February 12, on page V under the heading "Blow For Ford", you imply that the unfortunate circumstances presently...

You can trust the Preceptor

I AM WRITING to express our delight at reading Les Oldridgc article (CMJanuary 15) on clutches. It was refreshing to find that...

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Air-cooled in Athens

CURRENTLY under threat of closure — as part of rationalisation plans for lveco psv production — the Mainz plant of...

Life class for motorists

MOST PRIVATE motorists have very little idea of what it is like to be behind the wheel of a heavy vehicle and to control artic...

Making life easier for OMOs

OMO lone-man operator) drivers will not bother to check tickets or travel passes if it requires any real effort. This is one of...

Mapping fog

IF FOG can spring a sudden nasty surprise almost anywhere during the winter, there are some sections of roads in practically...

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VW meets the six cylinder engine demanc

The LT van range h, been boosted by some radical modifications. Brya Jarvis evaluates th move VOLKSWAGENWERK AG has traduced...

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Warrior's memorial for war on thugs

IT IS A crushing indictment of post-war society that a memorial to the man who led the war against the rule of Fascist thugs...

Why didn't he sign his name?

WHY, OH WHY did I ask "Successful Transport Business Man" (January 29) to supply his name and address for the 1,000word...

50 years of IT in music

HAVING DIRECTLY or indirectly influenced at least two noted composers, London Transport is to celebrate its golden jubilee...

How can they be so stupid?

SOMEONE suggested on radio — and I agree — that nobody who does not know how to use the apostrophe should be allowed to vote. I...

Pupils fly the flag for safety

CHILDREN at Staplehurst Primary School in Kent are showing their betters a thing i two about road safety. One of the pupils...

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The speedy

THE PAST two years since the launch of the GPR range have seen a marked increase in the number of specifications that Scania...

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Who needs the RHA1

... A question often asked by owner-driver and one that Alan Millar puts to the organisation. All hire or reward operators,...

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No frills, but stil great value for monei

A Duple Dominant Ill body on a Leyland Tiger chassis has been the choice of the Scottish Bus Group on its EdinburghLondon route...

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One weigh to take a load off your mind

The maximum fine for an overloading offence — axle or gross — is to more than double in a few weeks. With this in mind David...

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ntrolling engine nperature 3

1E LAST article the waxthermostat was described. 3ther variety, in common is the bellows type :rated in Figure 1, which ts its...

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ressure cleaners for ny job

IE NEED to keep vehicle assis and bodywork clean — iter workers permitting — is important one for operators. a-DTp test...

Wiper arms for every vehicle

TO CUT out the need for operators to stock a multitude of different wiper arms and blades to suit differing vehicles, Tex has...

An end to fuel waxing

ALTHOUGH up till now the weather has been kind to us, there's still plenty of time for a cold snap. And last year's snow and...

Cancelling out the moving finger

IDEAL FOR COACH operators or indeed any transport company which has a problem with scribbling on its vehicles or buildings is a...